Why do a Spring Cleanse?

  • As few as 10% of patients with chronic illnesses are responsible for approximately 70% of healthcare costs.
  • Chronic diseases are currently responsible for more than 80% of all deaths and an even higher proportion of total disability after age 50.
  • Up to 90% of all cancer are thought to be related and/or due to the effects of environmental carcinogenic exposure.
  • 6000 new chemicals are listed in the chemical abstracts each week, thus amounting to more than 300,000 new chemicals yearly.
  • One drink drops the liver efficacy by 10% for 16 hours. Stress and smog drop it too.

The Liver

  • The liver filters 2 litres of blood per minute for detoxification and when working optimally. The liver clears up to 99% of the bacteria and other toxins during the first pass.
  • Its capacity to regenerate itself after being damaged is remarkable. The liver can lose up to 70% of its capability and still not show diagnosable liver disease….but functionally contribute to a wide array of problems.

Phase 1

  • Directly neutralizes a toxin, eg. Caffeine or modifies the toxic chemical to form activated intermediates which are then neutralized by one or more of the several Phase 11 enzyme symptoms
  • Detoxification of most chemical toxins involve a group of enzymes collectively named the cytochrome P450.
  • wide array of problems.

Phase 2

  • Activates biochemical conjugation in which various enzymes in the liver attach small chemical structures to the toxin. This conjugation reaction either neutralizes the toxin or makes the toxin more easily excreted in the urine or bile.
  • There are six Phase 11 detoxification pathways, glutathione conjugation, amino acid conjugation, methylation, sulfation, acetylation and glucoronidation.

The Gut-Toxicity Connection

  • Increase intestinal permeability
  • Leaky Gut symptoms: abdominal pain, gas, mood swings, skin rashes, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, bladder infections, anxiety, asthma, allergies and poor immunity.
  • Clinical conditions associated with “Leaky Gut” include: Alcoholism, acne, mental illness, Eczema, Psoriasis, inflammatory joint disease, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and muscular and joint pains.

Chemical Toxins: primarily dealt with by the liver

  • Solvents, cleaning materials, formaldehyde, pesticides, herbicides and food additives
  • Signs and symptoms: many psychological and neurological symptoms, depression, headaches, mental confusion, mental illness, abnormal nerve reflexes, fatigue.

Presentation of a chemically toxic patient

  • More than 20 pounds overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Gallstones
  • Alcohol use
  • Psoriasis
  • Natural and synthetic hormone use
  • Heavy antibiotic use in the past
  • Use of diuretics
  • NSAIDS abuse
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Food sensitivities and allergies
  • Digestive complaints
  • Un-named illnesses

Spring Detoxification: 10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Ahh…  Spring is here and no matter where you live, growth is all around. Plants are starting to bud, blossom and bloom. You may have noticed Canada Geese returning and birds chirping. And the days are getting longer. It’s a time of growth and regeneration. We want you to feel energized and ready to take on the tasks of spring time. Let’s start the spring cleaning by cleansing our body with a detox!

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is the process of clearing, neutralizing or transforming toxins from the body, and therefore clearing excess mucus and congestion.  Toxins accumulate as a result of poor digestion, colon sluggishness and dysfunction, reduced liver function, and poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory tract, and skin.

Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce the intake of toxins while improving elimination.  The avoidance of chemicals from food or other sources, including refined food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, helps minimize the toxin load.  Drinking extra water and increasing fibre by including more fruits and vegetables in the diet are also essential steps. Below are 10 suggestions for you – pick one or two and get started today!

Top Ten Ways to Detoxify Your Body

  1. Deep Breathing – Your lungs are an important organ of detoxification, so deep breaths are a wonderful way to begin this process. Practice it while driving, sitting at your desk, in line at the grocery store and in the bath.  A great side effect is better mood and improved memory!
  2. Saunas – We store a lot of toxins in our fat, and one of the only ways to get them out is through sweating.  If using saunas, make sure you do four rotations of 15 minutes in the sauna separated by 2 minutes in a cool shower or pool for a total of 1 hour.
  3. Castor Oil Packs – Castor oil helps to stimulate the liver and get rid of toxins in the gut, along with improving skin quality and sleep.
  4. Exercise – Sluggish muscles and excess fat can store and create toxins from inactivity.  When you exercise, the extra blood pumping helps to wash away the waste products and make your body healthier.
  5. Drink Water – Water is necessary for diluting and bringing waste to the kidneys to be filtered out as urine. If you don’t drink water, the toxins stay in your body and lead to fatigue, muscle pain and irritability.
  6. Lemon Juice – First thing in the morning, take the juice of one organic lemon and add it to some warm water to make a nice drink. This helps to clear away the mucus in your gut that has accumulated while sleeping and helps to kick start your liver for a good day of filtering.
  7. Dry Skin Brushing – Dry Skin Brushing involves using a dry, natural bristle, soft brush to brush your skin prior to bathing. Start at the feet and hands and work your way up, always stroking towards the heart.  This can be done every day, year round. This helps to clear toxins from the skin (the largest detoxifying organ of the body!).
  8. Eat Organic Foods – If you decrease the amounts of pesticides, heavy metals and pollutants that are going into your body, you will have less to worry about removing. It’s just that simple.
  9. Fresh Air – High levels of contaminants from the off-gassing of our houses can lead to higher levels of toxicity in our bodies.  Try to open your windows as much as possible, and get outside for at least 20 minutes each day.  As an added benefit, you will be getting vitamin D from the sun, which helps with mood and energy.
  10. Natural Products – So many of the chemicals we are exposed to are applied by our own hand. Try to use organic, natural cosmetics, soaps and cleaning supplies.  In this way, you will be helping the environment to detoxify as well as yourself.

Get Help

Health food stores do not know your individual characteristics and needs and may not support your body optimally during a detox.  Consult a Naturopathic doctor to find a program that will suit your body and result in more vibrant health and fewer unpleasant side effects.  Never attempt a detox without consulting your practitioner, especially if you suffer from any medical condition, are pregnant or nursing, or are in poor health.