This treatment is offered by Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND
Neural therapy was developed in the 1920’s by two German Brothers: Ferdinand and Walter Huneke. While relatively unheard of in North America, it is a treatment that is widely used in Europe (ie, it is taught in German medical schools) and South America to treat a wide variety of health conditions.
Neural therapy is a simple, safe injection therapy which balances the central nervous system (CNS); specifically the autonomic nervous system. The CNS controls the entire body and disturbances of it can affect all other bodily systems. These body systems include: breathing, heart rate, body temperature, circulation, digestion, lymphatic and every other bodily function. The CNS can become impaired due to blockages or interference fields caused by scars, sites of injury, infection, emotional distress and toxicity. The stress placed on the nervous system by interference fields can compromise almost any body system; therefore, the goal of Neural therapy is to neutralize disturbance fields in the CNS.
When a cluster of neurons is damaged due to injury, scar tissue may cause the neurons to join together or heal improperly leading to reduced transduction, pooling of toxins, infection and an overall decreased function of the CNS. In addition, when the body repairs an injury it uses collagen, which is less elastic than normal tissue. During tissue repair and scar formation, the collagen can attach to sliding structures, such as muscles and tendons, which limit the range of motion of these structures. Scar tissue also impedes normal physiological exchanges between tissue that it connects such as blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. When nerves are severed during an injury or surgery, scar tissue forms which can cause constant pain signals to fire from the severed neuron when the scar is irritated. This leads to a phenomenon called an interference field whereby a damaged and/or improperly repaired neuron may cause symptoms in distant and often unrelated areas of the body.
Neural therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions. An injection of local anesthetic (procaine or lidocaine), vitamins, chelating agents and various homeopathics (that are specific to the tissue being healed) are administered into scar tissue, acupuncture points, muscle trigger points, nerve points, glands or an autonomic ganglion. First, the injection numbs the area and then it normalizes the membrane potential of surrounding neurons causing neurons to revert to their pre-injury state. Normal tissue has a charge of 80mv; whereas, scar tissue can have a charge as high as 1.5v. This can lead to scar tissue being up to 5x more conductive than regular tissue creating an interference field that disrupts the CNS causing pain in other areas of the body. Neural therapy re-polarizes the neuron causing it to revert to a normal polarization and stops the neuron from incorrectly firing leading to a complete alleviation of pain. In addition, neural therapy promotes microcirculation and lymphatic drainage which will increase healing. This sudden cessation of pain or “lightning reaction” is a therapeutic effect called “Huneke’s Sudden Phenomena” and is what Neural therapy is famous for. The aponeurotomy effect of the needle puncturing the scar can free surrounding tissue, especially the fascia, from the scar tissue leading to alleviation of chronic pain.
A prime example of how interference fields work can be seen in those who have an appendectomy scar. The “Fascial Continuity Theory” shows us that an appendectomy scar pulls on abdominal muscles, which are connected to back muscles which in turn are connected to the ligaments of the sacroiliac joint. Therefore, those with an appendectomy scar can have back pain. When neural therapy is used on the appendectomy scar many people have seen their back pain completely disappear. Any past invasive procedure, such as dental work, can cause an interference field and often overlooked injuries in the past may be the cause of chronic pain.
What Conditions Can Be Treated With Neural Therapy?
- Any symptoms from surgery, infection, or physical injury
- Most forms of chronic pain and chronic tissue disorders
- Joint and muscle pain, Sports Injuries
- Headaches, Whiplash, Depression
- Neuralgia
- Arthritis
- Skin Diseases, Allergies
- … and many others!
For Women Neural Therapy Has Been Used to Treat:
- Bilateral hip pain that has been unresponsive to treatment in the past and gets worse with menstrual cycles
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic pain
- Any menstrual issues (heavy flow, excessive pain, etc.)
- Infertility of unknown origin
- Adhesions from the scars of hysterectomies and c-sections
How Are Patients Diagnosed?
There are two ways in which interference fields are found:
The first is to take a detailed history of the patient’s complaint looking if there was an injury, surgery or illness preceding the onset of symptoms. This can be a lengthy process as some problems may trace back to injuries from childhood. The body responds to injury and illness with an “alarm reaction”. The autonomic nervous system controls circulation in the body and when there is illness or injury it changes circulation to the affected area of the body. Interference fields occur when normal circulation is not restored after the illness or injury is healed.
The second method is by palpitating scars to see if there is a change in the patients muscle strength. All tissue generates electricity which in turn generates an electromagnetic field. Tissue that has inadequate circulation, such as tissue affected by an interference field, will have a weaker electromagnetic field. This field can be boosted temporarily by the touch of another individual which causes muscles around the area to become weaker. Therefore; by palpitating specific spots and testing muscle strength a physician can locate interference fields.
Are There Any Risks Associated With Neural Therapy?
Neural therapy is very safe and effective in the hands of a trained medical professional and there is almost no risk of complications from injections when performed properly. Virtually no one is allergic to procaine and lidocaine; however, if an individual is, saline can be used in place of the anesthetic. There may be some pain when the anesthetic is injected which can last for a few hours to a few days, but this can be remedied with an ice pack. The pain will vary depending on what structure is being injected (nerve, trigger point, muscle, and/or tendon) and the depth of the injection. There may also be some bruising around the sites of injection. When the interference field is healed there may be a release of metabolites, including toxins, which have accumulated in the area. This detoxification can cause fatigue, headaches and achiness. However, these effects can be mitigated with adequate water, rest and vitamin C.
How Fast Are Results?
During their first visit some patients observe the “lightning reaction” that the Huneke brothers described with pain being instantly relieved. However, more than likely there will be a partial improvement after your first treatment with your initial symptoms returning after a couple days. Recovery is a gradual process that may involve other modalities of medicine. It usually requires 3-6 treatments to fully recover from a chronic pain condition.
Will The Results Last?
In time and after a proper course of treatment, Neural Therapy results are permanent. Neural therapy re-establishes the polarization of the neuron returning it to its original state which translates to a return to your once healthy state. The key to recovery is to continue with the protocol and see the course of injections through to completion.