Heal your Hurts

7 Birth Control Options Besides “The Pill”

7 Birth Control Options Besides “The Pill” by Dr. Christina Bjorndal and Lachlan Crawford The combination oral contraceptive pill (OCP)

What Price do you put on your Health?

What Price do you put on your Health? by Dr. Chris, ND One way to cure illness is with pharmaceutical

Myths of Mental Illness by Dr. Chris Bjorndal, ND

I am in the process of finishing the last chapter of my book: Beyond the Label. This chapter is titled the

10 Reasons you need to see a Naturopathic Doctor

10 Reasons you need to see a Naturopathic Doctor You want to maintain your health You want to prevent getting

New Services You Don’t Want to Miss!

New Services: Meal Planning, Kitchen Cleanse, Grocery Tours and Diet analysis Meal Planning How many of the following statements apply

Is Adrenal Fatigue ruining your life?

Is Adrenal Fatigue ruining your life? Adrenal fatigue is largely the result of mental, physical and emotional stress – and

Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 1 by Dr....

Is your body a toxic wasteland? – Part 1 When comparing our modern-day lives with those of our grandparents, it

Depression: A Spiritual Crisis?

“Remember you are going to be with you the longest. It is vital you get the relationship right with yourself

The 5 Love Languages

Gary Chapman, a relationship counsellor, wrote a book called The 5 Love Languages. Here, he breaks down the ways that different