Eat with Care

MMMmmmm Campbell’s

I grew up eating Campbell’s soup and I loved all the flavours – chicken noodle, tomato, vegetable and mushroom. Back

Holiday Recipes – Turkey Rub, Cranberry Sauce, ...

Here are some yummy holiday recipes compliments of Dr. Haarsma, ND and Dr. McCarthy, ND. Spice Rub: Try the following spice

Pesticide protection – 7 easy steps

Eat fruits and vegetables on the dirty dozen list organic. Buy locally grown produce whenever possible. Since it isn’t shipped long distances,

How to eat mindfully in 4 steps by Dr. Chris Bj...

Step 1: Cook real food Diet is the foundation of health! You have probably heard time and time again that

14 Simple Tips to Kick Sugar Cravings

14 Simple Tips to Kick Sugar Cravings by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND Sugar is the one substance that I have

8 Health Risks of Low Cholesterol

8 Health Risks of Low Cholesterol – by Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND and Lachlan Crawford, ND It’s commonly known that

Are we sure about Ensure?

Are we sure about Ensure? Ensure claims to be the #1 Doctor recommended nutritious drink, with its label stating it allows for a

Milk Thistle and Liver Health

Milk Thistle: Benefits and Preparation Benefits of Consuming Milk Thistle: Milk thistle contains an active ingredient known as silymarin, which is protective

Support your Menstrual Cycle with Seeds

Support your menstrual cycle with seeds by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND Do you struggle with mood swings prior to your