Target Your Triglycerides

Triglycerides are a necessary form of fat found in the blood. They’re required as an energy storage and transport molecule, but can lead to cardiovascular problems if they are in excess. This means anything over the normal range of 0-1.70 mmol/L can be damaging your heart and blood vessels, leading to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Why are they high? Several factors can contribute to elevated levels including genetics, certain conditions like diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and kidney disease, but the most common reason for high triglycerides is having a less-than-ideal diet. While you might require medications to reduce triglyceride levels, diet is also one of the most effective treatments. As an added benefit, following dietary recommendations for high triglyceride levels with benefit your overall health.

Reduce Intake of Refined Carbohydrates

Consuming carbohydrates, particularly ones that quickly elevate blood sugar levels, serve as the biggest indicator of triglyceride levels in the blood, according to Dr. Andrew Weil, a physician and integrative medicine expert. These foods cause the pancreas to release large amounts of insulin, which can contribute to excess production of triglycerides and storage of glucose as fat. It is strongly recommended to cut back on carbohydrates that lead to blood sugar spikes. For a list of foods to avoid, see below.

Watch General Carbohydrate Intake

While the aforementioned refined carbohydrates prove the most problematic, you must generally watch your intake of all carbohydrates, particularly starchy foods, according to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Starchy carbohydrates include breads, pastas, potatoes, corn and peas. If you have high triglyceride levels, aim for low carbohydrate vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, onions, tomatoes, beets, asparagus, cucumbers, and cabbage, to name a few.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Put simply, alcohol elevates triglyceride levels. Weil notes that beer might be the worst culprit. If you cannot fully eliminate it, cut back as much as possible. He notes that even small amounts can negatively impact levels.

Reduce Saturated and Trans Fat

Reduce these as much as possible. Foods rich in saturated fat include full fat dairy, red meat, pork, duck and chicken and turkey with the skin on. You will find trans fats in fried foods, fast food, shortening, margarine, donuts and many commercially-prepared snack foods. Do not buy products that list partially hydrogenated oils among their ingredients.

Increase Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Just like carbohydrates, not all fats are created equal. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and trout, walnuts, flax and hemp, positively influence triglyceride levels. In lieu of eating fish, Weil recommends taking 1 to 2g of fish oil daily. However, do not use fish oil supplements if you take blood-thinning medications.

Triglyceride Diet Quick Facts:

  1. Sugar and alcohol are the two dietary factors associated with high blood levels of triglycerides.
  2. Milk contains a natural sugar called lactose. For adults wanting to control their triglyceride level, milk consumption should be limited to two cups (16 ounces) per day.
  3. Fruits contain natural sugars, and a maximum daily intake of three one-half cup portions of unsweetened fruit and fruit juice is recommended.
  4. Whole grain breads, cereals, crisp breads and homemade, sugar free cookies are recommended in place of similar refined products.
  5. It is essential to achieve and maintain ideal body weight. Triglyceride levels will increase if weight is gained.
  6. Avoid a large evening meal. Three well-spaced meals, each containing approximately the same nutrient value are recommended. Snacks may be necessary


  • Alcoholic beverages, beer, wine
  • Candy, chewing gum, carbonated beverages
  • Commercial cookies, cakes, pies, chocolate syrup
  • Dehydrated starchy snacks (pretzels, chips, etc.)
  • Dried Fruits, sweetened, canned fruit, sweetened gelatin desserts, granola
  • Honey, molasses, golden syrup, treacle, ice cream, ice milk, sherbet


Unsweetened or water packed fruits, unsweetened carbonated beverages (sparkling mineral water), jams, jellies, gelatin desserts.

Target Your Triglycerides

With a few months of concentrating on your food and beverage intake, you can make large shifts in your triglyceride levels and reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and its related conditions. This can mean one less medication, one less heart attack, more years of healthy living, all with some simple but important diet changes.


  • Too High?
  • Palo Alto Medical Foundation: Dietary Guidelines for Reducing Triglycerides
  • org Triglyceride diet

Read more:

The Skinny on Cholesterol…and How to Fix It – part 2

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on cholesterol: how to understand your levels, and more importantly, how to fix them if they’re troublesome. Part 1 introduced some lifestyle and diet modifications that are helpful for managing high levelsPart 3 sheds some light on cholesterol’s shady past. 

But some people feel that changing your diet can be tough. Below is an easy-to-use reference chart of foods to include (and recommended servings) and foods to avoid, as well as a complete one-week diet plan for reducing harmful cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol-managing reference guide

Foods Allowed Amount Foods to Avoid
Soy milk*, nut milk, rice milk*ensure organic and non-GMO 2 cups Whole milk, half and half, table cream, whipped cream
Fish: mackerel, anchovies, salmon, herring, whitefish, tuna, shark, bass, bluefish, swordfishOther protein: tofu, tempeh, chicken, turkey 4 oz Fried/barbequed meats, pork, ham, bacon, fish canned in oil, prepared lunch meats, organ meats, liver, tripe, sweetbreads, tongue, shrimp, oysters, meat gravies, all other cheeses
Foods Allowed (continued) Amount Foods to Avoid (continued)
Eggs: whites, whole (boiled or poached) Unlimited Mayonnaise, Hollandaise sauce, other concentrated sources of egg yolks and sometimes sugar
Vegetables (fresh or frozen):   all 3+ servings Canned vegetables
Potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes 1+ servings Simple carbohydrates including:   Egg noodles, white pasta, fried potatoes, potato chips, French fries
Fruits (fresh or frozen): all 3 or more servings Canned fruits
Bread and cereal: whole wheat, rye, spelt, rice, barley, millet, oat bran, oatmeal 4 or more servings White bread, sweet rolls, donuts, pancakes, pre-sweetened cereals
Desserts: home made fruit ices and fruit whips On occasion 1-2/ week Instant pudding, commercial sherbets, ice cream, cookies, cakes, custard, peanut butter
Fats: Olive, safflower, sunflower, camelina oil, flax seed, canola oil*, almond butter, nuts and seeds (raw, unsalted)*ensure organic and non-GMO Sparingly Animal fats, deep fried foods, hydrogenated margarine, commercial salad dressings, mayonnaise
Honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses Sparingly Sugar, candy, jams, preserves
Miscellaneous: green and herbal tea, spices (especially garlic), air popped corn As needed Canned soups, commercial mixtures, TV dinners, alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, Fast foods
The following foods are high in soluble fibre: apples, apricots, bananas, kidney or pinto beans (1/3 c), lima beans (1/4 c), broccoli (3/4 c cooked), cauliflower (3/4 c raw), chick peas (1/2 c), corn (1/2 c), eggplant (1 c cooked), figs, oat bran (1/3 c dry), oatmeal (3/4 c cooked), green peas (1/3 c), potato (3/4 medium baked), prunes, zucchini (3/4 c)


One-Week Complete Diet Plan for Lowering Cholesterol

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breakfast ·  Whole grain cereal & alternative milk·  1 banana

·  Whole grain toast

·  Herbal or green tea

·  Fresh fruit salad·  Oatmeal with alternative milk

·  Herbal tea

·  Oat bran muffin·  Flaxseed oil

·  ½ grapefruit

·  Low fat yogurt with nuts, seeds & raisins

·  1 tsp honey

·  1 poached egg·  Whole grain toast

·  Orange juice or herbal tea

·  Shredded wheat with alternative milk·  1 orange

·  Low fat yogurt

·  Light honey

·  Herbal or green tea

·  Oat bran cereal·  Whole grain toast with almond butter

·  Fresh fruit

·  Herbal or green tea

·  ½ grapefruit·  3 whole grain pancakes with almond butter

·  Herbal or green tea

Lunch ·  3 oz turkey breast·  2 slices whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato

·  Fresh carrot juice

·  Fresh raw salad with olive oil dressing·  Whole grain bread

·  Fruit

·  Egg white salad on whole wheat bread· Vegetable soup with carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes

·  Fresh fruit

·  Fresh spring leaf salad with olive oil dressing·  Vegetable soup

·  Fresh fruit

·  2 tofu burgers·  Whole wheat or pita bread with lettuce and tomato ·  Tuna salad plate·  Whole grain muffin

·  Water or carrot juice

·  2 fig bars

·  Refried beans· Chopped tomato

· Chopped olives

· Shredded lettuce

·  2 taco shells

·  Fresh fruit

Snack ·  ½ c raw almonds ·  Whole grain crackers ·  ½ c raw almonds ·  Oat bran muffin·  Flaxseed oil ·  ½ c trail mix (unsalted) ·  2 c air popped popcorn ·  Oat bran muffin
Dinner ·  3 oz fillet of sole steamed with lemon·  ½ c asparagus

·  ½ c cauliflower

·  Baked potato

·  Spring water

·  Lentil casserole·  Brown rice

·  Brussel sprouts

·  Whole grain bun

·  Flaxseed oil

·  3 oz broiled salmon·  Brown rice

·  Broccoli

·  Raw carrots

·  Spring water

·  ½ c fruit sorbet

·  3 oz skinless chicken breast·  Baked potato

·  Green peas

·  Corn

·  Spring water

·  3 oz halibut·  Beans

·  Brown rice

·  Zucchini, mushrooms and onions

·  Baked apple

·  2 c cooked whole grain pasta·  1 c vegetarian spaghetti sauce

·  Green salad & olive oil

·  Oatmeal carrot cake

·  Vegetarian chili·  2 slices garlic bread

·  Green salad & olive oil dressing



The Skinny on Cholesterol…and How to Fix It – part 1

This is part 1 of a 3-part series on cholesterol. Part 2 gives a comprehensive diet plan for managing cholesterol levels. Part 3 sheds some light on cholesterol’s shady past.

The Skinny on Cholesterol

Cholesterol levels have become known as being dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, but it is also a very important substance in the human body. Cholesterol is needed for strong cell walls, as a precursor for hormone production, and as a coating around nerves.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as saying it’s healthy or not. What makes cholesterol either “good” for us or “bad” for us is the types of cholesterol we have, the amounts, and the ratios between the different types.

Cholesterol Measurements

A general rule is that, like anything else, cholesterol can create a problem when total levels (all types together) in the blood are too high; generally, high total cholesterol is defined as levels that are greater than 5.2 mmol/L (measured as 200 mg/dl in the US).

HDL cholesterol (i.e., high-density lipoprotein) is considered to be beneficial – it works to carry cholesterol away from the blood and back to the liver where it can be processed and removed from the body. Generally, more is better. Healthy ranges in the blood are considered at or above 1.0 mmol/L for men and above 1.3 mmol/L for women (above 40mg/dL and 50mg/dL, respectively in the US). HDL can be even more protective at higher levels, up to 1.6 mmol/L (60 mg/dL in the US).

LDL cholesterol (i.e., low-density lipoprotein) is generally thought to be more harmful to the body – it is one of the “bad” types that carry cholesterol into the bloodstream and can place it into the lining of the arterial walls, thereby promoting plaque formation and heart disease. Generally, less is better, although there is such a thing as going too low as well. Blood levels should generally be under 2.6 mmol/L (below 100 mg/dL in the US).

A new measurement being added to routine blood work is the non-HDL cholesterol, which measures everything that is considered cholesterol that is NOT the protective type, HDL. This is in fact a better marker for risk of heart disease than LDL alone because it takes into account other damaging types of cholesterol. These levels should be kept low, below 3.4 mmol/L (130 mg/dL in the US).

A final number that is being looked at is the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL (TC/HDL ratio) and can tell you how good your cholesterol is overall by looking at what percentage of the total amount is the good type. TC/HDL ratio numbers should be no more than 3.5 (ie. total is no more than 3.5x the protective HDL).

It may sound like alphabet soup, but the good news is that these numbers don’t have to spell heart disease for you. Nor must you take the infamous “Statin” drugs that carry their own significant risks (muscle pain and damage, liver damage, increased risk of developing diabetes, and neurological damage, and memory loss, to name a few).The best way to measure your risk of heart disease is actually with the Framingham Risk Calculator, which you can read about here.  Simple lifestyle, dietary, and supplement recommendations can make all the difference to your numbers, and to your heart.


  • Regular aerobic/moderate exercise
    • Regular exercise contributes to higher levels of HDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Yoga or qigong for relaxation and improved blood circulation
  • Minimize stress
  • Get adequate amounts of daily sunlight – a lack of sunlight has been shown to adversely affect cholesterol levels
  • Weight reduction (if appropriate)


  • Eat a high fiber, medium-fat diet
  • Reduce animal products and other sources of saturated fats if you are consuming a great deal of them– e.g., red meats, eggs, dairy products, palm oil, coconut oil. Saturated fats should be no more than 10% of the daily calorie intake. For more information about fats (the good, the not-so-bad, and the really bad), click here
  • Increase fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes
  • *Reduce sugar and salt intake
  • Calorie percentages for reducing cholesterol should be as follows:
    • 40-45% complex carbohydrates – e.g., brown rice, oats, millet, beans
    • 15-20% protein – e.g., tofu, beans, fish
    • 30-40% fat – e.g., fish, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds
  • Consider occasional short fasts
    • e.g., once a month, fast for 24 hrs on juices or 1 tbsp Spirulina and lemon water. *Consult a medical professional before beginning fasts and any kind of Spirulina supplement; these interventions can interact with medications and autoimmune diseases.

Therapeutic Foods and Supplements

  • Oat bran and brown rice bran – these are the best foods for lowering cholesterol
  • Apples, bananas, carrots, grapefruit, celery, dried beans (especially navy, pinto, and kidney beans), garlic, olive oil, and cold water fish (salmon, herring, mackerel) – these are also cholesterol-lowering foods
  • Barley, beans, flax seeds, brown rice, fruits, and oats – such foods contain water-soluble fiber, which is beneficial in reducing cholesterol
  • Ground Flax Seeds
    • Grind whole seeds in coffee grinder (cleaning grinder well each time) and add to cereal, yogurt or smoothies
    • 2 Tablespoons provides adequate fibre per day
  • Spirulina
    • Spirulina is a form of blue-green algae that is rich in beta-carotene, iron and B complex vitamins.
    • When taken on a daily basis, Spirulina has been shown to decrease cholesterol levels but can increase auto-immune conditions and cause upset stomach and potentially liver damage if used long term in high doses.
  • Raw unsalted almonds
    • Almonds are rich in the amino acid arginine which has been shown to decrease cholesterol within a four-week period. Eat 1 serving (1/4) cup daily.
  • Green tea
    • regular intake of green tea has been shown to decrease LDL and total cholesterol levels while increasing HDL
    • For maximum benefits, one should drink at least 3 cups daily of whole leaf green tea

Other beneficial foods include:

  • Omega 6 fatty acids – evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil (also contains omega 3 fatty acids), black current oil, and other vegetable/nut/seed oils
  • Liquid chlorophyll, alfalfa sprouts, buckwheat, watercress
  • Onions, beans, legumes, soy, ginger, yogurt
  • Fresh juice made with any combination of the following: carrot, beet, celery, pineapple, parsley, alfalfa, spinach, asparagus, chlorophyll and honey. Note: Carrot juice helps to flush out fat from bile in the liver and this helps to lower cholesterol.


  • Niacin
    • Niacin is well established as being effective in the treatment of high cholesterol levels – specifically, it reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides while increasing HDL
  • Guggullipid
    • Guggullipid is the standardized extract of the mukal tree (Commiphora mukal) which is native to India
    • Several clinical studies have confirmed its ability to lower both cholesterol and triglyceride levels
    • Typically, total cholesterol will drop 14-27%, LDL by 15-35%, triglycerides by 22-30%, and HDL will increase by 16-20% with 12-36 weeks of supplementation
    • The effect of guggullipid on cholesterol and triglyceride levels is comparable to that of lipid-lowering drugs but without the side-effects
    • Mechanism of action: guggullipid increases the liver’s metabolism of LDL
    • Other benefits: it has been shown to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis and aid in the reversal of atherosclerotic plaques in animals
  • Policosanol
    • Balances cholesterol levels by impacting both excessive manufacture and impaired breakdown of cholesterol levels.
    • Policosanol has been shown to reduce both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, also shown to effectively decrease cholesterol levels in tissues like the heart, liver and fatty tissue.
    • Policosanol can be used as an alternative to aspirin as an anti-platelet agent. Policosanol is also a powerful antioxidant.

You can manage your cholesterol

Cholesterol doesn’t have to be big and scary- it’s very manageable with a good naturopathic approach. See Cholesterol part 2 for a perfect sample diet plan you can follow to help move your cholesterol levels in the right direction.



  1. Textbook of Natural Medicine by Pizzorno & Murray. Churchill Livingstone: 1999;
  2. Textbook of Nutritional Medicine by Werbach. Thrid Line Press, Inc: 1999
  3. Make sense of your cholesterol tests, Harvard Health,
  4. Statin side effects; weigh the benefits and the risks, Mayo Clinic,
  5. Mediterranean diet guidelines
  6. Fats, good and bad,. Harvard,

The Skinny on Cholesterol… and How to Fix It – Part 3 (Cholesterol’s shady past)

Cholesterol’s Shady Past

Up until 2013, Medical Doctors were trained to keep an eye on risk of heart disease by monitoring cholesterol levels. The instruction was straightforward: keep total cholesterol below a certain number to be safe. At first, it was below 6.2mmol/L, then 5.2mmol/L. Doctors would use lifestyle or pharmaceutical interventions and thought it was all the same to the body. As long as the lab numbers were good, it was thought the person was protected from heart disease.

Then in 2013 a big change happened, in light of new evidence on the real impact of this medical approach. Statistical analysis showed clearly that total cholesterol didn’t matter as much as we thought. Target levels were not as protective as doctors were trained to think and, in fact, lowering cholesterol with pharmaceuticals can often be harmful in other ways that offset the benefit of using them.

2013 New York Times blog article by Harlan M. Krumholz, MD stated, “Studies over the past several years have shown that improving your lab profile with drugs is not equivalent to lowering your heart risks. Drugs have thousands of effects on the body, and a drug’s effect on an individual lab test cannot necessarily predict its overall effect on you”.

New guidelines were needed for doctors, and new goalposts had to be created for patients. What would keep patients safe, and how could doctors help them achieve it? A strong reconsideration of statins was called into order from many in the conventional and complimentary medical fields. It wasn’t a heart disease wonder cure- and their use still remains in question among many medical professionals.

New Guidelines

First, drug treatment is still recommended for people at high risk – people with lots of factors that would make it more likely for them to suffer heart disease. These factors include one or more of the following: high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyerides, high blood sugar, a smoker, first-degree family members with heart disease, little to no exercise, high stress lifestyle or job, or having had a previous heart attack. Having many of these factors is so risky for further cardiovascular issues that it is considered medically worth the tradeoff to temporarily use statins to lower risk. Of course, this decision is up to the patient, once they are fully informed of the risks involved on both sides of the equation.

But for other people with only some of these factors, new guidelines were created by breaking down heart disease risk into a range of measurements of health. New parameters were discovered to more closely represent a person’s risk of heart disease, such as high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, high non-HDL cholesterol, and other overall health measurements such as blood glucose levels, triglycerides, Hemoglobin A1c, hip:waist ratio, and others.

But if we learned anything from the former days of targeting lower cholesterol, we should not focus solely on lowering specific parameters. The best way to guide treatment is to calculate your overall cardiovascular risk using the Framingham Risk Calculator , and make decisions from there, using individualized medicine for the patient. If a person has significant risk, doctors now target their highest risk factors to reduce their chance of heart disease and stroke. Naturopathic doctors excel in individualized medicine and take into consideration the risks and benefits of all treatments, offering treatments with low adverse effects.

What’s In Your Summer BBQ? Series (part 1 of 2)

It’s the best time of the year for outdoor get-togethers. What better way to relax, have fun, connect with friends and have something to eat? But how can you get the most out of BBQs without letting your health go up in flames? This article series will break down foods commonly chosen for BBQs and offer healthier alternatives. Learn how to make healthier choices for yourself and your kids this BBQ season so you can feel good about these outdoor get-togethers.

#1: The Meat

Hot Dogs

The bad news is that the classic grocery-store hot dog wieners served at most soccer team parties and end-of-year gatherings all over North America are nearly unfit for human ingestion. Ingredients in regular hot dogs include: “pink beef slime”, antibiotics, artificial flavour, MSG, sodium erythrobate, and sodium nitrite. If you think chicken hotdogs are better, they contain many of the same ingredients and include low-grade mechanically separated chicken parts. All beef hotdogs are not 100% beef either. These are made from what is called a “meat slurry” and can include pork bits and other animal parts. Hot dogs also have a very high concentration of sodium leading to dehydration, headaches, hypertension and other health problems for kids and adults.


Hamburgers tend to be better for you than classic hotdogs, but still can hide some scarily unhealthy ingredients. Non-organic, non-grassfed beef can contain all sorts of antibiotics, hormones and steroids. If not a high-quality brand, they are also often made with “pink slime” . Fillers are used to bulk up hamburgers, and can be anything from wheat to starches and non-digestible fibers. Also, processed meats like hamburgers are notorious for having pathogens like E.coli and salmonella, and so are filled with ammonia to kill them off, while of course having negative effects on the human body as well. These negative effects include chronic gut and lung irritation, osteoporosis, and damage to the heart.

The good news is that there are alternatives to the classic processed factory BBQ meats. Higher-quality meat products are superior because they typically use real meat, and will often tell you if the animals were local and grass-fed or not. It is important to purchase grass-fed beef hamburgers because these are much less inflammatory and higher in nutrients than conventional corn- and grain-fed beef. Check that the ingredients don’t list preservatives like sodium EDTA, sodium nitrite, or erythrobate. Preservatives like these have effects like increasing asthma-related sensitivity, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and blood sugar dysregulation. Check salt and additive levels by looking at the nutritional information label.

Hamburgers are naturally high in protein and saturated fat (and that is ok!) and unless they are packed with fillers, they should be low or completely lacking in carbohydrates and sugars. One source of decent patties is Kitchen Bytes:

Veggie Burgers

Of course another option is a veggie burger! These can sometimes be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, meaning that they pretend to be healthy when they’re not, unless you know what to avoid. To start, these can contain even more sodium than meat options, and the same number of preservatives. They can also be very low in protein, so it becomes more like a carbohydrate sandwich- carbs in carbs on carbs. If there is soy used in the burger, ensure it is organic because non-organic soy processing uses hexane, which is one of the most toxic substances found in food. For an excellent guide on veggie burger choices, see

Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND makes an amazing mushroom burger that he freezes and then takes out for BBQ season.

#2: Meat charring

A very important final note about BBQs is about the carcinogenic effect of charring your meat. If you grill any meat at all at very high temperatures, it will naturally produce what are called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). HCAs are cancer-causing, period. A good rule of thumb is: if you are charring your food (ie getting that thick black crust developing from the flames), it is creating dangerous HCAs. This only applies to meats because they contain the building blocks of HCAs, whereas vegetables do not. In fact it’s important to note that grilling vegetables on an open flame is better than protecting them using aluminum foil, which can leach chemicals and metals into your food (especially if there is lemon. pineapple, or another acidic substance on your food).

Protect yourself when grilling meat by turning down the heat a touch, grilling your meats a little slower, and keeping them out of the direct flames. Always remember to scrape your grill clean in between grilling sessions to minimize leftover charring as well.

#3: The Bun

Now that we’re past the meat, the bun is the next most important ingredient. Of course buns are carbohydrates which turn to sugar in the body, but there are ways to make this a healthier carb choice than the classic white hamburger and hotdog buns. The first way is to go whole-wheat. This at least keeps some of the fiber in the bread so that it is broken down more slowly in the body, resulting in less of a bread-induced sugar high (and later, sugar crash). Include seeds and whole grains in buns to increase fiber and nutrient content even higher.

Another option is to go paleo for your BBQ and skip the bun altogether. Wrap your burger or hot dog in beautiful leafy lettuce, or eat it on top of other greens and salads. The protein and fat from the meat is what will help you feel satisfied and full for longer than you might think when you remove the bread.

Next week is the second part of this 2-part series on healthy summer barbecuing, with some of the best advice on how to really get the most out of your food and your whole summer!


  1. Pink Slime, Ingredients in Hot Dogs
  2. Hamburger fillers
  3. Negative effects of ammonia
  4. Health effects of preservatives
  5. Meat charring and carcinogenic HCAS:
  6. Aluminum foil on the grill 

Summer Grilling: Juicy & Plump Mushroom Burger Recipe

Summer is here! It’s what so many people wait for. But how do you enjoy your favourite tastes of summer without hurting your health? Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND loves to cook, and this is one of his favourite healthy summer recipes to cook up, and even make ahead and freeze to have ready for the next hot summer get-together.

Mushroom Veggie Burger Recipe

This mushroom burger recipe is adapted from “Lisa’s Mushroom Burger” from

To call it a veggie burger doesn’t do it justice. Veggie burger recipes tend to be bland and boring, but this meaty mushroom burger is anything but!

Makes 4 Large or 6 Smaller Mushroom Veggie Burgers
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

3 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2 lb mushrooms, roughly chopped (combination of crimini, shiitake, and Portobello)
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
6 cloves minced garlic
2/3 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
2 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley, or 1 tsp dried parsley flakes
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper

Heat 1 tbsp oil in large saucepan. Saute the mushrooms, onions and garlic over
medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until the liquid boils off, and the mushrooms
begin to saute.
In large bowl, add mushroom mixture to oats, Parmesan, breadcrumbs, eggs, parsley,
oregano, salt and pepper. Mix well. Allow to sit for 15 minutes to develop the flavors.
Shape into patties. Heat 2 tbsp oil in large non-stick skillet, over medium heat. Fry
patties, cooking about 5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.
Serve with your favourite burger toppings.

Look out for the Natural Terrain blog series on the definitive How-To for healthy summer BBQs!

Seven Arguments for Taking Nutritional Supplements

Original article by Dag Viljen Poleszynski, PhD, in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

One of the most vitamin-restrictive countries in the world is Norway. There, authorities limit potencies to only slightly higher than RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) levels for dietary supplements sold outside of pharmacies. The traditional reasoning is that most people receive the nutrients they need from a “balanced diet.” [1] The authorities are also obsessively concerned that some vitamins and minerals are harmful in high doses. And, since an intake of water-soluble vitamins in excess of needs is excreted in the urine, Norwegian “experts” advise that taking supplements is a waste of money. Accordingly, the argument goes, the public should be protected not only from possible harm, but also from wasting money on unnecessary nutrients. The official policies on nutritional supplements vary within OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. Some are more liberal, while others are even more restrictive.

The official view on the connection between nutrient intake and possible toxicity is illustrated by the Norwegian Food Authority in a graph. [2]

Perceived risk from intake of nutrients. (Source: Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. Safe upper limits for Vitamins and Minerals. May 2003: Food Standards Agency, UK.)

Graph 1 - Perceived risk from intake of nutrients

The graph illustrates the official view on nutrients, assuming that nutrients function in the same way as pharmaceuticals, which they do not. Supplements of most vitamins, but also minerals and other nutrients, do not have very serious side effects even when taken at very high levels – in contrast with most drugs. [3,4] The fact that most of the chemotherapeutic drugs used against cancer have none or even just marginal effects against most cancers [5], while at the same time cause a lot of serious side effects, is rarely up for discussion.

The idea that nutritional supplements are not safe has a legal underpinning in Norwegian Food Law, which in section 16 prohibits sale of any food which is not safe: “Any food shall be considered not to be safe if it is seen as detrimental to health or not fit for consumption.” [6]

However, the Norwegian authorities do admit that vitamin D supplements are needed during part of the year. [1] Only part of the year? One third of Norway is within the Arctic Circle. Norway has far too little sunshine (especially during winter months) to get adequate levels of vitamin D from UVB radiation on the skin. The authorities also recommend that pregnant women take folic acid to prevent birth defects, and omega-3-fatty acids may be advisable for those who do not eat fish regularly. Norwegians have a long tradition of giving children cod liver oil, which in a daily tablespoon provides enough vitamin A and D and essential fatty acids to cover basic needs.

Essential and conditionally essential nutrients

There are thousands of dietary supplements on the market, including 40+ essential nutrients alone and in various combinations, i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fatty acids. However, a number of other nutrients are “conditionally essential”, meaning that the body normally can make these molecules, but some people do not make optimal amounts. Examples are L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, the methyl donor betaine, [7] chondroitin sulfate, coenzyme Q10, choline, amino acids such as tyrosine or arginine, and “essential” sugars normally formed in the body. [8]

Healthy young people normally make sufficient amounts of conditionally essential molecules in the body, although the levels are not always optimal. With inadequate levels of minerals or vitamins, key enzymes in biochemical pathways may not function optimally. Due to genetic mutations, some enzymes may have increased needs for certain cofactors (vitamins), which can prevent them from functioning optimally.[9] Some enzymes only function normally when supplied with cofactors in greater amounts than normally required. If supplements of essential nutrients prove insufficient for optimal enzyme function, “conditionally essential” nutrients may be added as part of a comprehensive, therapeutic program.

Some reservations

Parents are advised to become familiar with the literature on essential nutrients, for instance by consulting the Orthomolecular News Service. Children should be given supplements in appropriate doses and in a suitable form. Pills should not be given before children can control the swallowing reflex. Multivitamin powder can be given dissolved in water or juice. Parents should not dose vitamin C so high that a child comes to school or kindergarten with loose bowels or diarrhea. In high doses, niacin may cause unpleasant side effects such as flushing and itching lasting up to several hours. [10] Although this is not dangerous, it may cause a child to feel unwell and anxious. Starting niacin supplementation with a low dose and gradually increasing it will allow the body to adapt and avoid the niacin flush. A multivitamin supplement containing moderate amounts of niacin is often adequate until a child is 8-10 years old. For younger children, the dosage should start with only a few tens of milligrams, and not increased to more than 50-100 mg/day. Adults may gradually get used to taking 1,000-1,500 mg/d divided into 3 doses per day.

When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids (omega = ω) such as EPA and DHA, children may be given cod liver oil and served fish and/or other seafood 2-3 times a week. It is important to check the dose of vitamin A supplied, as it can be toxic in high doses, especially for children. One problem with cod liver oil today is that vitamin D has been removed during processing, thus changing the natural ratio of the two vitamins so that we ingest relatively too much of vitamin A. [11]

Higher dosages may be given after having consulted a therapist who has measured the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in relevant cell membranes (red blood cells). In most industrialized countries, many people get too much of the omega-6 fatty acids, and would therefore benefit from eating more seafood or taking supplements with omega-3 fatty acids derived from organisms low in the food chain (algae, krill). Flax seeds contain a high level of the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, and freshly ground flaxseed meal or flax oil can be mixed with breakfast cereals or smoothies. Note that it may be advisable to limit eating farmed fish to once per week, since their fodder contains less omega-3 fatty acids than the food eaten by wild fish, and possibly also contains more contaminants. [12] Some researchers even warn against letting children eat too much fish because of the content of environmental toxins. [13,14]

Reasons for high-dose supplements of micronutrients

I have identified a number of arguments in favor of supplementing the modern diet with essential nutrients, here summarized with 7 headlines. Most people should consider taking a multivitamin supplement containing vitamins and minerals even if they eat a nutritionally balanced diet. Additional nutrients may contribute to better health and, in some cases, can be of vital importance in our modern world. The arguments are presented in random order, i.e. the order does not reflect priority.

1. The agricultural revolution has reduced food quality

The transition from an existence as hunter and gatherers to urban agriculture around 10,000 years ago began an epoch when foods were mass-produced but had lower nutritional density, compared with the previous food eaten by our ancestors. The nutritional density in many foods has fallen significantly since human societies transformed from hunter-gatherers into resident farmers. This is especially true in the last 60-70 years after agriculture was changed from small, versatile ecologically driven family farms to large, chemical-based, industrial agriculture. [15] The reduction of nutritional content in modern crops, compared with older varieties, is well documented. [16] It is a consequence of soil erosion, loss of essential minerals from continual heavy use, combined with breeding of new varieties, which has increased the size and growth rate of plants by increasing the content of sugar and water and decreasing their mineral content compared to ancient species. At the same time, the relative content of other macronutrients (fat, protein/amino acids) and antioxidants may have been reduced.

Reduced nutritional density in many foods, combined with the use of refined “foods” like sugar, white flour and refined oils, places a greater priority on eating the most nutritious foods. Farm produce grown organically generally has higher levels of essential nutrients such as trace minerals because the soil contains higher levels of trace minerals and the produce grows slower and thus has more time to absorb nutrients from the soil. Examples of nutrient dense foods are sardines, wild salmon, shellfish, eggs, liver, kale, collards and spinach, sea plants (seaweed), garlic, blueberries, and dark chocolate. [17]

2. Nutritional content of food varies with geographical location

Nutritional density varies considerably geographically between different regions, even with the same agricultural methods. This was documented in the United States in 1948 by a researcher at Rutgers University in the so-called Firman Bear report. [18] At that time agriculture was little mechanized, and artificial fertilizers and pesticides were hardly used. The analysis found large differences in the content of minerals in the same food. The largest variations were found for potassium, sodium, boron and iron in spinach, while the greatest differences in calcium, magnesium and copper content were found in tomatoes.

The soil in areas with relatively low rainfall may in some cases contain an extremely high concentration of minerals, which is reflected in the plants growing there. This was well documented 70 years ago in the book Tomorrow’s Food. [19] The Dentist George W. Heard found that the soil in Hereford, Texas, was exceptionally rich in minerals.[20] Hereford became known as the “town without a toothache” after a newspaper article from January 29, 1942, reported that Hereford had the lowest incidence of tooth decay of any city in the United States. [21] Heard found that people in Hereford had exceptionally few dental cavities and also that the soil locally was especially rich in minerals. He emphasized that the population in the county ate unprocessed food and was drinking raw milk. [19]

Recent research shows that differences in the content of the selenium in the soil can cause major differences in the concentration of selenium in meat. [22] For instance, since the soil in Finland is poor in selenium, the authorities decided in the early 1980s to add selenate to commercial fertilizers. A survey of selenium status among 108 healthy young people showed an increase in the blood selenium level of about 50 percent after four years. [23]

A similar problem with the level of minerals in the soil exists for the content of magnesium. Often when the soil gets depleted of magnesium from heavy use, this essential mineral is not included in soil amendment with fertilizers. Produce grown in soil with an adequate level of magnesium will contain more magnesium than produce grown in soil deficient in magnesium. Perhaps as many as 70-80% of the US population is magnesium-deficient, which causes many health problems. [24] Magnesium supplements (chloride, malate or citrate) can provide an adequate level when vegetables grown in soil with adequate magnesium are not available.

3. Stress and the modern lifestyle increase the need for nutrients

Mental stress increases the excretion and hence the need for many nutrients. Among the most important are magnesium and vitamin C, both of which are used by the body in larger quantities during periods of physical and mental stress. [24,25] Compared with our past as hunters and gatherers, today´s stress is often of a more permanent nature. Instead of experiencing occasional situations where we had to fight or flee, many of us live with recurring stress day in and out.

Vitamin C protects the brain and nervous system from damage caused by stress because the synthesis and maintenance of chemical neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and noradrenaline requires adequate levels of vitamin C. [25] Vitamin C is also needed to repair collagen which is essential for skin, blood vessels, bones and joints, and muscles. When these are damaged by physical stress, extra vitamin C is necessary. A controlled trial of 91 adults who experienced increased anxiety and stress 2-3 months after an earthquake in New Zealand in 2011 was divided into three groups, two were given a broad spectrum supplement of micronutrients in low or higher doses. [26] The supplements were found to alleviate the experience of stress, with the biggest dose having the biggest effect.

Our sedate, modern lifestyle reduces the need for energy from food, which implies a lower food intake or obesity. Loren Cordain, PhD, and coworkers have estimated that hunter-gatherers had significantly higher energy needs than the typical modern office worker. [27] A lower energy intake generally reduces the absolute intake of all nutrients, while the need for some nutrients is not always reduced proportionally with energy intake. Overall this suggests that more exercise along with a more nutritious diet, including supplements of essential nutrients and less carbohydrates, will help to prevent obesity and maintain health.

Processing of food reduces its nutritional content, and the finished products are often based on fractions of the original foods. One example is milling grain to make white flour, [1] which has a lower nutritional density than whole grain flour. The reduction in nutritional value has accelerated since whole foods are now divided into pieces, for example, boneless chicken breast. When meat is injected with saline to increase the volume, the relative level of essential nutrients is reduced. In the United States, many supermarkets in low-income rural and inner city areas have a limited selection of nutrient-dense foods, compared with high-income areas. [28]

4. Environmental pollutants increase the need for nutrients

The need for efficient detoxification and excretion is greatly increased by environmental pollution from the chemical industry, herbicides and pesticides used by industrial agriculture, antibiotic treatment of animals, transport, and plastic packaging. [29] In our polluted world, the increased toxic load may be compensated for by an increase in nutrients to promote detoxification. One can respond by taking large doses of supplements of essential nutrients, for example, antioxidants vitamin C and E, and an adequate dose of selenium, which help the body detoxify harmful chemicals. Also helpful is regularly taking sauna baths, fasting periodically, and eating an excellent diet that includes generous portions of dark green leafy vegetables and colorful vegetables and fruits. [30]

A recent study predicts that global warming may reduce the nutrient density in many foods worldwide. [31] Atmospheric CO2 is estimated to surpass 550 ppm in the next 30-80 years, leading to larger crops with lower content of protein, iron and zinc per energy unit. Assuming that diets remain constant, while excluding other climate impacts on food production, the researchers estimated that elevated CO2 could cause an additional 175 million people to be zinc deficient and an additional 122 million people to be protein deficient in 2050. Anemia would increase significantly if crops lose even a small amount of iron. The highest risk regions – South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East – are especially vulnerable, since they do not have the means and access to compensate using nutritional supplements.

5. The RDA for essential nutrients is too low

The recommended nutrient reference intake (NRI) has been defined by UK authorities and the EU Food Safety Agency as the dose that is adequate for 95 percent of the population. [32] These authorities have given recommendations for a total of 41 chemical substances, [33] including 13 vitamins, 17 minerals/trace elements, 9 amino acids and two fatty acids. The problem with such guidelines is that when using the same 0.95 fraction for just 16 of the essential nutrients, the fraction of the overall population that has their needs met with the RDA is less than half (0.9516 = 0.44). Given the above assumption, the proportion of the population having all nutrient needs met falls below 25 percent for 30 nutrients (0.9530 = 0.21). These 25 percent will not necessarily get optimal amounts, just enough so that they probably will have no deficiencies in accordance with established standards. Each individual is different and has different biochemical needs, so we all need different doses of essential nutrients. Many vitamins and minerals can give additional benefit when taken at higher doses.

The need for several essential nutrients increases with age and sickness. This applies, for example, to vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, and iron. In 2017 the Norwegian Food Safety Authority proposed to revise the official maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in dietary supplements. [34] Their proposal introduced four different age categories with separate maximum intakes. Initially, the agencies proposed to revise the daily doses allowed in dietary supplements for folic acid, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and D. At the same time, maximum rates were temporarily suspended for vitamins A, E, K, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenate (B5), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamine (B12), biotin, and for phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium, fluoride, chloride, boron and silicon. The upper limits for some nutrients may be changed in the future. Unfortunately, Norwegian nutrition “experts” will likely continue to limit allowable doses below those freely available in the US and even Sweden.

6. An optimal nutrient intake promotes health and delays aging

A spokesperson for optimal nutritional intake is the well-known biochemist Bruce Ames, who proposed the “triage theory of nutrients,” in which enzymes responsible for cell maintenance functions evolved to have lower affinity for the essential vitamin and mineral cofactors than the enzymes responsible for short-term survival, to preserve life during times of famine. [35]

Thus, higher levels of vitamins and minerals may delay mitochondrial aging, speed up the repair of large molecules such as DNA and collagen, and generally improve other cellular functions. This is an important rationale for taking higher doses of vitamins and minerals than recommended reference intakes. Dietary supplements can slow the aging process, in part by reducing the harmful effects of free radicals, known to be involved in many diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. [36] Naturally-occurring hormones and/or supplements of cofactors needed for optimal hormone production in the body can have a significant life-prolonging effect if the body produces less than optimal amounts. [37] This is especially relevant for those with a genetic predisposition for disease.

An optimum intake of all nutrients is difficult to achieve even for those who eat almost exclusively an excellent diet of nutrient dense foods, such as meat and innards, fish, shellfish, fowl, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, and vegetables, berries and nutritious fruits. Some nutrients such as folic acid or carotenoids in vegetables are absorbed better from processed than unprocessed foods. Although vegetables are often considered to be a good source of vitamins, for example vitamin A from carrots, vitamin A is only found in animal products such as liver, egg yolk, fish cod and cod liver oil. Although eating raw vegetables is helpful for several reasons (vitamin C, fiber, microbiota), carotenoids (alpha/beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene) in vegetables are less well absorbed from raw than cooked food and better absorbed in the presence of added fat. [38,39]. Nutrients in vegetables are better absorbed when finely chewed, graded, or mashed [38], and cooking and grinding meat reduces the energy required to digest it [40] and increases nutrient absorption [41].

Orthomolecular pioneer Abram Hoffer and Orthomolecular News Service Editor Andrew W. Saul suggested this list of daily intakes of vitamins and minerals. [42] The Norwegian 2017 recommendations for adult men and women [43] are given in comparison. Individual needs may vary substantially from person to person and also with health status.

Recommendations: Hoffer/Saul Norwegian Government
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 25 milligrams 1.5 mg for men; 1 mg for women
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 25 mg 1.7 mg for men; 1.2 mg for women
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) 300 mg 20 mg for men and 15 mg for women
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 25 mg 1.6 mg for men; 1.2 mg for women
Folate 2,000 micrograms (mcg) 300 mcg for men; 400 mcg for women
Cobalamine (vitamin B12) 500 mcg 2 mcg
Vitamin C 2,000 mg 75 mg
Vitamin D3 37.5 mcg 7.5 mcg for men; 10 mcg for women
Vitamin E (mixed) 140 mg 10 mg alpha-tocopherol for men and 8 mg for women
Zinc (Zn) 25 mg 9 mg for men and 7 mg for women
Selenium (Se) 200 mcg 50 mcg for men and 40 mcg for women
Chromium (Cr) 200 mcg 35 mcg indicated for men and 25 mcg for women


The figures for optimal intake are obtained from the Independent Vitamin Safety Review Panel of physicians, researchers and academics, who concluded:

“People are deceived in believing that they can get all the nutrients they need from a ‘balanced diet’ consisting of processed foods. To achieve an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, a diet of unprocessed whole foods, along with intelligent use of dietary supplements is more than just a good idea: it is vital.” [44: 55]

A well-known example is vitamin C, which can effectively fight viral infections, prevent or reverse disease caused by bacteria, and help the body detoxify organic and inorganic toxins. [45] Vitamin C also reduces the risk for cancer, strengthens connective tissues (collagen), and counteracts stress by increasing the adrenal´s production of cortisol. The dose required is set according to the body’s need. Nobel Price Laureate Linus Pauling suggested that an optimal daily intake of vitamin C could vary from at least 250 mg up to 20 grams per day. [46] Because unabsorbed vitamin C attracts water into the gut, some people may experience loose stools, gas and/or diarrhea by ingesting only 1-2 grams at a time, while others with a higher level of stress may tolerate 5-6 grams or more. The dose that causes loose stools is called the “bowel tolerance” for vitamin C. [47] To avoid the laxative effect of high doses, it is best to take vitamin C throughout the day in smaller divided doses.

When the body is stressed by disease, the gut will naturally absorb more vitamin C because the body needs more. To find the optimal dose, the intake should be increased until bowel tolerance is reached. Some people can tolerate more than 100,000 mg/d of vitamin C in divided doses during serious illness without having loose stool. Liposomal vitamin C bypasses the normal bowel tolerance because it is absorbed directly through cell membranes, so higher doses can be tolerated without diarrhea.

7. A human right to receive correct information

Access to correct information about food and essential nutrients, including knowledge about the importance of food for health is a fundamental human right. Such information should not only provide a summary of the nutrient content of food, but in our opinion should also explain how dietary supplements can counteract deficiencies and prevent and reverse disease caused by nutrient deficiencies. We should be free to purchase quality-controlled supplements of essential nutrients and to use them to counteract aging and damage from stress as part of a long-term health plan. The right to reject recommendations by doctors for symptomatic treatment with synthetic, some times life-threatening, drugs to alleviate symptoms should be included. [48,49]

I have not found any formulation of such rights from the Norwegian authorities. The role of parents and their right to receive correct health information is addressed in a book by lawyer Anne Kjersti C. Befring, a fellow at the University of Oslo since 2014. [50]


The use of dietary supplements is widespread. High doses of vitamins are thought to be helpful because they help the body recover from damage and maintain itself long-term. Many vitamins are not harmful in doses even 10 to 100-fold higher than officially recommended. Some governments warn about possible negative side effects, even including increased mortality from “excessive” intake of certain supplements. However, supplements of essential nutrients have been available for more than 80 years. They are known to be safe, and the observed side effects are generally mild with few exceptions.

It is possible to ingest too much of certain vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, calcium, iron, copper, selenium) which may exacerbate an existing imbalance or lack of another mineral (magnesium, zinc). It is also important to balance intake of fatty acids in the omega-6 and omega-3 series, as most people get too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3. Small children can be overdosed with adult doses of for example vitamin A or iron, and pills may be dangerous for babies or young children because they can get stuck in the throat. Therefore, I recommend consulting a doctor or nutritionist educated in orthomolecular medicine. Most people are likely to benefit from taking a broad-spectrum multivitamin/mineral supplement as a basic insurance against deficiencies.

Compared to pharmaceutical drugs, supplements of most essential nutrients are quite harmless. However, some supplements may have poor quality, or contain toxic metals such as lead or cadmium. Therefore, it is the duty of our authorities to ensure that potentially hazardous products or supplements of poor quality are not sold, and that consumers are offered fair prices in a free market. An example where the Norwegian authorities do not follow up such basic duties is that pharmacies demand more than 1,600 Norwegian Kroner (about $190) per kg of vitamin C in powder form, which would cost less than $20 with free competition and no restrictions in permitted doses or outlets.

Those who want to use natural healing methods, such as the use of food and supplements of essential nutrients to prevent or reverse illness, should consult therapists who are qualified to give advice on how natural therapies can help. I recommend that anyone interested in supplements read the references for this article as well as the archives of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service . Both are free access online.

(Dag Viljen Poleszynski, PhD, is the editor of Helsemagasinet [Health Magazine] . He has translated and published a large number of OMNS releases in Norwegian.)


Original article at

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Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

Top Ten Tips for Healthy Travel


  • Find out if an IV therapy Treatment is right for you. Many of us abuse ourselves just to get to that finish line where the vacation starts. Imbalances in health can lead to getting sick while on vacation, just when you want to enjoy yourself. Contact the clinic at 587-521-3595 to see if an IV treatment offered by Dr. Mason-Wood, ND can help you make sure you’re ready to go enjoy yourself!
  • Drink Water. Make sure to drink at least 1.5L of water each day, especially on the day of flying, or on those days of over-indulgence. Your body needs water to flush out toxins and to protect you from getting sick (and to make you look and feel younger…hello singles cruise!).
  • Use grapefruit seed extract. A couple of drops in a bottle of water each morning and evening will help to purify the water (in places where water quality may be compromised) and kill off any bugs that might cause diarrhea or upset stomach. If ice-cubes are a concern, put a couple of drops into your fancy beach drink to help avoid food or water-borne illness.
  • Bring along a tube of Traumeel (found in health food stores). This wonder-ointment is great for any skin or muscle complaint (as long as the skin is not broken) including burns, bruises, acne and rashes. This little tube fits into beach bags or purses and makes a perfect carry along for any trip.
  • If you are going to be exposed to the sun, make sure to take antioxidants. A good, broad range
    supplement should contain vitamins A, E, C and selenium. These vitamins help to repair and protect skin from the damaging effects of solar radiation.
  • Protect yourself from the sun. Hats, sunscreen (over 30 SPF) and sunglasses all keep you looking younger and oh so glamorous. The majority of wrinkles (and skin cancers) can be attributed to sun exposure, so cover up and leave something to the imagination. Save the bare-all outfits for the night life! Sunless tanners and bronzers are a great skin-saving substitute for that Caribbean glow.
  • Bring along some probiotics. The bacteria found in yogurt, Lactobacillus acidophilus helps to prevent gut infection and the subsequent diarrhea and stomach upset. Start taking this supplement a week before departure and continue for a week after to stock your system with healthy bacteria.
  • Pack a first aid kit. Hotels often do not have the tools needed for sliver-extractions or little cuts on the beach. Stuff a small makeup bag with tweezers, scissors, a needle, matches (for sterilizing needle), Band-Aids, alcohol wipes, a zip lock baggie (for holding ice), safety pins and a tensor bandage. Make sure to pack this in your suitcase so you don’t end up mailing it to yourself at customs. In a pinch, this kit also acts as a wardrobe saver!
  • Toss some homeopathic remedies in your purse. Small, cheap and portable, these little pills can save you a lot of travel grief. Consult your Naturopathic doctor or Homeopath for the most appropriate remedies for you and your destination.
  • Moderation!!!! Most travel nightmares begin with too much enjoyment (or customs and unfortunately there is no supplement for that!). Many people have problems with over-indulging in exotic foods or beverages. Often bedtimes are ignored and excessive sun-exposure becomes the daily goal. Take a step back. Having fun is important, but going home sick is no fun. Know your limits and try to take care of yourself. Enjoy everything in moderate quantities and you will have a much better time in the long run!


Grow Your Own Lion’s Mane Mushrooms, Grow New Neurons!

Mushrooms are getting lots of attention lately, and for good reason. There are so many medicinal and immune-boosting benefits to different mushrooms, and they’re easy to grow and to cook with!

In this short video, Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND shares a simple way to grow a healthy harvest of Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) quickly and easily. A recent study sowed that Lion’s Mane extract increases signals in the brain that generate new neurons. It is because of this neuro-regenerative effect that Lion’s Mane is known for its helpfulness with memory, anxiety, cognitive function, and depression. It has also been shown to have anti-cancer, immuno-modulating, hypolipidemic, antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties.

What’s not to love? Mushrooms are best in hot-water extracts like soups and stews, because the active ingredients (most polysaccharides) are water-soluble. Try growing your own Lion’s Mane and make a beautiful fall soup for your brain!

Below is a nourishing mushroom soup recipe from whole foods chef and herbalist, Andrea Beaman. Substitute Lion’s Mane for either of the shiitake or maitake mushrooms. Mix and match to your taste and their availability.

Medicinal Mushrooms and Deep Roots Soup

If you’re not already eating edible medicinal mushrooms, this recipe for Medicinal Mushrooms and Deep Roots Soup would be a good idea to start. Especially, if your immune system is down or you’re struggling with blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, and/or cancer

  1. Pick out the mushrooms and add additional water to get 4 cups total liquid. Put the liquid into a soup pot and turn the heat high.
  2. Chop the shitake and maitake mushrooms and add to the pot, with alaria and burdock root, and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Add daikon root, ginger and tofu, and cook 2-3 minutes. Add enoki mushrooms and bok choy.
  4. Put miso paste into a bowl and add hot liquid from the soup to liquefy the miso. Add the miso to the soup and shut off the heat.
  5. Let sit 2-3 minutes. Garnish with minced scallions.

Photo from

Recipe from


A Concerned Citizen on the Recent Change to PRP Laws in Alberta

Recently, the College of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) has determined that Naturopathic Doctors are no longer permitted to perform PRP treatments. Naturally, this warrants concerns for patients in the province of Alberta that have benefitted, or will benefit from the treatments in the future. As a response to this determination by the CNDA, the following letter has been written by Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND, as a citizen and patient of PRP treatments:

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you as a concerned patient about the recent decision by the CNDA to no longer permit NDs to perform PRP. I have always used exercise as a key health practice to maintain my mental health. It has helped buoy me in times of depression and anxiety of which I have experienced for the last 35 years. I credit exercise as being the primary support that helped me regain my mental health after a suicide attempt in June 2009. Unfortunately, this was short lived as in February 2010 I had a complex meniscal tear in my right knee that stopped me in my tracks. I needed surgery as PRP was not an option at that time. It took over one year to get that surgery. During that time, I plunged back into a deep depression where I was plagued by suicidal thoughts. I could not function, work or care for my four year old son at that time.

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada put out a startling statistic in 2009: 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime1, including depression, mood disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactive disorders and dementia (with anxiety and depression being the most common by far). If 20% of our population will experience such an event, it is very likely you or someone you know is, has been, or will be affected by mental illness. Rates have been climbing in Canada steadily for several decades and are expected to continue increasing2. Within a generation, it is estimated that more than 8.9 million Canadians will be living with a mental illness.

Nearly 10% of our country’s population is using some form of prescription antidepressant medication3. This first-line conventional treatment is not cheap—a conservative estimate of the cost of mental illness in Canada in 2011 was $42.3 billion in direct costs and $6.3 billion in indirect costs2. With so many Canadians living with mental illness, together with such high treatment costs, it’s a wonder that one of the most effective, safe and inexpensive tools for mood regulation is so underused as a prescriptive treatment for mental illness: exercise.

But, what is one to do when they are injured and cannot exercise? I have an appointment for PRP this week  that has now been cancelled by my ND. This puts me at risk for another plunge into depression if I can’t use this life saving treatment, for which I pay out of my own pocket, to prevent injury and surgery. I credit PRP to saving my mental health. If the CNDA is about protecting public safety, I do not see how this decision is protecting my safety as an Albertan. It is not in support of my health, at all. With this decision, you are putting many Albertans at risk – of increased mental health, pain and potential opiate use, and increased surgery rates – all of which cost the Alberta Government money in increased disability claims and cost Albertans their loved ones as they spiral into pain, despair and depression. This happens. It happened to me in 2010. The ability to move one’s body in a pain free way is crucial to living life. PRP is the only reason that I have been able to maintain my level of exercise in recent years.

PRP is a safe procedure. There have been no reported deaths from PRP. Meanwhile, the opiate crisis is just that: a crisis. PRP benefits people. It prevents surgery which saves the government money in the long run. It gets people back to work, back to exercise and back to leading productive, healthy lives.

I am gravely concerned about the CNDA’s decision to restrict Naturopathic Doctors from performing PRP. I firmly believe the Government and CNDA is putting the public at greater risk by restricting NDs ability to perform this, literally, life saving procedure.

Christina Bjorndal, ND


Quick Facts on Mental Illness and Addictions in Canada (3rd Edition). (2009). Mood Disorders Society of Canada.

Smetanin, P., Stiff, D., Briante, C., Adair, C.E., Ahmad, S. and Khan, M. The Life and Economic Impact of Major Mental Illnesses in Canada: 2011 to 2041. RiskAnalytica, on behalf of the Mental Health Commission of Canada 2011.

Statistics / health at a glance / 2013 /. (2013). Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Retrieved July 14, 2016, from