6 Myths of Osteoporosis

Over 1.5 million Canadians are diagnosed with osteoporosis. It is a major public health concern. Having osteoporosis puts Canadians at risk for fractures which can be disabling and life-threatening. There are a lot of misconceptions about this bone disease. In this article, we will bust 6 myths about osteoporosis.

1.    Osteoporosis is just thin bones

The main issue of osteoporosis is not that the bones are thin but that the bone’s self-repair mechanism is compromised. Nutrient deficiencies, lack of exercise and toxic chemicals and pollutants can all impair this self-repair mechanism.

2.   Osteoporosis is a normal part of ageing

While some bone loss is normal, osteoporosis is not. Bone mass typically peaks between age 30-35.  Around age 40, bone loss begins at a rate of 0.5% per year. Despite lower bone volume as you age, the bone should still be able to repair itself but osteoporosis is an abnormal pattern of bone loss.

3.   Osteoporosis is common all over the world

Like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, osteoporosis is a degenerative disease of civilization (AKA lifestyle diseases). The highest rates of osteoporosis are seen in industrialized countries such as Canada and the US.

4.   Osteoporosis only affects women

Osteoporosis occurs in both men and women. 1 in 8 men and 1 in 4 women over the age of 50 are osteoporotic. There are several factors that make women more at risk. 25% of all surgeries are on the female reproductive tract. Women who have surgeries and are on bed rest have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Nutrient deficiencies also increase the risk of osteoporosis, with women more likely to diet and have eating disorders1.  Not having menses (amenorrhea or menopause) also puts women more at risk.

5.   Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly

Osteoporosis is not just isolated to the elderly, it can also happen in younger adults (<50 years old). Younger adults who are anorexic, athletes, ballet dancers, or have a long history of corticosteroid use are more at risk for osteoporosis.

6.   Osteoporosis means something has gone wrong with the body

Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease. When the body is out of balance it attempts to correct it, but often this can mean sacrificing bones. The blood’s pH (or level of acidity) must be maintained for the body to operate. If the blood is too acidic, the body will try to lower it by taking basic elements, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, out of the bones. This process over many years can lead to osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis is a common disease that many Canadians suffer with. It increases the risk for falls and hip fractures which can affect everyday quality of life. Luckily, Naturopathic Doctors can help patients manage their osteoporosis. Book an appointment today! 


1. Kashubeck-West S, Mintz LB, Weigold I. Separating the Effects of Gender and Weight-Loss Desire on Body Satisfaction and Disordered Eating Behavior. Sex Roles. 2005;53(7):505-518. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-7138-4

Cleansing Fast

Detoxification of the body is the most important factor to health.  The following is a simple program to help cleanse the major detoxification organs involved in eliminating toxins from the body. This program can be repeated once a month – Dr. Chris, ND and  Dr. Michael, ND do this at the start of each month for 3 days as a monthly reset.

Materials needed

  • 6-8 fresh lemons daily (depending on size)
  • 2-3 litres of distilled or filtered water daily
  • Small amount of raw honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • One bottle of Solu-Fibre
  • A herbal detoxification formula as prescribed by your naturopathic doctor

It is best to begin the program by eating only raw fruits and vegetables for two days prior to this cleanse, aim for 3 cups of colored vegetables, 3 cups of greens and 3 cups of sulphur rich vegetables (ie. asparagus, bean sprouts, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, kale, garlic, mushrooms, onions, etc .)  This prepares the body and helps eliminate toxins.  As such the body does not become overwhelmed when you start the detoxification process.


DAY 1  Mix 1 ½ cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 2 litres of distilled or filtered water. A little raw honey may be added for palatability (if desired).  Consume ½ your body weight in ounces of the combined lemon water, (ie. If you weigh 150 lbs consume a minimum of 2.3L).  Each morning and evening take (a) 1 tablespoon of Solu-Fibre in a 10 oz. glass of the lemon mixture, and (b) the herbal detoxification formula as directed by your naturopathic doctor.

DAY 2  Repeat lemon-distilled water mixture and Solu-Fibre.  Take herbal remedy as directed.

DAY 3  Repeat lemon-distilled water mixture and Solu-Fibre.  Take herbal remedy as directed.

This is the end of the concentrated detoxifying.  It is most important to reintroduce solid foods gradually for lasting benefits.

DAYS 4 & 5  Continue to drink water and add the juice of ½ lemon if desired.  Continue the Solu-Fibre and the herbal remedies.  Drink as much as desired of the following:  spring water, carrot juice, or other fruit and vegetable juices (except citrus), preferably freshly prepared with a juicer for maximum benefits.

DAYS 6 & 7  Add raw vegetables.  Maintain herbal remedy and Solu-Fibre . Consume juices as desired.

DAY 8  Add lightly steamed vegetables to allowable food.  Continue herbal remedy and Solu-Fibre twice daily.

DAY 9  Add raw unsalted nuts and/or seeds.  Reduce Solu-Fibre mixture to once per day.  Continue herbal remedy as directed.

DAY 10 & FORWARD  Gradually return to a sound, healthy diet.  Finish the herbal formula.  Adjust Solu-Fibre intake according to personal need.  Lower bowel gas and foul odoured stools are indications of increased need for dietary fiber.

Note: 1) it is important to drink the specified minimum amount of liquid based on your body weight daily.  2) Colon hydrotherapy during the cleansing fast is highly recommended for best results.  Discuss gut microbiome replenishment protocol for post colonic treatment.

You can find out more about detoxification and try our 3-day detox here.

5 Steps to Improve your Testosterone

Could it be my hormones?

5 Steps to Improve your Testosterone

Testosterone is a “masculinizing hormone”, meaning it contributes to classically male characteristics in the body. That being said, it is normally present in both men and women, only at different levels. Like all other hormones, there is an optimal amount of testosterone for your body, and when the levels fall below this point, there are telltale low-testosterone symptoms.

 Symptoms of Low Testosterone

The symptoms of low testosterone include:

    • Change in sleep patterns, with an increase in sleep disturbances
    • Increase in body fat and decrease in muscle mass, loss of strength
    • Hair loss
    • Reduced libido, sexual stamina
    • Erectile dysfunction or infertility
    • Decreased motivation, decreased energy
    • Depression
    • Worsening of sleep apnea
    • Worsening of congenital heart failure
    • Hot flushes or sweats
    • Loss of body hair

What Causes Low Testosterone

Testosterone peaks in men around age 20 and naturally begins to decline by 1% every year after age 30. But other factors also contribute to blocked production and falling levels, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney or liver disease, other hormonal disorders, and infections. Another major culprit that is becoming more and more common is exposure to estrogen-mimicking compounds in food, water, and your environment. These hormone-disrupting pollutants increase estrogen, which reflexively causes testosterone to decrease.

How is Low Testosterone Diagnosed?

The normal range is 9–38 nmol/L (270–1070 ng/dL). The functional or optimal level for testosterone is above 19 nmol/L meaning if you are below this level, you may benefit from testosterone-boosting treatments. A blood sample must be collected in the morning, preferably before 10 AM, or within 3 hours of waking, and preferably in a fasting state (not having eaten). Testing should occur when the sleep-wake pattern is stable (e.g., not during shift changes or jetlag) as this can affect short-term testosterone levels.

Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

There are many non-invasive and lower-risk ways to boost testosterone before turning to hormone therapy or trying anabolic steroids. Below are the best ways to increase testosterone levels naturally.

  1. Avoid exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals

As mentioned before, chemicals can disrupt the body’s normal hormonal balance. Avoid exposures by completely avoiding plastic near your food, not using BPA plastic water bottles or other products, eat organic as much as possible, and opt for non-GMO foods. Phytoestrogens (especially soy) should be taken in moderation. Finally, avoid hoppy IPA beers because of the phytoestrogen from hops in high concentration in IPAs. Sorry guys! Take our environmental quiz to see how you score and if you are in need of a customized detoxification program

  1. Body Composition

If you are overweight, losing weight can be very beneficial for testosterone levels. Strength training is advantageous but also using short, intense intervals of exercise, like HIIT training, can boost levels.

  1. Supplement to support testosterone-production pathways

Like other hormones, testosterone is produced from cholesterol using a number of cofactors and enzymes, including zinc, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, so the body must have enough of these elements to complete the pathway. It is also derived from DHEA, which is considered the “anti-aging” hormone – so checking this level is also important if your testosterone is low. Other helpful supplements/herbs include tribulus, stinging nettle root, ashwagandha, adaptogenic herbs, and Myomin.

  1. Reduce stress

When we are stressed, we produce cortisol which tends to lower testosterone, so it is important to get your stress under control by examining your commitments and eliminating what you can/setting boundaries, or building in regular stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing and stretching, especially after exercise, as well as meditation.  Getting enough sleep is a part of this because sleep deprivation directly increases the next day’s cortisol levels, and decreases hormone production.

  1. Nutrition

The most impactful diet changes you can make to support your testosterone levels are:

  • Limit or eliminate sugar from your diet
  • Eat healthy fats, such as mono-, and poly-unsaturated fats, as well as saturated fats from animal sources
  • Eat foods such as olives, olive oil, raw nuts such as almonds or pecans, grass-fed meats, coconuts and coconut oils, organic eggs, palm oil, butter made from grass-fed/organic milk, avocados, unheated organic nut oils
  • Increase intake of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) from food like whey protein

Testosterone is an extremely important reproductive hormone that has major impacts on your daily physical and mental health. Testing is easy, and there are effective ways to boost levels to achieve your overall optimal health. Ask about testing your levels today – call 587-521-3595 or schedule an appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND online.




http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/07/27/increase-testosterone-levels.aspx  http://www.medicinenet.com/low_testosterone_low_t/article.htm#low_testosterone_low_t_definition


Environmental Quiz

Check each item that applies to you:

  • Do you drink pop, calorie free or sugary drinks?  This includes mixing them in with alcohol (ie rum and coke)
  • Do you drink anything out of a plastic bottle?
  • Do you use non-stick frying pans?
  • Do you drink Vitamin mineral or Gatorade water?
  • Do you use a microwave?
  • Do you use a cell phone or a computer for more than 3 hours a day?
  • Do you use Advil, Tylenol, Immodium or any over the counter medication more than 1x/ year?
  • Do you eat foods that have food coloring (ie Smarties, M&Ms, cheddar cheese, etc) ?
  • Do you consume canned goods (ie soup in a can)?
  • Do you use personal care products with phthalates or parabens?
  • Do you drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day?
  • Do you exercise less than 30 minutes per day, 4 days per week?
  • Do you regularly consume foods that are Genetically Modified?  These foods are: Corn, Soybeans, Canola, Cottonseed and Beet sugar.
  • Do you eat any of the following foods in the non-organic form:
1.     Strawberries 7. Nectarines
2.     Spinach 8. Apples
3.     Kale, Collard and Mustard 9. Bell & hot peppers
4.    Grapes 10. Cherries
5.    Peaches 11. Blueberries
6.    Pears 12. Green beans
  • Do you drink manufactured orange juice?
  • Do you suffer from any of the following: ongoing fatigue, headaches, pain, and constant colds and coughs?
  • Do you regularly experience digestive concerns such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome?
  • Have you been diagnosed with low thyroid function or a skin condition (ie eczema, psoriasis, acne)?
  • Do you use hand sanitizer or Colgate toothpaste on a regular basis?
  • Are you more than 15 lbs overweight?
  • Do you use perfume?


Score: _______


Number of checks Category
Less than 5 You win top marks and qualify for the “Squeaky Clean” award  – Congrats!


Between 5 -12 You need to reduce your environmental toxin exposure and may need an integrated detoxification program. Dr. Mason-Wood, ND can provide an assessment to see if a detoxification is right for you and provide lifestyle counselling to help you minimize toxin exposure – call our clinic today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND at (587) 521-3595 or schedule an appointment online at https://naturalterrain.com/contact-us/.
Greater than 12 You need an integrated detoxification program – call our clinic today to schedule a critical care appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND at (587) 521-3595 or schedule an appointment online at https://naturalterrain.com/contact-us/

Low Carb, High Fat Lifestyle Gains Ground

This article as been written by the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and is posted with their permission. The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource. Find archived articles here;  http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml

What is the world’s biggest nutritional problem? Until fairly recently, the answer was often hunger. In previous decades there were numerous solicitations in the media asking for donations to help feed the hungry — but those have largely disappeared. In the early 80s the marketing of processed food fundamentally changed from marketing to satisfy hunger to marketing processed food to satisfy desire and pleasure. Essential nutrients were removed from food to extend its shelf life and promote a “better taste” that would appeal to the tongue and generate more profit. One could argue the obesity epidemic had its origins there. Today, one might answer the world’s biggest nutrition problem is obesity and the associated problem of malnutrition from lack of adequate intake of essential nutrients, which causes the metabolic diseases of diabetes, heart disease, and some say cancer.

The answer to the obesity epidemic seems to have gotten lost in the modern world, but it has long been discussed under two buzzwords. One is “ketogenics” or driving the body into fat burning mode. The other is “low carb, high fat”. They are very similar in approach.

The low carb – high fat proposition is quite a startling if not radical change from the doctrine, familiar over the last five decades, of avoiding fat. After studying this material, I found that the conventional wisdom was wrong — and has substantially contributed to the world’s population of people who just don’t feel good.

In a profound lecture, Dr. Joan Ifland presents her twenty-three-year journey of understanding how the world switched from hunger to (shall we say) “non-hunger” but with the rather huge side effect of metabolic diseases. Metabolic diseases are ones that are self-inflicted or developed from within, whereas communicable diseases are ones we get from each other.

Dr. Ifland’s thesis is that the largest addict group in the world today is addicted to carbohydrates, in particular, sugar. The size of this group far exceeds any traditional addictions to drugs or alcohol. Her insight is that in the ’80s and ’90s big business learned from the early hugely successful marketing of tobacco how to mass-market today’s junk food. It has been a huge business success for a few but devastating to health and life spans for many. She explains there are too many contributors to the status-quo to hope for government action, but the solution can only come from individual action. She further explains that modern communication technology can be very useful to promote individual action to solve this worldwide problem. A recent global conference in Cape Town, South Africa on the Low Carb, High Fat subject presented several excellent lectures, itemized below. All the conference lectures appear to be high quality. The science appears solid, and these are well worth a few evenings of study.

Dr. Gary Fettke, an orthopedic surgeon from Australia, explains chronic inflammation and its causes in processed food. Although he appears to have started out as a surgeon, as he saw amputations for diabetic patients becoming a large part of his practice, he changed focus to become an enthusiastic advocate of the low carb high fat diet.

Dr. Eric Westman from Duke University in North Carolina explains how fifteen years ago, two patients told him about their success with ketogenic diets. His investigation into the subject has transformed his practice into a full-time university-based, drug free, weight loss clinic. He explains that many of his colleagues have proposed that this, too, will be a fad. However, the science has shown to be solid.

Dr. Zoe Harcombe is an interesting lecturer from Wales, UK. She is one of the leading proponents of a low carb high fat diet. Her research shows there was never any scientific justification for low fat diets. The theory sounded good, that is “fat is bad”, and thus the politicians promoted it, case closed. At least until Dr. Zoe took a new look. She did not find faulty science, she found no science to support low fat diets.

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt is widely known as Sweden’s esteemed diet doctor. He has an interesting story on the causes of a butter shortage in Norway. Additionally he presents how Sweden became the first national government to support low carb, high fat eating in preference to the traditional food pyramid.

In Closing

Energized by these lectures, I have learned that by eating the classic French fries and high-carb lunch, I will likely be fall-out-of-the-chair fatigued about 4 pm. To avoid that I’ve cut out big doses of processed carbohydrates and sweets, and include a larger portion of healthy fatty foods such as butter, nuts, whole olives, and avocados, per the recommendations above. It makes a big difference on what one gets done in a day.

The science behind the low carb, high fat trend is solid. Be your own scientist. It is easy to run your own experiments to verify what has been presented. To put it concisely, “What is it worth to you to feel really good?”

(About the author: Tom Taylor has engineering degrees from Georgia Tech and a MBA. He became interested in nutrition subjects as a solution to feeling too old and stiff to do the peculiar positions required to work on boats and airplanes. He has contributed prior articles to OMNS.)

Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org

Find a Doctor

To locate an orthomolecular physician near you: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n09.shtml

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Every day, I am constantly reminded of how amazing our bodies are. While I was out enjoying the sun this past weekend, I reflected on Vitamin D and how incredible it is that our skin can produce such an important molecule when exposed to the sun.

Vitamin D is an important part of maintaining regular body functions as well as preventing many diseases. Some of the benefits of Vitamin D are…

      • Maintaining calcium and phosphorus balance
      • Promoting strong bones
      • Reducing inflammation
      • Decreasing cardiovascular risk
      • Lowering the risk of cancer
      • Reducing overall mortality rates
      • Lowering the risk of pre-term birth in pregnant women
      • Reduced incidence of dementia
      • And it plays a major role in a healthy immune system. It is associated with…
            1. Increased production of antimicrobial peptides by the immune system.
            2. Less respiratory tract infections
            3. Fewer cases of influenza
            4. Fewer autoimmune diseases


Despite longer exposure to sunlight in the summer, Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you may think. In Canada, cold winters have us bundling up, staying indoors and limiting our exposure to the sun. The long winters can put our bodies into a deficient state. Additionally, ageing, disease, obesity, medications and genetic mutations may put a person at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Luckily, your naturopathic doctor can test your vitamin D in office and help you reach the ideal levels.  This quick test can help us identify causes of illness, help prevent many diseases and promote optimum health.

With the start of back to school right around the corner, it is a good idea to discuss with your naturopathic doctor about the importance of vitamin D.  Book an appointment today to have your vitamin D levels tested. 

Is Pain Affecting Your Life? Prolotherapy May be the Answer

Exercising is such an important part of both our physical and mental health. It is one of the best ways to perform “self-care” because it supplies oxygen to our cells and regulates our mood by balancing neurotransmitters. However, if you are injured or in pain, exercising may feel out of reach.

If you are suffering from pain, whether it’s osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain or a sports injury, prolotherapy may be just the thing to get you back to your daily activities.

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy, also known as “non-surgical ligament reconstruction”, is an effective way to treat the cause of pain. It has been around for over 80 years and has been effective in treating a host of conditions. Prolotherapy works by injecting a solution containing a specialized sugar called dextrose. When dextrose is injected, it stimulates the body’s natural immune response.  Growth factors are brought to the injection site and the body stimulates tissue growth to promote healing of damaged muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones.

What can it treat?

Prolotherapy can treat a number of different conditions including….

      1. Low back pain
      2. Hip & Pelvic Pain
      3. Knee & Leg pain
      4. Neck Pain
      5. Temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome
      6. Plantar fasciitis
      7. Achilles Tendinosis & ankle pain
      8. Patellar tendinopathy
      9. Shoulder pain
      10. Osgood-Schlatter Disease
      11. Groin pain
      12. Osteoarthritis
      13. Fibromyalgia
      14. Many other conditions…

Why Should You Consider Prolotherapy?

Aside from limiting the ability to exercise, chronic pain has a huge impact on quality of life. It can affect our ability to work, our relationships, our ability to perform daily tasks and it can affect our mental health. One in four Canadians live in chronic pain and it is one of the major causes of lost work hours. Luckily, Dr. Mason-Wood, ND specializes in pain management and wants to get you back to your normal routine.

Don’t suffer from pain any longer, book your appointment with Dr. Mason-Wood, ND today!

  1. Hauser RA, Lackner JB, Steilen-Matias D, Harris DK. A Systematic Review of Dextrose Prolotherapy for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2016;9:139-159. doi:10.4137/CMAMD.S39160
  2. Dueñas M, Ojeda B, Salazar A, Mico JA, Failde I. A review of chronic pain impact on patients, their social environment and the health care system. J Pain Res. 2016;9:457-467. doi:10.2147/JPR.S105892


Amalgam Removal – Important information ahead!

If you are considering getting your silver fillings (amalgams) removed or replaced, we recommend supporting your body with a pre and post detoxification program. This is because when you remove the filling, chemicals (i.e. mercury) contained in the filling can escape despite the dentist’s best efforts to contain it.

The most problematic concern is mercury. Mercury has the potential to damage/affect any organ system, as it binds to the sulphur-containing portions of proteins found throughout the body.

Some of the side effects of mercury exposure include…

  • Suppression of the immune system
  • Dysregulation of immunity
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Eventual loss of sensation in the extremities.
  • Alteration in taste (metallic taste)
  • Hearing problems
  • Vision problems.
  • Tremors
  • Problems with balance and coordination
  • Irritability
  • Excitability
  • Mental health conditions such as depression and psychotic behaviour. 1

At Natural Terrain, we offer heavy metal testing which measures the levels of toxic and essential minerals.

We recommend testing your levels of heavy metals one month after having your fillings removed to determine whether further chelation/ detoxification is required. Chelation is a treatment that uses an agent, known as a chelator, to bind to heavy metals in the blood and fluid around cells in order to promote the excretion of toxins, such as mercury, from your body.  This is a process that needs to be conducted by a Naturopathic Doctor trained in chelation therapy. For more information, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Mason-Wood, ND by calling 587-521-3595 or schedule online. 


1. Rocky Mountain Analytical Lab test report

Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances: Same or different?

Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances: Same or different?

It is becoming more and more common to hear that someone cannot eat a particular food because they are sensitive or allergic to it, while others may be having various symptoms and cannot quite figure out what the offending foods are. Reactions to foods may not be due to one type of mechanism but may be multiple mechanisms occurring simultaneously or individually.

Often the terms allergy, sensitivity and intolerance are used interchangeably, when in fact, they are not the same thing. These different types of reactions are immune-mediated or non-immune-mediated reactions.

Immune-mediated mechanisms

As Josh Gitalis (Functional Medicine Practitioner and Certified Nutritionist) writes, think of the immune system as law enforcement agents, where there are different branches and players that respond to different threats. For example, in Canada there are border police, RCMP, transport enforcement, sheriffs, park wardens, etc.; they all work for the same organization, but respond to different dangers or risks. Similarly in the immune system, there are different players reacting to different threats. Some of these immune system players are called immunoglobulins (Ig) and are given a letter to distinguish between them. There is immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin E (IgE), immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin M (IgM), and immunoglobulin D (IgD), where each of the different immunoglobulins is in charge of a different response. (Gitalis, J., 2016).

A true allergic reaction is one that is mediated by IgE (one of the types of immune responses). Allergic reactions are immediate (occurring within minutes to hours) and can be systemic, including potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis, or localized, such as hay fever, asthma, hives as well as vomiting or diarrhea. An example of a food allergy is a peanut or shellfish allergy. Often, referral to an allergist is recommended in the case of serious food allergies (ex. anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing).

Another type of immune-mediated reaction to food is an IgG reaction. This is known as a food sensitivity. This type of reaction is often confused with an IgE or allergic reaction, but it is different. IgG reactions are delayed, meaning they can take hours or days to develop. This often contributes to confusion in determining the food culprit of one’s symptoms. Food sensitivity symptoms are often varied and can include (but are not limited to): fatigue, skin rashes such as eczema and psoriasis, mood and memory disturbances, migraines, asthma, joint pain, weight gain, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, variations in stool type (diarrhea, constipation or alternating between constipation and diarrhea).

IgG food sensitivity testing is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many looking to determine what foods may be causing symptoms. There are many independent labs that offer food sensitivity testing, which can be accessed and performed by Naturopathic Doctors. Often, if you have a food sensitivity that shows up on an IgG test, it can indicate that you have “leaky gut syndrome” or intestinal hyperpermeability. Essentially, our digestive tracts are one tube from our mouth to our anus, and that tube has to properly control what passes through the lining of the intestines. When it becomes “leaky” allowing food particles to pass through that typically aren’t allowed to pass through, the food particles are recognized by our immune system and can cause the variety of symptoms (as mentioned above). This immune response is what is measured with testing. To help address the root cause, foods must be eliminated and the gut must be healed. (See article on leaky gut)

Conventional immunologists do not recognize the validity of these tests and often discount them as credible tests aimed at uncovering foods causing symptoms. This is because the tests are not standardized and each laboratory has their own methodology in determining food sensitivities, which is in contrast to standardized IgE testing. However, IgG food sensitivity testing can still be beneficial in determining what foods may be causing or contributing to one’s symptoms.

As an example from my own personal experience, after I completed an IgG food sensitivity test, I found out that I was sensitive to dairy. Once I eliminated dairy from my diet, I felt what it was like to no longer have digestive symptoms (bloating, gas, constipation) and my acne improved. Another example is of a patient who was about 10 years old at the time and had full body skin rash that wasn’t resolving with conventionally prescribed corticosteroid creams or would mildly improve then return once she stopped applying the cream. She did the food sensitivity test and found out she was sensitive to gluten. After avoiding gluten, her skin rash resolved.

Other patients have completed the food sensitivity test and their results haven’t been as remarkable or in some cases, there hasn’t been any improvement or any reaction to foods despite symptoms. This can occur because the reaction could be coming from a different component of the immune system other than IgG or because the reaction isn’t immune-mediated at all.

Non-immune-mediated mechanisms

After eating certain foods, some people experience symptoms that do not involve immune system mediated reactions. These non-immune reactions are called food intolerances. Similarly to food sensitivities, food intolerances can have a delayed onset of symptoms, as well as symptoms that vary, including digestive symptoms (bloating, gas, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), skin rashes, itching, headaches, fatigue, joint pain and restlessness to name a few.

Food intolerances can have a variety of different causes, which include:

  • Enzyme defects
    • Enzymes help with breaking down substances found in certain foods. If enzymes are faulty or low in supply, then the food will not be digested properly.
    • For example, in individuals with lactose intolerance, their body may either lack the enzyme (known as lactase) or have a faulty lactase enzyme required to break down lactose (type of sugar) found in dairy products. If not properly digested, lactose will not be absorbed and will be digested by naturally occurring bacteria in the digestive tract, causing symptoms of gas, cramping/pain, bloating and diarrhea.
  • Chemical
    • Some foods contain chemical substances that can have an affect on the body, where some people may be more sensitive to those chemical components than others and thus develop symptoms.
    • For example, a substance called methylxanthine found in coffee, chocolate, tea and cola can cause heart palpitations, restlessness and anxiety in some individuals. Another example is histamine-containing foods or foods that can develop a buildup of histamine, such as fish, cheese, sauerkraut. These can contribute to symptoms such as headaches, rashes, itching, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Other chemical substances can include additives, preservatives and food colourings/dyes.
  • Toxic
    • Substances exerting a toxic effect can occur within a number of foods leading to symptoms.
    • For example, aflatoxin, a carcinogenic compound produced by certain molds/fungi, is found in peanuts, peanut butter and corn, amongst other foods. Though poisoning is relatively rare (and depends on various factors), symptoms of aflatoxin exposure include stunted growth and delayed development in children, liver damage, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, pulmonary edema (fluid buildup in the lungs), kidney and heart damage and convulsions.

Where to start?

It can be challenging to navigate the different types of food-related reactions that may be causing you symptoms. One of the best places to begin is by keeping a food journal/diary, tracking what you eat and what symptoms are experienced. Next, you might want to consider an elimination diet and/or testing. Naturopathic doctors can offer assistance in determining food-related reactions and which route to take to determine what’s contributing to your symptoms and how best to alleviate them.


Aflatoxin Could Be in Your Peanut Butter & More. (2016). Retrieved January 03, 2017, from https://draxe.com/aflatoxin/

Aflatoxin Poisoning: Symptoms, Treatment & Effects. (n.d.). Retrieved January 03, 2017, from http://study.com/academy/lesson/aflatoxin-poisoning-symptoms-treatment-effects.html

Allergy or Intolerance? (2016, April). Retrieved January 03, 2017, from http://www.allergyuk.org/food-intolerance/allergy-or-intolerance

Gitalis, J. (2016, October 03). What Are Food Allergies and Sensitivities? Retrieved January 03, 2017, from http://www.joshgitalis.com/what-are-food-allergies-and-sensitivities/

IgG Food Sensitivity: Clinical Information for Professionals. (2014, January). Retrieved January 03, 2017, from http://rmalab.com/sites/default/files/tests/instructions/20140106_CI_IgG_Food_Sens.pdf

Greening the Cancer Cause: Changing the Way Women Think About Breast Health

From April to October, one well-intentioned organization after another is asking for money to support “a cure for cancer” or cancer research. As a cancer survivor and naturopathic doctor, I donate to a brilliant program created by three courageous women in Canmore, Alberta -the Pink and Green Ribbon campaign. (Now called Rethink Breast Cancer). Committed to stopping cancer before it starts these women put into action local initiatives designed to clean up the environment and bring awareness to the chemicals we put in our bodies with the goal of making our communities healthier places to live.

The pink represents a commitment to creating breast cancer-free communities through promoting healthy breast education and focusing on prevention. The green reflects a stand for addressing the connection between the environment and women’s health.

With the slogan, “Love Your Planet. Love Your Body. Love Your Life,” the campaign co-founders, including my naturopathic colleague Dr. Monika Herwig, create local initiatives designed to clean up the environment and make our communities healthier places to live.

These women, all mothers of daughters, also want to change the way women think about breast health. They’re not comfortable with the current statistics and predictions for breast cancer (i.e., One in nine will develop breast cancer). In their desire to make a difference, they declare the opposite: “Eight in nine women will have healthy breasts for their lifetime.” This subtle positive shift is extremely empowering. I find that one’s mental health is often an overlooked aspect of one’s physical health – and the two are intimately connected to our overall sense of well-being. What would happen to the current statistics for breast cancer if we took a positive approach? Let’s do more than wonder! They posed the following questions and started a conversation around the topics below:

  • What if we all started talking more about breast health?
  • What if healthier breast tissue and less exposure to carcinogens made our breasts less susceptible to cancerous changes?
  • What if all the products available to us as consumers were good for the planet (soil, water and air quality) and for our bodies?
  • What if girls at puberty were taught simple healthy breast practices?
  • What if all women understood the anatomy of their breasts?
  • What if all communities in North America became pesticide-free?

The campaign started on Earth Day and ended on Rachel Carson Day. Rachel Carson was an environmentalist in the 1960’s who wrote a book called “Silent Spring”. She was a pioneer in creating awareness regarding the link between our health and the environment. The Rocky Mountain Soap Company hosts a running event during this time and it is an amazing event that typically sells out – I encourage you to participate in this event.

The campaign also provided daily practical solutions for keeping the critical relationship between the environment and health in mind, using the topics soil, air, water, our energy and our bodies.

Our soil

In naturopathic medical school, Dr. Sat Dharam Kaur  ND was one of my favourite teachers. Kaur, who has a naturopathic practice in Owen Sound, Ontario, specializing in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, says, “Not unlike our bodies, soil is a living biological entity composed of a community of organisms, organic matter and minerals. A healthy soil provides a high mineral and nutritional reservoir to nurture the vitality of the plants and, in turn, the animals (including humans) that are sustained by it. To establish good health, we need to honour the cycle of life, restore mineral balance to the soil and our food, and eliminate from the environment and our bodies harmful chemicals and heavy metals.”

Healthy soil action steps…

  • Purchase organically grown food or grow your own food and discourage the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  • Embrace your playful spirit and dig in the dirt.
  • Connect with the earth and see what you find. Encourage children to join you.
  • Purchase organically grown food or grow your own food and discourage the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Watch CBC’s Wendy Mesley in “Chasing the Cancer Answer”. I was struck how, in documenting her own breast cancer journey and quest for answers, Mesley also revealed that cancer has become a business-an extremely profitable business for pharmaceutical companies.

Our water

“Rivers and lakes are the earth’s umbilical cord that brings us water and minerals; the oceans are our collective amniotic fluid. If the rivers and oceans are contaminated, so will the water be that makes up 70 percent of our physical structure,” says Dr. Kaur ND.

Healthy water action steps…

  • Filter your water and store in a glass container. My favourite is a reverse osmosis system with builtin activated charcoal, if you can afford it. Otherwise, go with the activated carbon block filter without silver. Store your filtered water in a glass container.
  • Stop using plastic water bottles. Health Canada has acknowledged the health risks associated with bisphenol-A, a toxic compound found in plastic – make the switch to a glass or stainless steel water bottle available at many health food stores. This will reduce the toxic load on your body, as well as decrease plastic refuse for the planet.
  • Drink water: The basic rule of thumb is to consume half of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water – this is a MINIMUM recommendation. For example, a 140- pound person needs to drink a daily minimum of seven 10-ounce glasses of water each day.
  • Make a commitment to the purity of your drinking water and to the lakes, rivers and water table in your area. Clean up a local river, shoreline or stream by going for a hike and picking up garbage.
  • Prevent dehydration. When we are water deficient, the ability of our kidneys to filter toxins suffers and we have fewer stools. Headaches, fatigue, joint pain, inability to concentrate and digestive disturbances increase.

Our air

According to Dr. Kaur ND, “New plant growth continues to release oxygen, while carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. The balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide ensures the quality of the air we breathe…Take steps to restore clean air in our homes, workplaces and communities.”

Healthy air action steps…

  • Reduce carbon emissions and choose to ride your bike, walk, car pool or take transit.
  • Discover the benefits of deep breathing and how it affects all facets of your life.  Being conscious of your breath in difficult moments can completely change your outlook!
  • Get some relief and take off your bra! Feel the air you breathe. There is a 21-fold greater chance of developing breast cancer in women who wear their bras more than 12 hours daily and a 113-fold increase in breast cancer incidence among women who wear their bras all the time. One of the factors that promotes tumour growth is poor microcirculation in the area where tumours develop (often due to impingement of tissue by underwire bras).

Our energy

“Our sun, from which we derive most of our planetary heat, light and energy, has existed for five billion years, and, like many of us, is considered to be in middle age. Without the sun, there would be no plant or animal life on Earth…” says Dr. Kaur ND.

Healthy energy action steps…

  • Invest your energy in activities, hobbies, volunteer work or causes you feel dedicated to and excited about that develop your skills and abilities.
  • Learn to define your needs and gifts.  Connect with groups of like-minded individuals throughout your life who support and validate you.
  • If possible resolve conflict as it occurs, rather than holding it inside you, or let it go. Find an outlet for expressing your feelings (be they anger, grief or despair) – such as journaling, art, counseling, song writing, etc. And then if that really isn’t working, do up your shoelaces and get out for a walk, run or bike and breathe it off.
  • Find a spiritual practice or exercise that you feel connected to. It is my personal belief that a connection to a spirit, whatever your chosen practice is, is critical and vital to healing yourself and the current state of the planet. If possible resolve conflict as it occurs, rather than holding it inside you, or let it go.

Our bodies

“The dramatic rise in breast cancer rates over the last half-century is not so much due to female hormones but to environmental chemicals that mimic female hormones and our body’s inability to eliminate them,” notes Dr. Kaur ND.

Healthy body action steps…

  • Minimize your exposure to xenoestrogens (see below), such as those found in plastic.
  • Eliminate plastic residues from your body by doing a supervised sauna detoxification.
  • Avoid plastic cling wrap. Use paper towels to wrap sandwiches. Reduce consumption of fatty foods packaged in plastic and heat-sealed containers.
  • Before accepting the new plastic coating treatment for your children’s teeth, ask your dentist whether it contains bisphenol-A.
  • Learn to read labels and properly dispose of unhealthy household cleaners.
  • Get comfortable with doing a self breast-exam. Your breasts will be easiest to examine right after your period. If you are not comfortable doing a self breast exam, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. Ask her/him to teach you how to do a self breast-exam. Get comfortable with the importance of breast massage.
  • Lastly, I encourage you to purchase her books, available online at Chapters/Indigo. Also, make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor and to take the necessary steps you need towards loving yourself, the planet and your life.

With one in nine women developing breast cancer, most women think they are going to be a cancer statistic, and the current media is cultivating a culture where we just assume we will get cancer. This needs to change. More specifically, we need to revolutionize how we think about and address our health.

Understanding Hormones and Breast Health

An article about breast cancer would be incomplete without mentioning the impact of hormones on our health. Hormones are chemical messengers our endocrine system, responsible for regulating many cellular processes. Hormone receptors are located throughout the body. Breast tissue is one area that contains a high amount of receptors for the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

There are three forms of estrogen (estriol, estradiol and estrone). Estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) are associated with increased breast cancer risk while estriol (E3) may have protective properties.

The other important estrogen to know about is xenoestrogen-manmade synthetic chemicals found in our environment and known as estrogen imposters or hormonal disruptors. Sources of xenoestrogens include synthetic estrogens (birth control pill, HRT, fertility drugs, and hormones in meats and dairy products), chemicals leached into food from microwaving in plastic containers or in plastic wrap, certain detergents, plastics, cleaning supplies, herbicides and pesticides.

The body cannot tell the difference between a man-made chemical xenoestrogen and the estrogen the body naturally produces. As such, xenoestrogens disrupt our hormonal balance and messaging system. In addition, they attach more firmly to estrogen receptors and persist in our bodies and the environment longer than natural hormones because we do not have efficient ways to eliminate them. As a result, we are chronically exposed to a higher level of estrogen stimulation than necessary.

To add insult to injury, the accumulation of xenoestrogens typically occurs in our fatty tissue, such as the breasts. The cellular accumulation of fat-soluble toxins and xenoestrogens in the breast tissue can make the cells there more vulnerable to abnormal changes and cancer.

On a positive note, there are ways to help remove toxins from our bodies, including proper naturopathic detoxification methods, sauna protocols and homeopathic drainage protocols. Since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the essential approach is to address the cause by decreasing the presence of these compounds in our lives and on our planet.