Heal your Hurts

The Beauty of Goodbyes

As someone who has spent over a decade of my life deeply depressed, I have contemplated death for many, many

What Does Mother’s Day Mean to You?

My mom means the world to me – she is one of the most important people in my life. She

The Beauty of Defeat

Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of my suicide attempt. I’ve written about this before, but this year I have been writing my

Because your life depends on it

Today in the Natural Terrain clinic I spent some time with a woman with an incredible story that more than

Thoughts on Resistance

I saw this quote the other day; “Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got”

The art of journalling

The art of writing in my journal has been a savings grace for me for over 40 years. I often

Beyond the Labels

Many know that I am writing my book and in this process I have been reviewing my journals. I’ve discovered many poems

Time for Reflection

As the year draws to a close, I find that it is a time of reflection. Do you take the

10 tips for mental health

When your mental health is in check it means that you have a sense of wellbeing, are able to function