Ozone therapy: A diverse treatment option

Ozone therapy is a treatment used frequently in our clinic to help patients with a variety of different symptoms and conditions. Ozone is made up of 3 oxygen molecules. It is found naturally in the earth’s atmosphere and it can be produced with specialized equipment to be used therapeutically.  It is a strong antioxidant that donates an oxygen molecule to the body’s cells that need it to keep them healthy and strong. Ozone helps to keep the body in balance, can help with antiaging, and modulates the immune system. It has been used and researched for over 50 years in Europe.

At Natural Terrain, Dr. Mason-Wood, ND has studied and completed certifications allowing him to safely administer ozone therapy.

What is it used for?

Ozone therapy can be used for a number of different reasons. Some of the common uses include…

  • Bacterial infections
  • Chronic viral infections
  • Chronic Fungal infections
  • Dental infections
  • Chronic diseases
  • Cancers
  • Ulcers, wounds, rashes
  • Athletic performance
  • Anti-aging
  • Pain management
  • Inflammation
  • Brain fog


Ozone can be administered locally or systemically based on your needs. When ozone is administered systemically, it is administered through an IV. Ozone can also be injected locally, used in topical olive oil, or used as ear insufflation. 

Ozone therapy has provided a lot of relief for a lot of our patients. Consult a naturopathic doctor to find out if ozone therapy is right for you.

Using Hydrotherapy for Pain Relief

Hydrotherapy is the use of water for healing the body. Specifically, alternating hot and cold water therapy is hugely beneficial for pain relief and it’s free! 

Using hot and cold can help manage pain.  For acute pain (eg. sprained ankle in the first 48 hours), cold is always used, to keep swelling down.  But chronic pain doesn’t have the same kind of swelling as a very recent injury. Often, the issue is actually that the area is not getting enough circulation.

Circulation is necessary for healing chronic injury and damage because it brings fresh, healing blood with growth factors and platelets, and takes away cellular waste products and toxins. Injuries in tendons and other areas with poor circulation often heal poorly for the lack of fresh blood.

For this reason, many injuries and areas of damage benefit greatly from hydrotherapy.  Alternating exposure to cold and hot water is an excellent way to stimulate circulation and waste removal from an inflamed or injured area of the body and reduce pain.

How does it work?

Cold water makes the superficial blood vessels constrict, sending the blood into deeper tissue. Following that with hot water dilates the superficial vessels and draws it out again. Alternating hot and cold in buckets of water or in hot/cold showers is essentially acting like a pump in your muscles, moving the blood around and helping flush out areas that don’t get quite as much circulation. This is also an excellent technique for someone with cold hands and feet in the winter- alternating hot and cold showers can save you from the painful cold in the fingertips and toes.

When using alternating hot and cold hydrotherapy, it is important that you always start with hot and finish with cold. A basic hydrotherapy protocol looks like this:

  • Start hot (not scaling) for 3 minutes
  • Alternate between hot and cold every 3 minutes, going as cold as you can go without pain and as hot as you can go without scalding yourself.
  • Repeat for 8 cycles (4x each temp) and finish cold.

You can use buckets of water if it’s for ankles or feet, visit a spa or spring with hot and cool baths, or you can simply turn your shower to hot and cold.

What does it help treat?

  • Strains and sprains of the foot, ankle, elbow, knee, wrist, neck, or shoulder
  • Swelling (once the acute stage has passed)
  • Muscle spasms
  • Joint aches
  • Repetitive-strain injuries, such as tendonitis or tennis elbow
  • Sports injuries
  • Flare-ups of chronic conditions, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia
  • Some pains associated with cancer
  • Any other injury that causes swelling or aching

When to use contrast hydrotherapy

Use when an injury is a semi-chronic or chronic condition. This means when it’s been more than 72 hours after an injury and your body is not in acute inflammation. It’s particularly helpful for recurrent or very long-term “achey” pain, even pain that’s been there for months or years.

When not to use contrast hydrotherapy

Don’t use when there is any open skin wounds or risk of infection. Be cautious if there is decreased sensation or neuropathy (as in a diabetic foot, for example), because it may be harder to tell if the water is scalding or freezing the skin. Likewise be cautious if there are any heart or systemic conditions that react to varying temperatures, like cold urticaria (hives).

Learn more about pain management by booking a consult with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND and discuss your treatment options today.

How do you know if you have a frozen shoulder?

“The pain in my shoulder seemed to come out of nowhere – and it’s gradually been getting worse.”

“I can’t seem to lift my right arm enough to blow-dry my hair!”

“I have a dull ache in my left shoulder and down my upper arm.”

If any of these statements sound familiar, you might have a musculoskeletal condition known as frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.

The tissue surrounding your shoulder joint that holds everything together is called the shoulder capsule. With a frozen shoulder, the capsule becomes inflamed, thickens and tightens so that the shoulder bones aren’t able to move freely in the joint.  

Frozen shoulder is a bit of a mystery in that the causes are uncertain, but certain risk factors – age, gender, recovery from stroke or surgery, diabetes, shoulder trauma, Parkinson’s disease, cardiac disease, hyperthyroidism and smoking – increase the chances of developing the condition.

Although it’s best to consult a health-care professional to confirm a diagnosis, here are the three stages of frozen shoulder:

Freezing Stage

This is the first sign of trouble, characterized by pain in the shoulder or the upper arm. Pain generally worsens, causing a gradual loss of range of motion or “freezing” of the shoulder. This stage typically lasts six weeks to nine months.

Frozen Stage

This is a 4-6 month stage where stiffness increases and arm movements are severely restricted. Rotation of the shoulder joint is particularly difficult, making daily activities such as washing hair, getting dressed or reaching for a seat belt, difficult. Pain gradually decreases in this stage.

Thawing Stage

This stage is the longest, as the thawing process can take up to two years. In this phase, the capsule of the shoulder joint is thick and tight, but over time it gradually loosens. You can start to see a gradual increase in mobility and a decrease in pain symptoms.

Whatever stage your frozen shoulder is in, Naturopathic Doctors can help. Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND and the team at Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic focus on effectively alleviating joint pain through purely natural means.


Solutions for Chronic Pain: Part 2, Prolotherapy and Biopuncture

Pain is an alarm signal that there is something wrong going on in our bodies. When there is chronic pain, the alarm signal continues to go off for months or even years. If you are dealing with chronic pain, relief can feel hopeless, but there are a number of strategies that can be used in the treatment of chronic pain. Biopuncture and prolotherapy stimulate the body’s natural healing response at the site of pain. These injection techniques can be very helpful in the treatment of chronic pain.


Prolotherapy incorporates the use of a specifically formulated dextrose (sugar) solution injected into a ligament or tendon where it attaches to the bone. When this solution is injected, growth factors are recruited to the area. Growth factors stimulate tissue growth and the deposition of collagen, which is important in healing damaged muscle, tendons and ligaments. Prolotherapy is helpful in a variety of conditions such as torn ligaments or tendons, osteoarthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulders, whiplash injuries, herniated and degenerative discs and a number of other conditions.


Biopuncture is an injection of glucose-based substance with dilute botanical and homeopathic substances into areas of pain. The combination of ingredients is individualized and tailored to the patient to allow for the best outcome. The injection is made at the site of pain to help stabilize the inflammation in the musculoskeletal system. Inflammation is an important process of healing. Inflammation is the accumulation of immune cells that work to repair the damage. Biopuncture works by supporting inflammation to speed up the healing process. It treats the underlying cause instead of covering up the symptoms. Biopuncture treats a variety of musculoskeletal and chronic inflammatory conditions. 

For more treatment options, see last week’s article. Don’t live in pain any longer. Book an appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND to see if these treatments are right for your chronic pain.

Solutions for Chronic Pain: Part 1

For those suffering with chronic pain, finding relief can sometimes feel hopeless. Luckily, there are several different treatment options in Naturopathic Medicine that can be explored.  Diet, counselling, botanicals, neural therapyozone therapybiopuncture, acupuncture, prolotherapy and prolozone therapy can all be helpful in pain treatment. Today we will review three treatment options: Neural Therapy, Ozone therapy and Prolozone.

Neural Therapy 

One possible source of chronic pain is caused by a disruption in the nervous system.  An interruption in the autonomic nervous system, by injury, infection, toxicity, scars or emotional distress prevents the body from running smoothly.  This can compromise almost any body system and can cause pain. Neural Therapy targets the autonomic nervous system and balances it out. Neural therapy is an injection of local anesthetic (procaine or lidocaine), vitamins, chelating agents and various homeopathics (that are specific to the tissue being healed). This mixture is administered into scar tissue, acupuncture points, muscle trigger points, nerve points, glands or an autonomic ganglion. This therapy helps treat pain, especially if the pain is caused by a disruption of nerves.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy works by donating an oxygen molecule to the free radicals in the body. Free radicals are formed when the body is under oxidative stress, which can be caused by infection, illness or injury. Free radicals can lead to inflammation and pain. There are two main types of ozone therapy that we use at the clinic: Auto-hemotherapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy. Hydrogen peroxide therapy works by regulating certain enzymatic reactions in the body to further increase the oxygen content in the bloodstream which leads to many therapeutic benefits. Hydrogen peroxide therapy can be administered topically, orally or injected intravenously. Ozone therapy is most effective when treating vascular and degenerative diseases but also helps a long list of conditions.


Prolozone therapy uses some of the same principles as ozone therapy; it donates an oxygen molecule where there is oxidative damage. However, with prolozone therapy, the substances that the body needs to rebuild and heal an area is also administered. Prolozone therapy is an injection into the joints and areas of reduced oxygen uptake. This therapy is useful in treating neck pain, back pain, arthritic hips and knees, shoulder and elbow pain, degenerated disks, rotator cuff injuries and many more musculoskeletal problems. According to the official prolozone website, prolozone has a 75% success rate at completely relieving pain!

To find out more about treatment options and which one is best for you, book an appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood,ND.

A Naturopathic Approach to Pain

Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition. Last week we discussed some of the science behind pain, this week we will look into the naturopathic approach to pain.
There are lots of different reasons why a person may be experiencing pain. It is important to take the time to identify the root cause so that it can be targeted in the treatment.  For some people chronic pain is a musculoskeletal problem, for others, it’s a problem within the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system or multiple of these. In an appointment for pain, you can expect a full workup with detailed questioning, a review of systems and physical exams.
It is also important to remember that pain affects everyone’s life differently.  Just like taking Tylenol won’t work for everyone’s pain, neither will prescribing the same treatments. Looking at a comprehensive overview of a person’s medical history and their lifestyle helps naturopathic doctors to create individualized treatment plans.
Dr. Mason-Wood, ND uses these principles of finding the root cause and individuality to guide the management of chronic pain. On top of graduating as a Naturopathic Doctor, he has taken multiple additional courses to further his learning and is able to provide some of the best pain treatments. Based on his evaluation of the patient, different modalities may be utilized, such as diet, counselling, botanicals, neural therapyozone therapybiopuncture, acupuncture, prolotherapy or prolozone therapy. To get a personalized pain management treatment, book your appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND today!

Aging and Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress

Oxidation is a chemistry term which refers to a molecule gaining an oxygen atom or losing an electron. Inversely, reduction is when a molecule loses an oxygen atom or gains an electron. Examples of oxidation include an avocado turning brown after being exposed to air, a bumper forming rust or a cut becoming inflamed. All of these processes require oxygen to occur. Oxidation occurs in the form of a redox reaction where one atom/molecule is oxidized while the other is reduced. Every cell in our body uses oxygen to produce energy. Energy production occurs in an organelle in our cells called mitochondria. Mitochondria can be thought of as mini power plants and it is where the body produces most of its energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Ten percent of our body weight is mitochondria and we produce our body weight daily in ATP. Occasionally, during the metabolization of oxygen occurs in the mitochondria products called free radicals are produced.

Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Free radicals are atoms or molecules which have unpaired highly reactive electrons. Free radicals can interact with other atoms or molecules (such as DNA, lipids and proteins) in the cell and steal electrons from them. This results in aberrations, in the molecule whose electron was stolen, and can lead to cellular damage. Additionally, the now damaged molecule can react with another atom or molecule and this creates a chain reaction which can overwhelm the body’s natural defenses.

Another class of potentially harmful molecules are reactive oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen species are molecules containing oxygen and include oxygen ions and peroxides. They are formed in the metabolism of oxygen and play important roles in normal cell functioning. However, during times of bodily stress ROS’s can dramatically increase which can overwhelm a cell’s defenses and damage the cell.

Damage to cellular DNA can cause the aberrant cell to divide more rapidly than a healthy cell and this is the start of a cancerous cell. It is for this reason that smoking can lead to lung cancer. Therefore, the more oxygen the body uses the more free radicals produced which leads to greater oxidation. In addition to oxygen utilization, free radicals can also be formed from exposure to X-Rays, cigarette smoking, air pollutants, heavy metals, ozone, some medications and chemicals. Keep in mind that oxidation is a natural process and in most circumstances helps the body. Normal cells produce a small amount of free radicals. For instance, internally generated sources of free radicals occur in mitochondria, peroxisomes, xanthine oxidase, phagocytosis, inflammation and during exercise1. Our immune system uses free radicals to destroy bacteria and viruses. The body is well equipped to handle these endogenous forms of free radicals by creating enzymes that reduce ROS, by utilizing antioxidants and by being able to repair the damage done by free radicals and ROS. In fact low to moderate levels of oxidation help modulate the immune system and enhance cellular processes.


Antioxidants are reducing agents which can donate an electron to free radicals preventing them from reacting with other molecules in the cell. However, when an antioxidant donates an electron it becomes oxidized; therefore, antioxidants must constantly be replenished. Additionally, under certain circumstances antioxidants may become oxidative in nature and increase the oxidative stress on the body. Our main source of antioxidants are found in fruits, vegetables and animal sources and include vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, polyphenols, minerals (selenium), alpha lipoic acid, melatonin, CoQ10 and many others substances. Since different antioxidants work on different pathways in the body we need many different vitamins and minerals to act synergistically together to neutralize free radicals. This is why it is prudent to consume a wide variety of different foods. Antioxidants work in two different ways. The first way is that they can prevent oxidation from occurring by stabilizing ROS and free radicals. The second is that when a free radical starts a chain reaction the antioxidant can terminate the reaction mid-way through.

What is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress can be thought of as the balance between the production of free radicals/ROS and the body’s ability to detoxify the free radicals/ROS or repair the damage done by them. Normally the body is equipped to handle these stressors and the total burden placed on the body is manageable. However, overexposure to cigarette smoke, UV radiation, other environmental toxins and even excessive amount of exercise can overwhelm the body causing reactive oxygen species to accumulate. The accumulation of ROS damages cells and causes mutations within the cells. Increased levels of oxidative stress have been linked to arthritis, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, asthma, COPD, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) and many other diseases1.

What Role Does Oxidation Play in Aging?

Did you know that oxidation is the cause of wrinkles and sagging skin? The oxidative stress theory of aging was first proposed by Denham Harman in the 1950’s. He conceived the idea that as time progresses the number of ROS in our body increases which negatively affects our overall level of oxidative stress. Invariably, the ROS which are produced in the mitochondria will bind to proteins, lipids and carbohydrates which are the building blocks of our bodies. These building blocks are damaged and destroyed and the body becomes less and less capable of repairing the damage done. Our skin sags because we lose collagen to oxidative stress and then are unable to replace the collagen. Our joints begin to ache because the connective tissue becomes oxidized and is destroyed and we cannot replace the connective tissue at the rate at which it is oxidized. Oxidation also weakens body systems which is why we are more likely to injure ourselves as we get older and why our chances of mortality increase from causes such as strokes, heart attacks and cancer. Furthermore, ROS can damage neurons in the brain which leads to neural degeneration and is one of the reasons why we begin to lose our memory as we age. As we can see, oxidation is implicated in many of the most common illnesses that affect humans.

How Can We Prevent Oxidation?

In the past when we ate a healthy diet and our environment was relatively free of pollutants, the body had everything it needed to counteract oxidative stress. Despite an increase in our lifespan, the rates of chronic disease in Western society have progressed at an even faster rate. Nowadays, the general population does not eat a nutrient dense diet containing ample antioxidants. Additionally, the amount of environmental pollutants are exponentially higher than they used to be. Not coincidentally the amount of chronic and degenerative diseases in the population has skyrocketed.

The first and most important step to preventing oxidative damage is getting a good night’s sleep. It is during sleep that our body repairs and regenerates tissue while also detoxifying ROS and free radicals. Second, eating a nutrient dense diet is vitally important so that the body contains a plethora of antioxidants and other detoxifying substances to counteract oxidative stress. Did you know that sugar is the most oxidative food we can eat and therefore a diet high in sugar will cause a great deal of oxidative stress on the body. Lastly, brief bouts of high intensity exercise has been shown to increase our resistance to stressors and needs to be included in a healthy lifestyle. Did you also know that the vitamin and mineral content of plants are lower than they were 100 years ago?2 Supplementation can mimic some of the vital components of plants that are lacking in today’s agriculture. It is recommended that you consult with your Naturopathic Doctor prior to supplementation. This is because there are a few things that people are doing wrong with supplementation and we want to make sure you avoid these pitfalls. Additionally, not all nutrition plans are for everyone, nor are all exercise plans; therefore, it is vital that you consult your Naturopathic Doctor who can create a treatment plan that is right for you. This treatment plan may include supplementation, botanical medicine, homeopathy, injection therapies or one of many other treatments offered at the Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic.


Not all stress is bad and in fact some stress is good and strengthens the body. Have you ever started running and could barely run 1km, but within a few short months you could run that multiple times over. This is hormesis at work. Hormesis is the concept that small doses of a stressor help prime the body to handle that stressor better in the future. This concept also applies to heat, toxins, lack of food and a broad range of other stressors. It has been found that by limiting food intake and fasting intermittently we can actually increase lifespan because multiple different survival mechanisms are activated (3). It is thought that the production of free radicals also primes the body and strengthens it. This in turn can lead to an increased lifespan. You may be thinking, “So it is true what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!” Not quite. Short term, small doses of stressors are the key. When stressors last a long time they cause an accumulation of ROS in the body which overwhelm our natural defenses and in the end cause health problems.

If Oxygen Causes Oxidation, Why Are We Using Ozone To Treat Patients?

Ozone (O3) is a molecule containing three oxygen atoms as compared to the dioxygen (O2) that we normally breathe. The fact that ozone contains one more oxygen molecule means that it is highly reactive. This property makes ozone oxidative, but this is what also gives ozone its healing properties. As it happens, ozone is quite damaging to the respiratory system when inhaled (4) as well as to most tissues that are exposed to it in large amounts. However, when blood is mixed with ozone in a therapeutic dose the oxygenation of blood increases tenfold (4). This oxygenation of blood has many therapeutic benefits, but predominantly it has immunomodulatory effects. This means that for those individuals who have overactive immune systems: such as autoimmune, chronic and inflammatory diseases ozone will calm the immune system down.

Many illnesses (especially structural disorders) are caused by a lack of blood supply which results in lack of oxygen to tissues as well as allowing a build of a waste. This prevents an individual’s body from properly healing. Ozonation increases oxygenation of the blood and up regulates the immune system so that when it is injected into areas which previously had limited blood supply ozone stimulates a low grade immune response which repairs and regenerates tissues. Therefore, when given in a therapeutic dose ozone has a hormetic effect on the body which stimulates the body natural healing capabilities providing a multitude of benefits.

1. Lien Ai Pham-Huy, Hua He, and Chuong Pham-Huy. 2008. Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. Int J Biomed Sci. Jun; 4(2): 89–96.
2. Davis D. 2009. Declining Fruit and Vegetable Nutrient Composition: What Is the Evidence? HORTSCIENCE VOL. 44(1).
3. http://www.intermittentfaster.com/intermittent-fasting-science/
4. Sagai M, Bocci V. 2011. Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress? Med Gas Res. 2011 Dec 20;1:29. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-1-29.

6 Myths of Osteoporosis

Over 1.5 million Canadians are diagnosed with osteoporosis. It is a major public health concern. Having osteoporosis puts Canadians at risk for fractures which can be disabling and life-threatening. There are a lot of misconceptions about this bone disease. In this article, we will bust 6 myths about osteoporosis.

1.    Osteoporosis is just thin bones

The main issue of osteoporosis is not that the bones are thin but that the bone’s self-repair mechanism is compromised. Nutrient deficiencies, lack of exercise and toxic chemicals and pollutants can all impair this self-repair mechanism.

2.   Osteoporosis is a normal part of ageing

While some bone loss is normal, osteoporosis is not. Bone mass typically peaks between age 30-35.  Around age 40, bone loss begins at a rate of 0.5% per year. Despite lower bone volume as you age, the bone should still be able to repair itself but osteoporosis is an abnormal pattern of bone loss.

3.   Osteoporosis is common all over the world

Like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, osteoporosis is a degenerative disease of civilization (AKA lifestyle diseases). The highest rates of osteoporosis are seen in industrialized countries such as Canada and the US.

4.   Osteoporosis only affects women

Osteoporosis occurs in both men and women. 1 in 8 men and 1 in 4 women over the age of 50 are osteoporotic. There are several factors that make women more at risk. 25% of all surgeries are on the female reproductive tract. Women who have surgeries and are on bed rest have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Nutrient deficiencies also increase the risk of osteoporosis, with women more likely to diet and have eating disorders1.  Not having menses (amenorrhea or menopause) also puts women more at risk.

5.   Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly

Osteoporosis is not just isolated to the elderly, it can also happen in younger adults (<50 years old). Younger adults who are anorexic, athletes, ballet dancers, or have a long history of corticosteroid use are more at risk for osteoporosis.

6.   Osteoporosis means something has gone wrong with the body

Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease. When the body is out of balance it attempts to correct it, but often this can mean sacrificing bones. The blood’s pH (or level of acidity) must be maintained for the body to operate. If the blood is too acidic, the body will try to lower it by taking basic elements, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, out of the bones. This process over many years can lead to osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis is a common disease that many Canadians suffer with. It increases the risk for falls and hip fractures which can affect everyday quality of life. Luckily, Naturopathic Doctors can help patients manage their osteoporosis. Book an appointment today! 


1. Kashubeck-West S, Mintz LB, Weigold I. Separating the Effects of Gender and Weight-Loss Desire on Body Satisfaction and Disordered Eating Behavior. Sex Roles. 2005;53(7):505-518. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-7138-4

Is Pain Affecting Your Life? Prolotherapy May be the Answer

Exercising is such an important part of both our physical and mental health. It is one of the best ways to perform “self-care” because it supplies oxygen to our cells and regulates our mood by balancing neurotransmitters. However, if you are injured or in pain, exercising may feel out of reach.

If you are suffering from pain, whether it’s osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain or a sports injury, prolotherapy may be just the thing to get you back to your daily activities.

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy, also known as “non-surgical ligament reconstruction”, is an effective way to treat the cause of pain. It has been around for over 80 years and has been effective in treating a host of conditions. Prolotherapy works by injecting a solution containing a specialized sugar called dextrose. When dextrose is injected, it stimulates the body’s natural immune response.  Growth factors are brought to the injection site and the body stimulates tissue growth to promote healing of damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones.

What can it treat?

Prolotherapy can treat a number of different conditions including….

      1. Low back pain
      2. Hip & Pelvic Pain
      3. Knee & Leg pain
      4. Neck Pain
      5. Temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome
      6. Plantar fasciitis
      7. Achilles Tendinosis & ankle pain
      8. Patellar tendinopathy
      9. Shoulder pain
      10. Osgood-Schlatter Disease
      11. Groin pain
      12. Osteoarthritis
      13. Fibromyalgia
      14. Many other conditions…

Why Should You Consider Prolotherapy?

Aside from limiting the ability to exercise, chronic pain has a huge impact on quality of life. It can affect our ability to work, our relationships, our ability to perform daily tasks and it can affect our mental health. One in four Canadians live in chronic pain and it is one of the major causes of lost work hours. Luckily, Dr. Mason-Wood, ND specializes in pain management and wants to get you back to your normal routine.

Don’t suffer from pain any longer, book your appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND today!

  1. Hauser RA, Lackner JB, Steilen-Matias D, Harris DK. A Systematic Review of Dextrose Prolotherapy for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2016;9:139-159. doi:10.4137/CMAMD.S39160
  2. Dueñas M, Ojeda B, Salazar A, Mico JA, Failde I. A review of chronic pain impact on patients, their social environment and the health care system. J Pain Res. 2016;9:457-467. doi:10.2147/JPR.S105892


Peak Your Running Performance

*Featured in Healthy Directions, June/July 2012. As an Ironman triathlete and marathon runner, I understand the importance of fuelling my body to achieve maximum performance on race day and through many months of training. In addition to ensuring adequate sleep, proper hydration and lowering stress in my life, nutrition also plays a critical role in my sports performance. The following phrases are true: “You are what you eat” and “Let food be thy medicine” – that is why adding a naturopathic doctor to your health care team is essential as we have special training in nutrition and supplementation.

Today we know there is no magic pill to enhance performance and to be successful, athletes must eat sufficient amounts of all the nutrients, not just protein. Nutrition is the process of eating and converting food into structural and functional body tissues such as skin, muscle and hair. It is required for growth, maintenance of bodily functions, repair of tissues, performance and health. Different parts of the body need different nutrients to function properly. For example, the nervous system has different nutritional needs than muscles do. These differences must be taken into consideration when we are trying to maximize our performance. Here are some general nutrition tips that are beneficial regardless of your specific sport interest.


Ensure you are eating less fat, sodium and sugar. Focus on complex carbohydrates, lean meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. Ensure you eat the following foods organic: peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes (imported), spinach, lettuce and potatoes. These are the “dirty dozen” – the foods that are the most chemically laden – and should only be consumed organic. The next time you shop for groceries, try shopping only around the perimeter of the grocery store where real food is. Up and down the aisles is where you find processed, packaged, wrapped food that is devoid of nutritional content and vital life energy.


When you exercise, you are stressing your body. Your adrenal glands are the “stress” glands in your body responsible for producing stress – related hormones – it doesn’t matter if the stress is positive or negative, stress is stress. I always recommend that athletes support their adrenal glands when training with one or more of the following: vitamin C, magnesium citrate or glycinate and multi B5.


Ensure you follow up your exercise sessions with adequate rehydration and a healthy snack, such as almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, apple with almond butter or a hard boiled egg. Remember, the rule of thumb for water intake is 1/2 your body weight in ounces. For exercise sessions where you lose a lot of sweat, you will want to ensure your electrolytes are replenished with a non-sugar laden drink. The major electrolytes found in the body are chloride, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Naturopathic doctors carry healthy electrolyte replacement products, so consider adding something similar to your workout regime.

Dr. Bjorndal, ND has a thriving practice in Edmonton, Alberta. She is an avid outdoors and exercise enthusiast and has competed at the National level in Track & Cross country racing for UBC on an athletic scholarship. She has completed three marathons, many triathlons and Ironman Canada. She believes in a holistic approach to health with nutrition and lifestyle counseling as the foundation in maintaining an optimum balance in our overall well-being.