Gain insight that will allow you to make wise decisions regarding what it takes to create long-term whole-body wellness

Holiday Recipes

Celery Root and Cauliflower Purée with Greens Adapted from Most people are familiar with the traditional mashed potatoes loaded with

Healing Circle Interview

Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND was interviewed by Dr. Christina Tarantola who is a pharmacist, as well as a holistic nutritionist

A New Year a New You

Every year, many people make a New Years resolution. Often, the resolution is to vow to do something different that

Recipe for Amazing Health

Recipe for Amazing Health Ingredients: 1. See an ND monthly or as needed to get your health on track. Continue

Hormone Havoc – from imbalance to bliss

One of my first cases in practice was a 51 year old female who was experiencing horrible symptoms from menopause.

Roasted Beet and Citrus Salad with Mustard Vina...

Roasted Beet and Citrus Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette Adapted from Yields: 6 side servings Ingredients Salad: 3 small red beets,

Dr. Mason-Wood, ND : Neural Therapy

Dr. Mason-Wood, ND was on Global Edmonton’s Breakfast Television in January discussing neural therapy. Thank you to Dr. Gord Grant

Spring Detox Recipes

Spring is a time of new beginnings. As the winter snow begins to melt and temperatures warm, new growth is

3-Day Detox Plan

With each change of season, many take the opportunity to tune up their diets with a spring cleanse or fast.