Gain insight that will allow you to make wise decisions regarding what it takes to create long-term whole-body wellness

What is Pain?

We have all experienced pain sometime in our lives. Pain can be a protective measure that helps us know something

Concussions: Naturopathic Doctors can support y...

Concussions are injuries to the brain after a traumatic injury. In fact, concussions are also known as mild traumatic brain

FOOD ALLERGIES: I had them as a kid, and treate...

This article as been written by the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and is posted with their permission. The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular

Aging and Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress Oxidation is a chemistry term which refers to a molecule gaining an oxygen atom or losing an electron.

Children’s Eczema

Children's Eczema Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammation of the skin and occurs in up to 25%

6 Myths of Osteoporosis

Over 1.5 million Canadians are diagnosed with osteoporosis. It is a major public health concern. Having osteoporosis puts Canadians at

Cleansing Fast

Detoxification of the body is the most important factor to health.  The following is a simple program to help cleanse

5 Steps to Improve your Testosterone

Could it be my hormones? 5 Steps to Improve your Testosterone Testosterone is a “masculinizing hormone”, meaning it contributes to

Environmental Quiz

Check each item that applies to you: Do you drink pop, calorie free or sugary drinks?  This includes mixing them