FAQs : Natural Immune Support for Cold & F...
We compiled our top FAQs to give you more information about the Immune Support! I am a patient of the
How to protect yourself from Junk Light
Have you heard of “junk light”? Well, if you’ve heard of junk food you’re not that far off. Studies are
What to Expect from your Naturopathic Doctor
Not sure what to expect, or what you should expect? We’re here to guide you! I believe that everyone has
Environmentally Responsible Cleaning Products P...
This is part 3/3 of a series of articles on environmental medicine and recipes for household products: learn how to
Environmentally Responsible Cleaning Recipes Pa...
This is part 2/3 of a series of articles on environmental medicine and recipes for household products: learn how to
Environmentally Responsible Cleaning Recipes Pa...
A big part of our practice is working with Environmental Medicine, which we define as working with one’s environment with
Seven Arguments for Taking Nutritional Supplements
Original article by Dag Viljen Poleszynski, PhD, in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service One of the most vitamin-restrictive countries in the
Top Ten Tips for Healthy Travel
Find out if an IV therapy Treatment is right for you. Many of us abuse ourselves just to get
A Few of Our Favourite Things Part 1
One of the unique differences about Natural Terrain is that we are a husband and wife naturopathic team. As clinic