Healing Circle Interview
Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND was interviewed by Dr. Christina Tarantola who is a pharmacist, as well as a holistic nutritionist
A New Year a New You
Every year, many people make a New Years resolution. Often, the resolution is to vow to do something different that
Recipe for Amazing Health
Recipe for Amazing Health Ingredients: 1. See an ND monthly or as needed to get your health on track. Continue
Hormone Havoc – from imbalance to bliss
One of my first cases in practice was a 51 year old female who was experiencing horrible symptoms from menopause.
Roasted Beet and Citrus Salad with Mustard Vina...
Roasted Beet and Citrus Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette Adapted from http://www.snixykitchen.com/2013/06/10/roasted-beet-and-citrus-salad-with-mustard-vinaigrette/ Yields: 6 side servings Ingredients Salad: 3 small red beets,
Dr. Mason-Wood, ND : Neural Therapy
Dr. Mason-Wood, ND was on Global Edmonton’s Breakfast Television in January discussing neural therapy. Thank you to Dr. Gord Grant
Spring Detox Recipes
Spring is a time of new beginnings. As the winter snow begins to melt and temperatures warm, new growth is
3-Day Detox Plan
With each change of season, many take the opportunity to tune up their diets with a spring cleanse or fast.
Caffeine – is it healthy?
Is coffee part of your morning routine? Are you convinced that it is good for you? Have you ever considered