8 Health Risks of Low Cholesterol

8 Health Risks of Low Cholesterol – by Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND and Lachlan Crawford, ND

It’s commonly known that elevated cholesterol in the blood is a risk factor for developing heart problems. In fact, high cholesterol is recognized as a major contributor to cardiovascular disease, the #2 leading cause of death in Canada, second only to cancer1. To combat this major public health concern, over 38 million prescriptions for statin pharmaceuticals to lower cholesterol were written in Canada in 20122. With so much effort to lower cholesterol, you might think it advantageous to get your levels as low as possible. Having too-low cholesterol, however, has its own risks, calling into question the trending practice of prescribing statins to anyone even at risk of elevated levels. New insight into the effects of low cholesterol are showing the importance of staying within a healthy optimal range and not falling into low levels – a state called hypocholesterolemia.

What is Cholesterol? The Good and the Bad

Cholesterol is a lipid (fat molecule) that is made by the body (mostly the liver) and also consumed in the diet. Our total blood level of cholesterol is a combination of what’s made ‘in-house’ and what’s picked up in our food. Cholesterol has a specific molecular structure consisting of four rings of atoms. This structure makes it a sterol (type of fat) that is the building block for many other physiological molecules, including our hormones.

There are two main types of cholesterol in the body, namely HDL cholesterol (commonly called “the good cholesterol”) and LDL cholesterol (commonly dubbed “the bad cholesterol”). HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein and is considered good because this is the form that is thought to play a protective role in our cardiovascular system. HDL is a bundle of molecules that includes cholesterol, and it moves cholesterol from the body’s vascular system to the liverwhere it can be processed and made into something else. If the cholesterol stays in the vascular system it can become oxidized which is damaging to blood vessels. This contributes to plaque formation in the vessels which causes heart disease. Therefore, when cholesterol is in the HDL bundle, it is good because it is moving away from where it can cause damage. Conversely, LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is a bundle of molecules that includes cholesterol and it moves cholesterol from the liver to the peripheral body and blood vessels, keeping it where it is more likely to be oxidized and cause damage. This is why the LDL-bundled-cholesterol has a bad reputation.

Why is Cholesterol Important for our Bodies?

Cholesterol is used in countless physiological processes, but here is a list of some of the major categories of its wide range of use:

  1. First, cholesterol is an essential part of our cell membranes. Every single cell in your body requires cholesterol to keep its fluidity and integrity to function properly at body temperature. Having insufficient cholesterol can make cell walls rigid and lead to premature cell death.
  2. Second, its sterol structure is the building block for many important hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol and aldosterone, to name a few highly important examples3. With cholesterol dipping too low, the body can compensate for a time by making its own cholesterol, but at a point it cannot compensate for all the demands of cholesterol and some hormonal functions may be impacted.
  3. Cholesterol is also the precursor to bile salts. Made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder before being released into the small intestine, bile salts are compounds used in the digestive tract that allows for the absorption of fats.
  4. Finally, cholesterol is important for proper nerve function. Neurons in the central nervous system require cholesterol for the formation of synapses, the parts of neurons that facilitate neuronal communication4, the formation of myelin sheaths for neurons, as well as being essential for the synthesis of some neurotransmitters5. Therefore, having sufficient cholesterol is important to ensure smooth neurotransmitter flow in the brain and spinal cord.

After taking a look at its importance in the body, we might expect some adverse effects if our cholesterol level dips too low. But what should we look out for?

What Happens when Cholesterol is Too Low?

First off, frank hypocholesterolemia (where levels are below the 5th percentile of the normal human population, or around 3.1mmol/L) is uncommon and usually seen only in patients with other severe conditions or infections, multiple physical traumas or just after surgery6. However, many studies have been done that show cholesterol levels at or slightly below the low end of the normal range may have adverse conditions. Many compare healthy controls to patients that are ill and find significant differences in cholesterol levels. Ideal total cholesterol is 5.2 mmol/L, a level below 4.7 mmol/L can be a problem for some, and total cholesterol below 3.1 mmol/L indicates a serious problem.

Part I: Cholesterol and the Brain

Depression, Suicidality

A number of studies have found a relationship between low serum cholesterol levels and mood disorders. Rafter et. al. found that those with low serum cholesterol levels scored significantly worse on depression assessments than those with normal cholesterol7. In patients diagnosed with depression, low blood cholesterol levels have been associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, with some studies showing a direct correlation: the lower the cholesterol, the more likely a patient would be to have suicidal thoughts or to make an attempt5. The magnifying effect of low cholesterol on low mood has also been documented in people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder and post-partum depression5. However, still other studies have shown no correlation between mental health markers and cholesterol levels, showing the relationship is likely a partial one, or that cholesterol levels play a part in the mental health outcomes of only certain populations. So although it may not be a perfect predictor for all populations, it is nonetheless important to note cholesterol plays a role in significant mental health outcomes. If you are concerned about taking cholesterol-lowering drugs and their effect on your mental health, the research is still out. As with the data on depression, conflicting data show a correlation between anti-cholesterol drugs and psychiatric symptoms while other studies show no correlation5. More studies are being done to determine the nature of the relationship between cholesterol, pharmaceuticals and mental health.

Neurodegenerative Disorders

Epidemiological studies show cholesterol levels also have a correlation with neurodegenerative diseases of the aging brain. Many investigators are working to determine if these relationships are simply a correlation or are causative, in other words if low cholesterol contributes as a risk for developing dementia or Alzheimer’s. Mostly this work is leaving conflicting evidence. When looking at studies in which cholesterol level was assessed in middle age and follow-up for neurodegenerative outcomes was 20 to 30 years, a positive association with Alzheimer’s and high cholesterol was found8. Based on these studies, statins were given to those in mid-life with high cholesterol and resulted in less cognitive decline in later life9. The relationship between high cholesterol and Alzheimers is due to cholesterols role in the development of amyloid plaques.25 On the other hand, when cholesterol levels are measured later in life, Alzheimer’s and dementia is associated with low cholesterol. For example, Dimopolous et. al. showed significantly lower cholesterol levels in elderly patients with dementia10, and Kuussisto et. al. found a correlation with Alzheimer’s disease11– both studies measuring cholesterol in late life. Discussions around these results gave rise to a hypothesis that low cholesterol may be a secondary effect of neurodegeneration and not its cause. A 2008 literature review on the relationship between cholesterol and neurodegeneration presents this topic as conflicting and needing more evidence to report sound conclusions8.

Parkinson’s Disease

Previously, the research around Parkinson’s disease and cholesterol was also inconclusive, but new evidence is sparking interesting and important new discussion. In recent years the prevailing theory was that high cholesterol was the very culprit for developing Parkinson’s. This has led to clinical studies to test a statin drug as direct treatment for Parkinson’s, such as the four-year clinical trial from The Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry in the UK that is in its final year, pending results in 2017. Systematic reviews of evidence for this theory, however, have uncovered confounding reasons why this may not hold truth12. Correcting for these confounding factors, a large prospective study published in 2015 followed patients in the USA for 10 years and found that statin use may be associated with a higher risk of Parkinson’s disease, whereas higher total cholesterol levels is actually associated with lower risk13.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

New studies have highlighted a particular group of children with Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) as having very low cholesterol. Specifically, children with the condition SLOS (Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome), that have an inability to make cholesterol, are much more likely to develop ASD than children with regular cholesterol synthesis14. Although SLOS is only present in a small percentage of children with ASD, it provides important insight into the role of cholesterol metabolism in the development of ASD in the rest of the population, and future possibilities of treatment15. Children with ASD and SLOS treated with cholesterol management therapies show improvement of symptoms, giving hope that this may help others with ASD.

Part II: Cholesterol and the Body

Hormone health and Fertility

This is one of the major categories where cholesterol dysregulation has an affect on the body and its functions. Because cholesterol is a precursor to all steroid hormones, it is understandable that hormone levels are directly affected by cholesterol. Many studies show decreasing levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, aldosterone and other hormones with low levels of cholesterol16,3. Having low steroidal hormones can affect female fertility by not preparing the ovaries or uterus properly for implantation or fetal growth. A startling result from a study looking at the effect of statins on embryo development after fertilization showed marked embryotoxicity caused by the cholesterol-lowering drugs leading to failure of a fertilized embryo to implant for growth17. Low cholesterol also affects male fertility – low synthesis of total testosterone from low cholesterol stores leads to lower sperm counts and can decrease libido as well18. A 2009 literature review calls for more research while acknowledging the possible blunting of the adrenal and/or sex hormone function in both males and females19.

Immune health

Cholesterol also affects the immune system in a significant way. People with low cholesterol also have lower-than-normal counts of immune cells that are necessary to fight off even the most basic infections20. The downstream effects on the immune system also predispose a patient with low cholesterol to more severe inflammation from bacterial invasion. Studies have shown that having low cholesterol before a surgery makes it more likely to have post-operative complications including sepsis21. Epidemiologic studies have also identified a relationship between hypocholesterolemia and increased mortality from all causes22. Overall, low cholesterol is associated with a higher rate of mortality in all hospitalized patients, in comparison to those with normal or high cholesterol levels. Though these findings may mislead some to think that cholesterol should be raised indiscriminately, it is instead shown here to illustrate the pitfalls of lowering it too far, below what is necessary to upkeep important cellular and metabolic functions.


A low level of total cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (a type of stroke) for people over the age of 6523. While the mechanism for this is unclear, it is thought that low levels of cholesterol may decrease blood platelet activation, which is needed to stop bleeding if it were to occur. Decreasing platelet activity makes a person more prone to bleeding, in this case perhaps even leading to a stroke24.


Cholesterol deficiency also is being investigated as a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Because of the role it plays in the production of bile salts for the absorption of fats, it is observed that low cholesterol leads to improper fat absorption. This leaves more lipids in the digestive tract, which can then be oxidized in the colon, leading to cell damage in the colon wall. A large Japanese study also found very low cholesterol levels to be a risk for developing liver malignancies20. Beyond being a risk factor for developing cancer, low cholesterol levels predict lower survival rates for any blood or solid organ malignancy20.

Part III: What You Can Do

The most important thing is to be aware that cholesterol is an important molecule for proper functioning of our bodies and minds. This is meant to help you be your own health advocate by giving you valuable information about your body’s chemistry. Do not stop taking statin medication if you are currently taking it. Have a conversation with your health care provider about your concerns and to have your cholesterol checked. If you find it’s on the lower side and want to take some action to raise it into a healthier range, you can do it naturally. Here are some tips to help you achieve optimal cholesterol:

  • Eggs: Very simply, include more organic eggs with their yolk in your diet. Egg yolk is one of the best sources of cholesterol- one large hard-boiled egg provides 71% of your recommended daily intake
  • Olive oil: Just 2 tbsp of uncooked olive oil a day is effective at raising HDL cholesterol and improving total cholesterol levels. It’s as easy as one homemade salad dressing
  • Fish Oil: Supplementing with this oil not only gives you a source of cholesterol, but helps with omega-3 and -6 balance of fats for an excellent overall lipid profile and protection against many mental health concerns and degenerative and chronic diseases
  • Animal products: Include organic chicken, beef and pork in your diet to ensure you’re getting the proper fat profiles on a daily basis. Include real, unsalted, organic butter too.
  • Control insulin spikes: Eat a diet that has a low glycemic index and low glycemic load. This means your insulin levels will be more level, your blood glucose control will be better and your cholesterol and lipid profiles will improve
  • Vitamin D: This vitamin is actually synthesized from a molecule in the cholesterol family, 7-dehydrocholesterol. Supplementing with vitamin D will free up cholesterol precursors for other uses or for cell membranes
  • Supplement cholesterol: New Beginnings Nutritionals makes a purified cholesterol supplement that will effectively raise levels. Be sure to talk with your health care provider as this product requires their referral
  • Supplements containing beet concentrate and taurine thins bile allowing easier flow out of the gallbladder to help our bodies absorb fat
  • Gall Bladder Support: Your cholesterol could be low because your gall bladder is not releasing bile into the digestive tract, meaning you have a hard time absorbing fats. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor who address gall bladder health. There are herbs that facilitate proper bile flow and fat absorption, effectively helping your body regulate its cholesterol and fat levels on its own


  1. Anderson, Robert N., and Betty L. Smith. “Deaths: leading causes for 2001.” (2003). http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth36a-eng.htm
  2. Statistics Canada (2012) Health Facts Sheet: percentage of Canadians with unhealthy cholesterol. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-625-x/2012001/article/c-g/desc/11732-01-desc-eng.htm
  3. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L., & Stryer, L. (2002). Important Derivatives of Cholesterol Include Bile Salts and Steroid Hormones. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK22339/
  4. Pfrieger, F. W. (2003). Role of cholesterol in synapse formation and function. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes1610(2), 271-280. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12648780
  5. Sansone, R. A. (2008). Cholesterol quandaries: Relationship to depression and the suicidal experience. Psychiatry (Edgmont)5(3), 22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2710104/
  6. Mouzouri, E. (2011). Hypocholesterolemia. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. Mar;9(2):200-12.
  7. Rafter, D. (2001). Biochemical markers of anxiety and depression. Psychiatry research103(1), 93-96. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11472794
  8. Duron, E., & Hanon, O. (2008). Vascular risk factors, cognitve decline, and dementia. Vascular Health and Risk Management4(2), 363. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2496986/
  9. Sjögren, M., & Blennow, K. (2005). The link between cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry6(2), 85-97. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16156481
  10. Dimopoulos, N., Piperi, C., Salonicioti, A., Psarra, V., Mitsonis, C., Liappas, I., … & Kalofoutis, A. (2007). Characterization of the lipid profile in dementia and depression in the elderly. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology20(3), 138-144. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17712096/
  11. Kuusisto, J., Koivisto, K., Mykkänen, L., Helkala, E. L., Vanhanen, M., Hänninen, T., … & Laakso, M. (1997). Association between features of the insulin resistance syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease independently of apolipoprotein E4 phenotype: cross sectional population based study. Bmj,315(7115), 1045-1049. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9366728
  12. Bykov, K., Yoshida, K., Weisskopf, M. G., & Gagne, J. J. (2016). Confounding of the association between statins and Parkinson disease: systematic review and meta‐Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safetyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27527987
  13. Huang, X., Alonso, A., Guo, X., Umbach, D. M., Lichtenstein, M. L., Ballantyne, C. M., … & Chen, H. (2015). Statins, plasma cholesterol, and risk of Parkinson’s disease: a prospective study.Movement Disorders30(4), 552-559. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25639598
  14. Tierney, E., Bukelis, I., Thompson, R. E., Ahmed, K., Aneja, A., Kratz, L., & Kelley, R. I. (2006). Abnormalities of cholesterol metabolism in autism spectrum disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics,141(6), 666-668. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2553243/
  15. Aneja, A., & Tierney, E. (2008). Autism: the role of cholesterol in treatment. International Review of Psychiatry20(2), 165-170. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18386207
  16. Kische, H., Gross, S., Wallaschofski, H., Völzke, H., Dörr, M., Nauck, M., & Haring, R. (2016). Clinical correlates of sex hormones in women: the Study of Health in Pomerania. Metabolismhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27506736
  17. Alarcon, V. B., & Marikawa, Y. (2016). Statins inhibit blastocyst formation by preventing geranylgeranylation.Molecular human reproduction, gaw011. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26908642
  18. Vangeepuram Satakopan, Cholesterol Levels May Influence Male Fertility. Sexual Health. https://sexual-health.knoji.com/cholesterol-levels-may-influence-male-fertility/
  19. Hulisz, D. (2009). Do Statins Reduce a Patient’s Hormone Levels? Medscape Multispecialty. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/709320
  20. Elmehdawi, R. R. (2008). Hypolipidemia: a word of caution. The Libyan journal of medicine3(2), 84. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074286/
  21. Leardi, S., Altilia, F., Delmonaco, S., Cianca, G., Pietroletti, R., & Simi, M. (1999). [Blood levels of cholesterol and postoperative septic complications]. Annali italiani di chirurgia71(2), 233-237. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10920496/
  22. Shores, J., Peterson, J., VanderJagt, D., & Glew, R. H. (2003). Reduced cholesterol levels in African-American adults with sickle cell disease.Journal of the National Medical Association95(9), 813. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14527048
  23. Iribarren, C., Jacobs, D. R., Sadler, M., Claxton, A. J., & Sidney, S. (1996). Low total serum cholesterol and intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke: is the association confined to elderly men? The Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program. Stroke,27(11), 1993-1998. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8898804
  24. Aviram, M., Davidai, G., & Brook, G. J. (1991). [Platelet hypoactivity in hypocholesterolemia].Harefuah120(4), 177-179. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2066015/
  25. Sjogren, M., Blennow K. (2005). The link between cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease. World J Biol Psychiatry 2005;6(2):85-97. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16156481

What Price do you put on your Health?

What Price do you put on your Health? by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

One way to cure illness is with pharmaceutical pills and medical procedures. Another is to not get sick in the first place. The bonus with the latter option is that it is cheaper in the long run on our strained health care system and it is easier and more likely to prolong your life. Perhaps the time is now for you to take a serious look at proactive health care. That might mean ditching bad habits, eating better, breaking up with fast food, exercising and recognizing danger signs early. When it comes down to it, optimal health is really a matter of choice – your choice. Remember that the cornerstone of prevention is early detection. Minor problems caught early – from infections to mild hypertension to a suspicious lesion – may never turn into a major problem. Also, I think you would agree that physicians should stress prevention but during an MD appointment, there is probably only 5 minutes spent with a patient. That is why, adding a Naturopathic doctor is a must. We spent more time with patients, and are trained in health promotion and prevention.

When I first saw an ND in 1996, I balked at having to pay for the visit, cost of testing and prescriptions. Despite having extended health coverage for Naturopathic medicine, I somehow felt that I didn’t want to pay to get well. I think this comes from the belief that health care in Canada is “free” and we aren’t required to pay for visits to see a Medical Doctor. This is a faulty assumption and health is not free. As they say in economics “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. We all pay for Health Care through our tax dollars. I think we need to examine this belief about not having to pay for health care and what this belief is actually costing you in the long run.

A key question that we have on our intake form is, “What is your level of commitment (%) to address your health concerns” and “what obstacles do you see?” I often see a low commitment level, which concerns me, as essentially I will be more committed to my patients’ health than they are. The most common answer I see as an obstacle to health is finances and cost. I get it. As I mentioned, I also had a hard time justifying the expense… at first. However, now my health is what I value the most. Having faced so many years where I did not value my health, my self-worth, my life, or myself my current view is that my health, and that of my family, is my #1 priority. I think the Dalai Lama quote sums it up quite well. When asked what surprised him about humanity the most, the Dalai Lama replied:

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”1

Health truly is the greatest wealth. I think we have our priorities wrong in Western society. We strive to have material items – big houses with rooms that go empty, expensive cars that pollute our beloved planet, designer clothes, purses and shoes, the latest technological iThis or iThat. Then, when it comes to eating organic meat, produce and grains we say we can’t afford it. And pay out of your own pocket for herbs, homeopathics, supplements, a regular massage or ND consult that will benefit your health in the long run – forget it! If you stop and ask yourself which of the aforementioned items is going to benefit your health, I think you would agree with me that the food you eat and taking care of your health is more important than the type of car you drive, square footage of your house or brand of clothes you wear. I often hear patients say “I won’t be able to come see you anymore because my benefits ran out”. To me, this translates into, “I don’t value my health enough to make it a priority. Someone else is responsible and should pay for my health.” The only person responsible for your health is you.

A quote that is important to keep in mind is “genes load the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger.” In order to achieve optimum health, you need to make lifestyle changes that are in support of your health – like adding a Naturopathic doctor to your health care team. At the end of the day, it is not climbing the corporate ladder, stuff, things, material possessions or keeping up with the Jones’ that is important. No one on his or her deathbed has ever said “Boy, I wish I had spent more time at the office”. One in twenty patients come to see me for prevention. Ultimately, I’d much rather talk to you about staying healthy in the first place. The best time to have that conversation is when you are already healthy. But, our current Western medical system is in the business of acute care medicine or in the sickness business, not the health business.

Here is a novel idea: reward people for being healthy. Many of my patients, as well as my family, and myself rarely seek support, advice or care from our traditional medical system. Yet, we pay for it in our taxes. Why not reward those that pay for their own health care with a tax incentive. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic in the US does just this – healthy behavior is rewarded (with cash incentives if necessary) and people have started to think about health as an investment and a responsibility.2

Ideally, the type of change I am talking about would be supported at the corporate level with companies and insurance providers. Today, corporations are paying in lost productivity due to disability claims from many health concerns (i.e. mental health, cancer, heart disease, etc) and this affects them where they care most – their bottom line. Perhaps instead of the stock market rewarding corporate income levels, value should be placed on corporations that have no employees on long or short-term disability due to “stress” leave or mental health concerns. What if we valued THAT in corporate North America? Health consciousness doesn’t come naturally to the average CEO. The only way to justify wellness at the corporate level is to demonstrate that it will lower costs in the long run. Paying for smoking cessation programs or gym memberships only makes sense if a company is reaping some return on its investment. But, if you improve your employees health and decrease sick days, that leads to a boost in productivity. Disability costs for sick leaves decrease for a minimal upfront investment by the employer. In some cases, it doesn’t cost anything to develop a walking program at work. Or to encourage your staff to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or to park at the opposite end of the parking lot away from the door and walk further to and from work.

As a Naturopathic doctor, I coach people to a healthier lifestyle by teaching:

  • nutrition & how to read labels
  • about the role of the environment and how it affects one’s health,
  • stress management techniques (i.e. meditation and mindfulness)
  • proper exercise
  • how to shift core beliefs that may be sabotaging their health

Many patients are able to lose weight, quit smoking and reduce or eliminate their dependence on medications. Ultimately the next step will be to see if lifestyle changes can not only hold off disease, but actually reverse it, transforming preventative medicine into a fully developed treatment option on par with prescription and surgical procedures.2

Dr. Dean Ornish has done just that – he created the Preventative Medicine Research Institute in California and developed a lifestyle program for prostate cancer. He showed that the course of prostate cancer could be positively influenced by diet. Men at low risk of prostate cancer were asked to choose either Ornish’s lifestyle program – which involves eating healthier, exercising and reducing stress – or continuing with their current habits.2 After three months, Ornish studied the activity of the men’s genes and found that the healthier behaviours turned on cancer- suppressing genes and turned off cancer-promoting ones.2 Despite these results, it took Dr. Ornish 14 years to convince Medicare to cover his lifestyle program for avoiding heart disease.2

Don’t wait until you get diagnosed with cancer or have a heart attack to make changes. Make your health matter today! Don’t wait for someday to make the changes you need to make. No one knows how long they have on the planet – life is fragile, precious, a gift and can be gone with a blink of an eye. Pema Chodron wrote: “A cancer diagnosis. Loss of livelihood, wealth, power. The unexpected end of a relationship. A broken promise, a shattered dream. Sometimes impermanence smacks us in the face without much warning. It was always there, of course, lurking in the background, we’ve just been distracted, or fallen into illusions of permanence, or turned our backs in horror. Impermanence comes, sometimes out of the blue, to remind us of what is essential and true, to shatter our spiritual laziness and remind us of the true path.”

So, I ask you – what can you do without, live without or return to the store so you can afford Naturopathic care? Maybe it’s that daily coffee, maybe it is eating out for lunch or dinner 2-4x/week, maybe it’s getting a lower data plan on your cell phone, maybe it’s cancelling cable, maybe it’s quitting smoking, maybe it’s shopping second hand, maybe it’s walking or biking to the store instead of driving, maybe it’s downsizing from a 3000 sq. ft. home to a 1500 sq. ft. home, maybe it is buying a second hand vehicle instead of a new one or maybe it is planting a garden to reduce your grocery bill. What will it take for you to realize that your health is in your hands? The current medical model is a crisis care system not a health promoting system. The best option is prevention and being proactive with your health. It is a timeless idea, one that our species has always practiced: pioneers preserved food to prevent starvation in the winter; modern workers invest in RRSP plans to prevent destitution when they are older.2 Applying the same principles to medical care should not be that hard – especially since our country’s health, economic and otherwise, may depend on it.2 If you want to promote your health, see an ND. It truly is the best investment you will ever make. You are worth investing in your health.


  1. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-6159/10-Inspiring-Quotes-From-the-Dalai-Lama.html
  2. Time Magazine. The Health Issue. How Not to Get Sick. Page: 60-67, June 22, 2009

Myths of Mental Illness by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

I am in the process of finishing the last chapter of my book: Beyond the Label. This chapter is titled the Myths of Mental Illness – and I am up to 37 myths – whoa! I thought I would share one of these myths in a blog post:

Myth #13 People will look at you differently if you reach out for help.

The fear surrounding this myth is common to many health conditions. It is the fear of being seen for who we really are. And without even talking about mental illness, it is one of the biggest obstacles to our true happiness. As a culture, we are afraid of being seen and make huge efforts to always ‘put our best face on’ for the world, showing only the happy/desirable/social-media-appropriate sides of ourselves while hiding, shaming and disowning the shadow sides. This tendency is what keeps us from having true connection. Tragically, it is what keeps us from ever feeling truly loved. How can we believe that we are truly loved (all parts of us) if we never show ourselves? When we get positive feedback on the groomed face we use for the world, we reinforce the belief that the ungroomed face would not be accepted and we must keep up the efforts to stay ‘presentable’. Mental illness unfortunately only thrives under the effect of this fear, deepening the groove that tells us we need to hide the undesirable parts of us. The truth, however, is powerfully contradictory. There is strength, courage and beauty in being able to show all parts of oneself, though it is uncomfortable.

Think about the last time a person truly opened up about something painful, and you saw that they acknowledged it, were working towards accepting it, and trying to love themselves and others despite their perceived “flaw”. What did you feel for that person? Compassion and frustration that they should have to deal with such stress and negativity? Were you wishing they could see themselves as you see them? Whenever I was brave enough to share my mental health labels (which include depression, anxiety, social phobia, bulimia and the big whammy of bipolar disorder type 1) with someone, I often expected something entirely different: judgment, a collapsing of our social status, loss of a friendship, misunderstanding, perhaps pity and a permanent shameful mark on my identity.

When we see someone who is bearing all, asking for help and reaching out, we are witnessing an act of vulnerability. Vulnerability, as Brené Brown says, is the best measure of our courage. By reaching out you give permission to others to be more honest with the world as well. It is an example of how we can be more whole-faced with each other. Perhaps the best way to debunk this myth is not by denying it wholly. Let’s talk about it. If you are dealing with mental health concerns and you reach out for help with honest, open hands and are seen for all you are, shadow and light, people will see you differently. They will see you as being strong enough to be seen and to admit, accept and work with all parts of yourself. They will watch and say, “that is a whole person”. And they will be emboldened to do the same for themselves.

If you are currently navigating the road to wellness with your mental health and need an allied health partner in the process, please contact the clinic for ways that I can be of service to you.

10 Reasons you need to see a Naturopathic Doctor

10 Reasons you need to see a Naturopathic Doctor

  1. You want to maintain your health
  2. You want to prevent getting a chronic health condition, such as, heart disease, cancer, mental health, Type 2 diabetes
  3. You want to see how good you can actually feel
  4. You want to become a “Super Senior”. A Super Senior is someone over the age of 85 that has never had or does not take medication for one of the following health concerns: cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, dementia/Alzheimer’s or pulmonary diseases (COPD, emphysema)
  5. You are sick and tired of being tired and sick
  6. You want to know if there is a natural alternative to the prescription medications you are taking
  7. You don’t know what supplements to take, which ones are good quality or what does is necessary
  8. Your doctor tells you your symptoms are all in your head
  9. You are confused about all the diets out there and don’t know what to eat
  10. The medications you take cause side effects, which require you to take another medication, which causes another side effect. You are concerned about this poly-pharmacy approach.

As naturopathic doctors, the following principles guide us:

 ~ Treat the cause: NDs seek to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness, rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.

 ~ First, do no harm: therapies should stimulate the body to heal in a gentle and effective manner, not causing unwanted side effects.

~ Treat the whole person: Health and disease involve a complex interaction of physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors. NDs must treat the whole person by considering all these factors; therefore, a personalized and comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment is required.

~ Doctor as teacher: NDs educate and encourage patients to take responsibility for their health.

~ The healing power of nature: use natural therapies that encourage the body to heal itself.

~ Prevention: The ultimate goal of Naturopathic Medicine is prevention. This is accomplished through education and promotion of lifestyle habits that foster good health. The emphasis is on building health and using prevention as the best cure, rather than fighting disease.

 Get started on the road to optimal health today! Contact us at 587-521-3595.

Is Adrenal Fatigue ruining your life?

Is Adrenal Fatigue ruining your life?

Adrenal fatigue is largely the result of mental, physical and emotional stress – and it is an invisible epidemic. The most important thing that no one is telling you is that your exhaustion and lack of focus and mental clarity may very well be adrenal fatigue, a condition that is fast becoming an epidemic in this country, due to stress, poor nutrition and lifestyle.

The symptoms go far beyond just fatigue and can actually include difficulty falling asleep and insomnia (yes, you can have both), food and sugar cravings, the inability to control blood sugar, lack of mental clarity… this condition is brutally disruptive.

Even if a good night’s sleep is had, an individual with adrenal fatigue feels tired all or most of the time. The good news? It is also highly reversible with the right steps and solutions. In fact, what you don’t know about your adrenal system could literally change your life.

The Adrenal Reset Summit begins in just a few days, and I have been blown away by the list of event speakers and creative strategies that will be featured at this event. Here’s just a small sampling…

  • Dr. Peter Osborne, Author of No Grain, No Pain
  • Dr. Jack Wolfson, Author of The Paleo Cardiologist
  • Dr. Izabella Wentz, Author of Hashimotos Thyroiditis
  • Dr. Ben Lynch, Leading Researcher on MTFR (amino acids for growth and metabolism)
  • Dr. Sara Ballantyne, Ph.D., AKA The Paleo Mom
  • Dr. Aviva Romm, Physician, Herbalist and Midwife
  • JJ Virgin, NY Times best selling author of The Virgin Diet
  • Dr. Ritamarie Lascalzo, Founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology,
  • Dr. Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NY, and Founder of Transforming Women’s Health Naturally
  • Dr. Michael Murray, The Natural Medicine, Health & Nutrition Expert
  • Trudy Scott, Nutritionist and food-mood expert

(And hosted by NY Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Alan Christianson)

What you don’t know about your adrenal system could literally change your life. Just add a little more energy to your life every day – and everything changes.

Click here to join me for “The Adrenal Reset Summit”

(AND get the cool opt-in gifts!).


Here’s to your best health and BEST life.

* Want to change lives AROUND YOU?

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Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 1 by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 1

When comparing our modern-day lives with those of our grandparents, it is clear that our environment has changed greatly. Not just the natural world, but in our day-to-day lives as well. We are exponentially exposed to more chemicals, toxins, and different forms of radiation than the generations before us. At the same time chronic disease rates are soaring and researchers are making connections between what is in our environment and why we are getting sick. Environmental exposures are a serious concern not only for our world today, but for our health. You can take control of your health by paying attention to and limiting your personal environmental exposures.

Below is part one of a three-part series on environmental exposures and their solutions. The solutions are based on the questions posed in our Environmental quiz – please take the quiz today!

  1. Problem: Full-sugar soft drinks and diet soft drinks

It is well recognized that sugary soft drinks are unhealthy for many reasons – they increase overall calorie intake, they create inflammation in the body and they disrupt proper insulin levels. All of this contributes to some of the most common chronic health problems of our time: obesity, autoimmunity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It is now also coming to our awareness that sugar-free ‘diet’ colas may be just as dangerous for our health. A large study in 2013 showed sugary and diet sodas both significantly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.7 Harvard Health concludes they also contribute to obesity by tricking the brain into thinking it’s not tasting sweet things, resulting in even higher cravings for sweet after drinking diet colas. Furthermore, it has been suggested and remains unclear if aspartame increases risk of cancer, urging researchers for more investigation.2

Solution: Cut down or eliminate full-sugar and diet soft drinks form your diet. Some new research suggests replacing these with drinks containing stevia or other sugar alcohols, such as xylitol. Although studies show that stevia does not raise insulin levels (a major risk for diabetes) as much as sugar, no long-term studies have been done on these sweeteners, and they have not been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1, 14

  1. Problem: Plastic bottles and containers

shutterstock_245002111Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical present in most plastics and in the lining of canned foods. It is a known endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with the body’s hormones. It has been clearly linked with negative birth outcomes, infertility, thyroid dysfunction, increased risk of cancer, obesity and insulin resistance.9,15,17 The most sensitive population to the negative effects of chemicals in plastics are pregnant women, children and infants. Phthalates are another similarly acting class of chemicals found in plastics.

Solution: Because plastics are used ubiquitously in today’s world the best solution is to reduce your exposure as much as possible. Use a stainless steel or glass water bottle, purchase products and canned food packaged with a BPA-free liner, use glass Tupperware or use activated charcoal filters for drinking water. This is an important topic to be discussed with your ND.

  1. Problem: Storing hot food in plastic containers and/or heating food in plastic containers

When heated, plastics begin to break down. The harmful chemicals (discussed above) found in the plastic leach into food and liquids, increasing the harmful hormone-disrupting effect on your body. 9,12

Solution: Use glass or lead-free ceramic containers to reheat food in the oven or heat food on the stove-top. Replace all plastic Tupperware with glass. Don’t let plastic wrap touch hot food. Avoid using a microwave as much as possible, but if you choose to use one, make sure all materials are microwave-safe and containers are vented before microwaving.

  1. Problem: Non-stick frying pans

For decades, non-stick frying pans have been coated with polytetrafluoroetheylene (PTFE), otherwise known as Teflon. It has been shown that when heated, Teflon releases toxic fumes that can kills birds and cause humans to have flu-like symptoms, coining the term “Teflon flu”. Manufacturers claim this only occurs when Teflon is over-heated, but tests have shown that toxic fumes are released within 2-5 minutes of conventional stovetop use.6 Chemicals from the same family as Teflon are associated with smaller birth weight and size in newborn babies when pregnant women are exposed, elevated cholesterol, abnormal thyroid hormone levels, liver inflammation and weakened immune defence against disease.

Solution: Skip the Teflon! There are much better alternatives. Cast iron pans for example, are not only non-toxic, but they even provide some of your daily iron. Stainless steel pans are also a preferable option. If you already have Teflon pans and want to know how to be safer when using them, be sure to use the fan in the fume hood, use the lowest possible temperature to cook your food, don’t heat empty pans as this can cause overheating very quickly and do not use your Teflon pan if it is scratched or damaged in any way.

  1. Problem: Vitamin mineral water

These beverages are marketed as a healthy way to hydrate and get your vitamins, but many brands of vitamin-containing water are loaded with sugar. A bottle of the popular brand Vitaminwater, for example, contains 33g of sugar, almost as much as a can of Coca-Cola which has 38g.16 Other brands use sweeteners or fructose, which are known to disrupt sugar metabolism and alter blood sugar levels and contribute to diabetes and weight gain.8 The consensus is that these drinks confer no added benefit over water and only add calories and sugar to your diet.

Solution: Drink lots of filtered water to keep you from getting dehydrated. Splash some lemon or lime into it to get some flavour and vitamin C. Talk with your ND to discuss if your diet is giving you the vitamins you need or if you need individualized vitamin supplementation.

  1. Problem: Microwave use

Microwaves emit a form of non-ionizing radiation (as opposed to x-rays) that vibrates water molecules to create heat. Although microwaves are under strict manufacturing regulation to minimize human exposure to this radiation, older and dirty microwaves and aging door seals can allow for large radiation leakage to reach us.18 Exposure from high leakage can cause DNA damage to our cells and even interfere with some early-model pacemakers. It is unclear whether the radiation changes the nutritional content or alters the safety of the food, unless it is being microwaved in a plastic container, in which case it is more dangerous.13

Solution: When possible, heat foods and liquids on the stove-top or in the oven. If using a microwave, check door seal for safety. Stand in another room when appliance is on, or at least 1.5 meters away. Make sure food containers are uncovered or vented to allow steam to escape and always avoid plastics in the microwave.

  1. Problem: Cell phone use (>3hrs/day)

Computers and cell phones emit non-ionizing radiation into the body and cause DNA damage. A large meta-analysis of cell phone use shows a consistent association between mobile phone use and certain types of brain tumours – with the most amount of time per day using a cell phone correlated with the highest incidence of brain tumours.7 Another study shows the negative effect of radiation on the function of the thyroid gland, pointing to the broad impact of radiation on many tissues in the body.11 When cell phones are used by children, the impact on the brain is two times higher and up to ten times higher in the bone marrow of the skull, compared with adults.4

Solution: Minimize use of a mobile phone for yourself and especially for your children. When possible, use a hands-free Bluetooth device to effectively reduce exposure. Don’t carry your cell phone in your pocket and leave it away from you on your desk. Take breaks from computer use and limit desk-time for many health reasons that go beyond limiting radiation. In addition, the stone shungite is purported to protect against radiation and can be worn as a necklace. Also available are electromagnetic frequency (EMF) neutralizers, such as the Bio-dot chips and pendants, designed to scramble non-ionizing radiation enough to reduce DNA damage. Please stop by the clinic to pick up your Bio-dot chip today!



  1. Anton, S. D., Martin, C. K., Han, H., Coulon, S., Cefalu, W. T., Geiselman, P., & Williamson, D. A. (2010). Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite55(1), 37-43.
  2. Aune, D. (2012). Soft drinks, aspartame, and the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. The American journal of clinical nutrition96(6), 1249-1251.
  3. https://authoritynutrition.com/5-reasons-why-vitaminwater-is-a-bad-idea/
  4. Baan, R., Grosse, Y., Lauby-Secretan, B., El Ghissassi, F., Bouvard, V., Benbrahim-Tallaa, L., … & Straif, K. (2011). Carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. The lancet oncology12(7), 624-626.
  5. http://emwatch.com/microwave-oven-radiation/
  6. Environmental Working Group 2013.http://www.ewg.org/research/healthy-home-tips/tip-6-skip-non-stick-avoid-dangers-teflon
  7. Fagherazzi, G., Vilier, A., Sartorelli, D. S., Lajous, M., Balkau, B., & Clavel-Chapelon, F. (2013). Consumption of artificially and sugar-sweetened beverages and incident type 2 diabetes in the Etude Epidémiologique auprès des femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale–European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. The American journal of clinical nutrition97(3), 517-523.
  8. Hardell, L., Carlberg, M., Soderqvist, F., & Hansson Mild, K. (2008). Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumours. International journal of oncology,32(5), 1097-1104.
  9. Harvard Health https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks/artificial-sweeteners/
  10. Harvard Health https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/magazine/winter10plastics/
  11. Harvard Health http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/microwaving-food-in-plastic-dangerous-or-not
  12. Mortazavi, S. M. J., Habib, A., Ganj-Karimi, A. H., Samimi-Doost, R., Pour-Abedi, A., & Babaie, A. (2015). Alterations in TSH and thyroid hormones following mobile phone use. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences34(4), 299-300.
  13. http://www.npr.org/2011/03/02/134196209/study-most-plastics-leach-hormone-like-chemicals
  14. https://www.safespaceprotection.com/news-and-info/microwave-oven-dangers/
  15. Shwide-Slavin, C., Swift, C., & Ross, T. (2012). Nonnutritive sweeteners: where are we today?.Diabetes Spectrum25(2), 104-110.
  16. Soto, A. M., & Sonnenschein, C. (2010). Environmental causes of cancer: endocrine disruptors as carcinogens. Nature Reviews Endocrinology6(7), 363-370.
  17. http://www.sugarstacks.com/beverages.htm
  18. Wang, T., Li, M., Chen, B., Xu, M., Xu, Y., Huang, Y., … & Liu, Y. (2011). Urinary bisphenol A (BPA) concentration associates with obesity and insulin resistance. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism97(2), E223-E227.
  19. World Health Organization: Electromagetic fields and public health: microwave ovens. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/info_microwaves/en/

Are we sure about Ensure?

Are we sure about Ensure?

Ensure claims to be the #1 Doctor recommended nutritious drink, with its label stating it allows for a ‘complete, balanced nutrition to help stay healthy, active and energetic.’ But is this really the case? Ensure Clear provides 180 calories, 9 grams of protein, and 17 essential vitamins and minerals per serving. This is all good and true; concern appears after examination of where those calories and nutrients are coming from. In fact, this product is not only lacking important vitamins and minerals, it contains various ingredients that are genetically modified and can actually deplete nutrients from the body. It is alarming that so many products on the market are labeled as ‘healthy’ and ‘nutritious’ when their ingredients really do not back up those claims. In 1995 the Center for Science in the Public Interest stated that advertisements for Ensure were “the most misleading food ad” of the year.

Lets take a closer look at the ingredients of Ensure so we can digest whether this product is worth consuming and examine if anything has changed in the last 20 years…


Concern: When drinking water, it should be from a filtered source, nothing on the label of Ensure specifies the water is filtered. The Ensure bottle is also stored in plastic. Always avoid plastic bottles because chemicals from the bottle, such as the hormone disruptor BPA, can leach and accumulate into the liquid.


Concern: Ensure has 18 grams of sugar per bottle. That is 4.5 teaspoons of sugar in one tiny 10oz bottle. Added sugar contains ZERO essential nutrients and can actually deplete your body of important nutrients. Drinking these sugar filled drinks can lead to blood sugar imbalances and dysglycemia (non-stable blood sugar) causing anxiety, depression, fatigue, brain fog and food cravings. High blood sugar eventually affects our insulin levels, contributing to insulin resistance and type II diabetes.


Concern: Corn itself is genetically modified, making it one to avoid. Maldextrin is a sweet carbohydrate derived food additive. It creates a fat-like body to food products and increases shelf time. It is cheap to produce and easily added. While the product is not technically ‘sugar’, is a man-made ingredient can cause insulin resistance and diabetes because it has a glycemic index of 130, meaning that it raises blood sugar levels very quickly.


Concern: MPC is a type of concentrated milk product that contains 40–90% milk protein. This is a dairy product. Dairy is full of chemicals used in processing and production. Medications are used on dairy cows, allowing for antibiotics to make their way into milk, a long with the pesticides in foods the animal consumes. There is actually little evidence that dairy is good for your bones or prevents osteoporosis, calcium is beneficial in this but contrary to popular belief, milk is far from our best source of calcium! Many food scientists agree that it is much better for our health and digestion to get calcium, potassium, protein, and fats from other food sources, like whole plant foods — vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and seaweed.


Concern: Soy is highly genetically modified – an absolute avoid! Soy protein isolate is extracted from defatted soy flour. The concern about the isolation process is that aluminum is found in the giant vats used to isolate the soy protein, which may leach into the protein itself, increasing the likelihood of heavy-metal poisoning. Another concern is that the isoflavones in soy have been proposed to play a role in increasing risk of breast cancer!


Concern: Humans, along with other mammals, were not made to digest milk on a regular basis. In fact, the majority of humans naturally stop producing significant amounts of lactase — the enzyme needed to properly metabolize lactose, the sugar in milk — sometime between the ages of two and five. For most mammals, the normal condition is to stop producing the enzymes needed to properly digest and metabolize milk after they have been weaned. We are best to avoid dairy if we want a happy and healthy gut!


Concern: Corn oil comes from corn that is genetically modified for resistance to herbicides and pesticides. Corn is also relatively new to human diets. The “International Journal of Biological Science” in 2009 reported that consumption of genetically modified corn causes toxicity to various organs – liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen and heart in rats. Additives, pesticides, and chemicals are involved in the processing of corn oil. Research has shown that vegetable oils, including corn oil, contain BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroxyanisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene). These artificial antioxidants keep the food from spoiling but they have been shown to produce cancer compounds in the body. Links have also been made to corn oil and immune system depression, infertility, and behavioral problems.


Concern: Whenever you see this on a food label, it means chemical! Avoid, avoid, avoid.


Concern: Food manufacturers often regard cellulose gel as a dietary fiber on the food label, since it is a carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It does not contain any health benefits and we would be better off getting fiber from sources that contain vitamins and minerals – such as fruits and vegetables. Cellulose gel tends to be highly processed even though it is made from plant fibers (cellulose is the main fiber of plants) including trees and cotton. It is highly water absorbent, cheap and abundant. This synthetic product helps to improve shelf life of products. A long shelf life is not ideal for our bodies. When you can, always opt for fresh whole foods; nutrient dense foods that provide fiber along with nutrients with low added sugar and fat. Energy-dense foods, such as Ensure, provide calories but ones with little nutritional value to your body!


Concern: Carrageenan is a food additive that is extracted from red seaweed. It is used as a thickener to improve the texture of ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, soy-milk, and other processed foods. Not only does this food additive have no nutritional value, animal studies have shown links to ulcerations and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Undegraded carrageenan – the type that is widely used in processed foods – has been associated with malignancies, stomach inflammation, and diabetes! This food additive should be avoided, especially for people suffering from irritable bowel disease, as it may exacerbate negative effects of this disease.


Concern: Annatto is a ‘natural’ food additive that has been linked to intestinal upset and irritable bowel disease. This is the food dye that makes naturally white cheese yellow. According to Dr. Martin Floch in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, the people of Peru use annatto in traditional medicine as a mild diarrheal (causing diarrhea). Independent reports and clinical studies have found mood changes and behavioral problems after consumption of annatto – including hypersensitivity. Many people report that these problems went away when annatto was removed from the diet. For some people, annatto can cause severe allergic reactions and natural food coloring seems to be just as potentially allergenic as artificial dyes. If you find yourself having unexplained reactions to packaged or prepared foods, you may very well have an intolerance to this food dye!

So… what is the solution to Ensure? Is there an alternative way to supply our bodies with a more-nutrient dense, safer drink without all the harmful additives? Yes! Give this a try!

‘Better-than-ensure Smoothie’ recipe:

  • 1 cup, chopped kale
    • Protein: 2.9g
    • Calories: 33
    • Benefit: These leafy greens are packed with fiber, calcium, and high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K.
  • 1 cup, frozen organic blueberries
    • Benefit: Blueberries are a great source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and are low in fat and sodium. They have natural sugar, a healthier alternative replacement to the added sugar found in Ensure.
  • ½ avocado
    • Fat: 14g
    • Benefit: Avocados contain a high amount of saturated fat, which are the kind of ‘healthy’ fat that we want in our diet. Along with this, they contain fiber, and high amounts of Vitamin C, A, iron, and calcium.
  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds
    • Protein: 9g
    • Calories: 164
    • Benefit: In addition to lots of protein, this super-food mix in is high in iron, magnesium, and omega-3s.
  • 1 cup water
    • Benefit: Hydration!
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    • Benefit: There is no cholesterol in almond milk. It’s low in sodium and high in healthy fats, helping to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Almond milk also contains 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E, with antioxidant properties essential to keep your skin healthy. Almond milk is low in carbohydrates, which means it won’t significantly increase your blood sugar levels. Because of its low glycemic index, your body will use this as energy and the excess sugars won’t be stored as fat.
  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
    • Benefit: Sometimes we need a little sweetness; this gives your nutrient-dense smoothie a better taste!

DIRECTIONS: Toss all the ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth!

Although making this smoothie may take you a little longer than grabbing a bottle of Ensure off the grocery store shelf, your body and mind will thank you! It is packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins; more calorie dense than Ensure and contains no harmful additives!

P.S. Make sure to store this wonderful smoothie in a glass container to remove your chance of exposure to cancer-causing BPA (bisphenol A).









Michaelsson, K., Wolk, A., Langenskiold, S., et al. Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies. 2014: 349-367.

Andrea Donsky. What is Annatto? A Natural Food Coloring Exposed. NaturallySavvy.com. July 2019. https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/what-is-annatto-a-natural-food-coloring-exposed/



http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-23 annatto.aspx?activeingredientid=23&activeingredientname=annatto

Xiao, C. W. Health effects of soy protein and isoflavones in humans. J. Nutr. 2008. 138: 1244-1249.

Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 3 by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

When comparing our modern-day lives with those of our grandparents, it is clear that our environment has changed greatly. Not just the natural world, but in our day-to-day lives as well. We are exposed to hundreds of times more chemicals, toxins, and different forms of radiation than generations past. At the same time chronic disease rates are soaring. The sum total of the things we’re exposed to on any given day through eating, drinking, breathing, and using products is what is called environmental exposures. You can take control of your health by paying attention to your environmental exposures.

Below is the third and final installation of a series on environmental exposures and their solutions. This article focuses on behaviours in our daily lives that involve environmental exposures and the impact they have on our overall health. The solutions are based on the questions posed in our Environmental quiz – please take the quiz today!

  1. How much alcohol do you drink?

It is well known that excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to your health. It can cause major deficiencies, liver and heart problems, diabetes, mental health concerns, hormonal imbalances, damage to an unborn child, and lead to addiction and even death, not to mention the negative effect it can have on loved ones. But what about moderate alcohol intake? It is true that there are actually some benefits to having some alcohol, but at what level of intake do the risks outweigh the benefits? The research points to different cutoffs for different conditions. Large studies show that one drink per day may actually be protective against heart disease, stroke, gallstones and type 2 diabetes. This is because alcohol intake (below or at the 1 drink/day level) raises HDL “good” cholesterol, and reduces the formation of small blood clots. Red wine has earned esteem for its antioxidant properties that also show a protective effect on the heart, blood sugar regulation and on inflammation. It is also important to mention the psychological benefits of having a social night with friends that involves a glass of alcohol. Depending on the person, this aspect of drinking alcohol could reduce stress, bring people together and build the health resiliency of a strong community.

Despite it being protective in some areas of our health, even just two drinks a day (just one drink over the recommended level) can increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 41%. This points to the large role that alcohol plays in hormonal dysregulation due to its effect on the liver.

Overall, the general scientific consensus lands at alcohol offering potential long-term benefits if consumed at no more than 1-2 drinks per day for men, and no more than 1 drink per day for women. Timing of intake is important as well, meaning drinking all 7 drinks for a week should not be consumed in on night (binge drinking) as that has exponentially more harmful effects than drinking 7 drinks on separate nights. If you don’t drink, this does not mean you should start in order to get the benefits. This is to inform those who already drink about healthy levels and what impact it has on their bodies. As the famous Paracelsus once said, “the dose makes the poison”.

For information on the impact of different types of alcohol, see https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/is-wine-fine-or-beer-better/

  1. How much exercise do you get?

Exercise is great for balance, strength, muscle tone and flexibility. It is well known that exercise is an important part of a healthy routine. The minimum recommendation for physical exercise for adults in Canada is at least a total of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise (breaking a sweat) per week. But it isn’t beneficial just for our physique; it has great benefits for the functioning of our endocrine system as well. Regular exercise is known to impact almost all hormones in the body that are responsible for such important functions as blood sugar regulation, menstrual cycles, sleep-wake cycles, and the creation, distribution and utilization of energy in the body. It is understandable then, that the hormone regulation that comes from regular exercise is protective against conditions related to hormonal imbalance. Long-term studies have found that the more exercise a woman gets per week, the lower her lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is. For women already diagnosed with breast cancer, exercise during and after treatment reduces side effects, improves response to treatment, and ultimately overall prognosis. In another part of the endocrine system, the balancing effect that exercise has on blood sugar levels and the hormones insulin and glucagon also helps protect against developing type 2 diabetes. In the nervous system, exercise is known to be a very effective salve for mental health concerns like anxiety, depression and bipolar conditions (see mental health and exercise article here: How exercise helps your mental health – Naturalterrain) Managing physical, hormonal and emotional health with exercise is a healthy way to help your body help itself and get back to normal eating, sleeping, and menstruating cycles – all of which then keep you healthy! Interestingly, all these above effects are independent from weight loss. However, if adding exercise to your routine also helps you reduce your weight to a healthy level (and your detoxification systems are functioning), the hormonal, mental health and systemic benefits may be even larger.

  1. Do you suffer from any of the following: ongoing fatigue, headaches, pain, and constant colds and coughs?

Each of these symptoms is a sign that there are larger dysfunctions happening in various systems of your body. Frequent colds and coughs could signify a low immune system. Headaches and pain could point to inflammation and an inability to clear out toxins fast enough to prevent buildup. Fatigue could be a sign that your body is under-functioning in some respect, having too much to process and cope with. Exposure to environmental chemicals is one way these whole-body issues arise. Headaches, for example, are shown to be common symptoms after workplace exposure to chemical irritants, either once from a big one-time exposure (a workplace accident or renovation), or over time (a little bit of mold or other irritant in the workplace every day). Irritants have been shown to make the nerve fibres that sense pain and the blood vessel system in the head more sensitive and reactive after exposure. Air pollution is another irritant that is known to cause asthma, chronic cough, skin irritation, headaches and liver cancer. Such health effects of environmental exposure are far-reaching too: a 2017 study in Ontario showed that maternal exposure to air pollution is also correlated with higher risk of childhood cancers in offspring. Exposure to pollution, toxins and irritants are damaging to the immune system because all immune cells come from the bone marrow, the place in the body that is most sensitive to the toxicity of environmental exposures. Toxins can either reduce immune cell formation or lead to defective immune cells, leading to fatigue, low immune defenses to colds and flus, or even lead to autoimmune disease.

  1. Have you been diagnosed with low thyroid function or a skin condition (ie eczema, psoriasis, acne)?

Low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, is a condition that can either be autoimmune (the body is attacking its own thyroid gland out of confusion or an over-stressed immune system) or from other direct damage done to the thyroid. Research shows that environmental exposure to chemicals can increase the risk of both causes of hypothyroidism. Chemical agents such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenols, found in old electric equipment), BPA and PFCs (bisphenolic acid and perflourinated chemicals, found in many plastics), pesticides and fluoride can disrupt the thyroid. Autoimmune or direct damage to the thyroid results in whole-body symptoms affecting energy, appetite, weight change, temperature, digestion, heart rate, and sweating, among other body functions. It is important to know that your thyroid could be damaged from your exposures to environmental chemicals. Check back in on part 1 and 2 of this environmental solutions article series to learn more about these chemicals and identify what changes you can in your life to reduce your exposure.

Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 1 by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND – Naturalterrain

  1. Do you use Advil, Tylenol, Imodium or any over the counter (OTC) medication more than 1x/ year?

Billions of dollars are spent every year on OTC drugs in Canada. It’s important to remember that simply because it’s available without consulting a doctor doesn’t mean it’s always safe. Acute toxicity is a real risk with OTC medications now, firstly because many products combine different amounts of ingredients for different symptoms (cough, cold, flu, pain, drowsiness, insomnia, diarrhea, etc) making it difficult to keep track of how much has been taken, and secondly because not everyone reads the label correctly. A 2012 survey showed that 24% of respondents unwittingly exceed the safe limit of 4,000 milligrams of acetaminophen over a 24-hour period. Acute overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol) can cause acute liver failure and even death. The same study revealed that anti-diarrheal medications are some of the most abused products on the market. Overuse of this type of medication can cause electrolyte imbalance and heart disturbances. Beyond overdose toxicity, chronic use of some OTC medication is now implicated in higher risk of developing dementia. OTCs that fall into this category are medications that have anticholinergic properties. For more information about this, see my article on dementia and how to prevent it: 10 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia – Naturalterrain

  1. Are you more than 15 lbs overweight?

Extra weight is a storehouse for chemicals and other factors that contribute to hormone imbalances. Fat cells, or adipose, can bind and hold chemicals in your body. Some chemicals that are water-soluble are excreted in the urine, while other chemicals such as pesticides, preservatives, food additives, and other pollutants are fat-soluble, meaning they get trapped in layers of fat. These can slowly leach out into the blood stream or come out in bursts and flood the rest of the body, manifesting in flu-like symptoms or gastrointestinal upset. The US Environmental Protection Agency did a survey in the 80’s called the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS) on cadavers across the country and discovered harmful chemicals in 100% of the samples, ranging from dangerous dioxins to PBCs and other industrial solvents. Chemicals end up here because they accumulate in the food chain, in our environments, in our plastics and other materials. They accumulate and are stored in the adipose of our bodies and then cause harm to us when they are released; unfortunately they are released most when weight is lost from fat burning. This is why it is important to tone your detoxification systems like your liver and kidneys while drinking plenty of water if you are losing weight. Fat itself can actually make and release estrogen into the body as well. Therefore the presence of fat alone raises the levels of some hormones with systemic effects. Too-high levels of estrogen as well as too-low levels can ultimately lead to more symptoms of systemic hormonal imbalance.

These are some important considerations to have in mind when you are making decisions for better health for you and your family. Talk with your Naturopathic doctor to find out more about how you can protect yourself from environmental exposure to chemicals, irritants and hormone disruptors.



All photos are free under creative commons license, obtained from pixaby.com

  1. Bernstein, L., Henderson, B. E., Hanisch, R., Sullivan-Halley, J., & Ross, R. K. (1994). Physical exercise and reduced risk of breast cancer in young women. Journal of the National Cancer institute86(18), 1403-1408. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8072034
  2. Better Health. (2016) Obesity and Hormones. Written in consultation with Hudson Institute of Medical Research. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/obesity-and-hormones
  3. Brent, G. A. (2010). Environmental exposures and autoimmune thyroid disease. Thyroid20(7), 755-761. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2935336/
  4. Casla, S., Hojman, P., Márquez-Rodas, I., López-Tarruella, S., Jerez, Y., Barakat, R., & Martin, M. (2015). Running away from side effects: physical exercise as a complementary intervention for breast cancer patients. Clinical and translational oncology17(3), 180-196. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24894838
  5. CNN online. April 18, 2016. Author Ben Tinker.Common over-the-counter drugs can hurt your brain http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/18/health/otc-anticholinergic-drugs-dementia/
  6. Courneya, K. S., Segal, R. J., McKenzie, D. C., Dong, H., Gelmon, K., Friedenreich, C. M., … & Mackey, J. R. (2014). Effects of exercise during adjuvant chemotherapy on breast cancer outcomes. Med Sci Sports Exerc46(9), 1744-1751. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24633595
  7. Gray et. al., 2015.Cumulative Use of Strong Anticholinergics and Incident Dementia, A Prospective Cohort Study. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2015 175:(3) http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2091745
  8. Group, Edward. (2015). 6 Toxins That Destroy Your Thyroid. Global Healing Center. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/6-toxins-that-destroy-your-thyroid/
  9. Harvard Health, The Nutrition Source. Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits. Retrived 2017 from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/alcohol-full-story/
  10. Kunkler, P. E., Zhang, L., Pellman, J. J., Oxford, G. S., & Hurley, J. H. (2015). Sensitization of the trigeminovascular system following environmental irritant exposure.Cephalalgia, 0333102415574845. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25724913
  11. Martin, R. W., & Becker, C. (1993). Headaches from chemical exposures. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain33(10), 555-559. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=martin+chemical+exposure+headache
  12. National Research Council. (1991). Review of the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey and Selected Program Alternatives. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK234182/
  13. Lavigne, É., Bélair, M. A., Do, M. T., Stieb, D. M., Hystad, P., van Donkelaar, A., … & Brook, J. R. (2017). Maternal exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of early childhood cancers: A population-based study in Ontario, Canada. Environment Internationalhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28108116
  14. Pedersen, M., Andersen, Z. J., Stafoggia, M., Weinmayr, G., Galassi, C., Sørensen, M., … & Nagel, G. (2017). Ambient air pollution and primary liver cancer incidence in four European cohorts within the ESCAPE project. Environmental Research154, 226-233. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28107740
  15. Sherr, David. (2013). Environmental Pollutants and the Immune System. Physisicans For Social Responsibility. Written with Boston University School of Public Health. http://www.psr.org/chapters/boston/resources/environmental-pollutants-and-the-immune-system.html?referrer=https://www.google.ca/
  16. Wolf, M. S., King, J., Jacobson, K., Di Francesco, L., Bailey, S. C., Mullen, R., … & Parker, R. M. (2012). Risk of unintentional overdose with non-prescription acetaminophen products. Journal of general internal medicine27(12), 1587-1593. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3509295/

Milk Thistle and Liver Health

Milk Thistle: Benefits and Preparation

Benefits of Consuming Milk Thistle:

Milk thistle contains an active ingredient known as silymarin, which is protective to the liver and helps prevent liver damage. Silymarin is a group of flavonoids (silibinin, silidianin, and silicristin), which are thought to help repair liver cells damaged by alcohol or other toxic substances. It protects new liver cells from being destroyed, reduces inflammation, and is a powerful antioxidant. This substance has been shown to have benefits not only in liver disease from alcohol, but also viral hepatitis and cancer. It is also helpful for supporting your immune system and may also be beneficial for loss of appetite, heartburn, gallbladder complaints, enlarged prostate, type 2 diabetes, infertility and fatty liver disease. As your liver is a primary organ of detoxification in the body, we recommend making the immune support cereal for breakfast which includes ground milk thistle seeds. Other ideas are to add to baking, smoothies or to make a tea out of the seeds. Remember to pick up a package of milk thistle seeds on your next visit to the clinic and let food be your medicine.


Milk Thistle Preparation for Consumption

  • Grind milk thistle in a coffee grinder or spice mill
  • Add to smoothies or cereals
  • Add to fruit juice
  • Encapsulate
  • Whole seeds can be toasted and added to salads and breads
  • To make tea, put crushed seeds in a muslin bag and steep in hot water for 5 minutes.


Immune Support Cereal

This cereal is intended to strengthen the immune system by enhancing elimination, decreasing inflammation and supporting liver function.


  • 4 C rolled oats or rye flakes
  • 2 C oat bran
  •  ½ C dried fruit (raisins, currents, cherries)
  • 1 C seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame)
  • 1 C raw unsalted almonds
  • 1 C lecithin granules
  • 1 C flax seeds (ground)
  • 1 C milk thistle seeds (grounds)


  1. Grind ingredients specified then mix all ingredients together. Store in a closed container in the refrigerator.
  2. Add a little water to the amount you want to serve for breakfast (1/2 – 1 cup of cereal). Add the water at least 30 minutes before eating or try adding the night before and allow soaking overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. You may cook it like a hot cereal or add the following non-dairy substitutes—soy, rice, oat, coconut, hemp or almond milk or soy yogurt.


Source: Sheila M. Frodermann, MA, ND, FHANP, Naturopathic Physician www.providencewholistic.com Providence, RI

Other sources:

  1. http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/milk-thistle
  2. http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-138-milk%20thistle.aspx?activeingredientid=138&activeingredientname=milk%20thistle

Depression: A Spiritual Crisis?

“Remember you are going to be with you the longest. It is vital you get the relationship right with yourself first before seeking love from another” ~ Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

I think it is important to start this article off with a disclaimer. There is a difference between religion and spirituality and for the purposes of this discussion, and in recognition that there are many religions in the world, I choose to honour and accept them all versus believing that one way is the only way. For me, what matters is that you are on a spiritual path but it is not my concern which road you are taking as all roads lead to the same place – that is my hope and what I choose to believe.

I wanted to share something that might be a little “out there” with you about one of my views about depression and mental illness. One view I have discussed in this book is modeled after the “western” or “scientific” view that mental illness is a biochemical imbalance in the brain and if you give the body what it needs – ie neurotransmitter balancing with pharmaceuticals or naturopathic methods (ie diet, supplements, botanical medicine) – you will improve the patients mental state. In my practice, I have seen this with every patient I treat that has an imbalance in the mental realm as there is no denying the physical and causal connection of neurotransmitters and one’s mood state.

On the other hand, my “out-there” view is mental illness is a way by which our spirit is trying to get our attention because some aspect of our life (be it school, our direction, job, a relationship) is not moving in concert with our spirit or divine plan. We are moving west and our spirit is trying to get us to go north. So by looking at ourselves and taking the time to be silent, talk to others, open up about what we are feeling etc, we can address the underlying root of depression, anxiety, addiction, bipolar disorder, eating disorders etc. Others believe that there is some underlying event that may have happened years ago (ie adoption, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, etc.) but I don’t think this is always the case. You don’t always need a reason to be depressed (hence the biochemical view).

Personally, I feel and have witnessed in my own life as well as the lives of my patients that there are four main areas that need to be addressed for healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Outlined below, is a discussion from the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine regarding the spiritual aspect of healing:

“in the process of healing we must first seek, then remove the cause. As the cause of illness is removed the natural tendency of the body is to improve function. The human being is not simply a physical entity. We have minds, we think. We have emotions, we feel and we translate these feelings into meaning. We are spiritual beings. Most of the early naturopathic writers, such as Lindlahr, Lust and Hahnemann, believed that illness began in the spiritual aspect of the person. I share this belief. Most of our education and therapeutic focus is on the physical aspect of the human being. It is crucial, in my opinion, that we direct more attention to the spiritual aspect. I believe we will see much more attention given to this area by our profession over the next few years. Causes of disease manifest in four groups or levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Of these four aspects, the spirit is the center; the next layer is the mental aspect of the person, then the emotions and the outermost layer is the physical. If there is a distortion on the spiritual level, it will create distortion through the system, like ripples from a stone thrown into a pond.

The knowledge of this spiritual aspect of reality is not well developed in our culture. We have no common language to discuss it. As a profession we acknowledge the existence of a spiritual aspect of the person, but do not teach a methodology to work with it. I believe that this is a peculiar phenomenon in our North American culture, with our freedom of religion (or freedom from religion). Our profession must develop a language with which to discuss the spiritual aspect of healing without reference to religion.

For now, it is incumbent upon us as naturopathic physicians to acknowledge and to work in our own ways to recognize and pursue healing in this aspect of our patients’ lives. We can discuss with patients the presence of peace and trust in their lives, their spiritual practice or absence of it and our perceptions of their health or happiness in these regards. This requires that we pursue our own personal spiritual development.

When a person refuses, or is unable to take those steps, which can lead to healing from a crippling or terminal illness, this may be primarily a spiritual issue. The extent to which we can successfully address this, and to which the person can accept change on a spiritual level, will determine whether healing can occur. Illness is a great teacher. Death is not defeat. It is neither our responsibility nor prerogative to prevent death or heal illness. It is our privilege and responsibility to work with the vis medicatrix and assist our patients in their healing process.”

It is my personal belief that a connection to a spirit, whatever your chosen practice is, is critical and vital to healing yourself and the current state of the planet. I define spirituality as believing in a power greater than yourself. Until my time is up on earth, I won’t know the answer to what happens to my soul. For many, the term “soul” or “spirit” is intangible or esoteric. I define your “soul” or “spirit” in you as your life form. When I studied anatomy, we dissected cadavers. The difference between you and a cadaver is life flow. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is referred to as “qi” (pronounced “chi”) or life energy. I hope you find resonance with the following ideas about your soul.

In 1994, I had a severe suicide attempt which left me in a coma with kidney failure. I was put on dialysis and told I would need a kidney transplant. After several weeks, lots of prayer and a moment of sincere surrender on my part, my kidneys made a recovery. My recovery from kidney failure was viewed as a miracle by my nephrologist given the amount of poison I consumed. I like to think it was as I had many people praying for me to make a complete physical recovery. I remember when I was recovering in the ICU, one of my friends asked me if I saw “white lights” and if I was sent back. As I was still in a state of recovery and I hadn’t had time to process what had happened, I just shook my head and the conversation moved on from there.


Now, over twenty years later, the answer I have for why that suicide attempt didn’t work when I think it should have is based on the concept of “soul contracts”. Basically, if I succumb to suicide in this lifetime, then my soul will not evolve spiritually. I first learned about the concept of soul contracts in Colin Tipping’s book called Radical Forgiveness and it is also illustrated beautifully in a children’s book by Neale Donald Walsch called The Little Soul and the Sun . I have come to understand the concept of soul contracts to mean that before we inhabit the human form our soul makes a contract with God about what our next life will be about – what our experiences will be, what challenges we will have to overcome, what we have come here to learn, who our parents will be, siblings, partners, children, etc. When we leave the spirit world to inhabit the body, we forget about the contract we made with God until we return back to the spirit world as a soul upon our death. Basically, the lessons we come to learn in this lifetime are agreed to in a soul conversation with God. The conversation we have with God as a soul might be along these lines:

  • Soul: “God, in this lifetime I really want to learn how to forgive”
  • God: “Are you certain? This means you will go through some painful experiences”
  • Soul: “Yes, I am certain. I am ready!”
  • God: “I don’t know. It may be hard – you may have to endure abuse, rape, death, trauma and betrayal”
  • Soul: “I am okay with that as I trust in you, God. I really want to learn how to forgive on the deepest level”
  • God: “So it will be”

I have mentioned one suicide attempt in this article, however, there have been other attempts and much too much energy on my part spent contemplating suicide. What shifts me from contemplation is recognizing that suicidal thoughts are the ultimate example of “stinking thinking” and being unkind to myself. By learning how to manage my mind with awareness of thoughts that no longer serve me and relaxing into the present minded awareness with my breath, I am able to break the thought emotion cycle that used to keep my spiraling further down the slippery slope into a suicidal state. Now, I am able to get outside of my head which gives a reprieve from these negative thought patterns. But before I learned how to do that, it was the single belief – that if I am to succumb to suicide in this lifetime that my soul will not evolve or graduate and I will have to endure this lesson over again – that has helped me stay here with you on the planet with you. My soul has come here to learn how to love myself, how to love others, how to live out a full life as God intended it and to not take my life. I believe that I probably did not survive suicide in a past life and if I die in this life by suicide then I may have to repeat this grade in soul school the next time around. If I die by suicide in my current life, I feel that my soul will not evolve or graduate when it comes to learning the lessons I’ve contracted with God to learn in this lifetime. For me, it is not about how much money I make, how successful I am as a naturopathic doctor or how decorated an athlete I was, it is about surviving mental illness and moving beyond the label into love and acceptance of myself and others. It is helpful to contemplate what the spiritual lessons might be for you in this lifetime. For me, the biggest spiritual lessons along the way have been acknowledging and accepting my shadow and core beliefs, forgiveness and letting go.

Ultimately, it is our feelings about ourselves and how we treat ourselves that is critical to our mental health and well-being. I ask every patient how they much they love themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 and it is rare for me to get a response over five. The most common response I get is “Now that is a tough question to answer”. This is the work we need to set about doing: accepting and loving ourselves. You are a gift to the world – a unique creation of God or the Universe – that is worthy of your love and acceptance. Recognize that. Feel that. Embody that. And give that love to yourself. Then give it others. Not acknowledging your strengths, gifts, accomplishments and achievements is a way of putting yourself down and keeping yourself small. The world wants to see your light. As Marianne Williamson writes in a Return to Love: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” If we learn to move through fear, self-doubt and criticism and learn to embrace love, then our true self can shine through.

The slow process of learning to love and accept myself started after that suicide attempt in 1994 when I read Marianne Williamson’s book “A Return to Love”. I have subsequently read many books on self-help and healing. Developing a spiritual practice has been the key to my recovery from mental illness and is an important element of healing that I bring into the clinical space with my patients. Spiritual practices are as a varied as people in the world. The main idea is to take a larger perspective of yourself and develop a daily practice of getting in touch with that which is greater than yourself.


  1. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine
  2. Williamson, Marianne. A Return to Love.