Gain insight that will allow you to make wise decisions regarding what it takes to create long-term whole-body wellness
The art of journalling
The art of writing in my journal has been a savings grace for me for over 40 years. I often
Beyond the Labels
Many know that I am writing my book and in this process I have been reviewing my journals. I’ve discovered many poems
Top 7 business tips for being a successful ND
One thing I am passionate about is spreading the message about Naturopathic Medicine and one way to do that is
Time for Reflection
As the year draws to a close, I find that it is a time of reflection. Do you take the
Holiday Recipes – Turkey Rub, Cranberry Sauce, ...
Here are some yummy holiday recipes compliments of Dr. Haarsma, ND and Dr. McCarthy, ND. Spice Rub: Try the following spice
10 tips for mental health
When your mental health is in check it means that you have a sense of wellbeing, are able to function
Pesticide protection – 7 easy steps
Eat fruits and vegetables on the dirty dozen list organic. Buy locally grown produce whenever possible. Since it isn’t shipped long distances,
7 Steps for Positive Mental Health
Step 1 – Food to support your Mood. What we eat affects how we feel. Eating healthy makes us feel healthy. A
10 strategies for healthy thoughts & emotions
Practice “thought stopping”. Use your ability to “choose” your thoughts and your feelings will follow. Create a resource of positive