The Skinny on Cholesterol…and How to Fix It – part 2

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on cholesterol: how to understand your levels, and more importantly, how to fix them if they’re troublesome. Part 1 introduced some lifestyle and diet modifications that are helpful for managing high levelsPart 3 sheds some light on cholesterol’s shady past. 

But some people feel that changing your diet can be tough. Below is an easy-to-use reference chart of foods to include (and recommended servings) and foods to avoid, as well as a complete one-week diet plan for reducing harmful cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol-managing reference guide

Foods Allowed Amount Foods to Avoid
Soy milk*, nut milk, rice milk*ensure organic and non-GMO 2 cups Whole milk, half and half, table cream, whipped cream
Fish: mackerel, anchovies, salmon, herring, whitefish, tuna, shark, bass, bluefish, swordfishOther protein: tofu, tempeh, chicken, turkey 4 oz Fried/barbequed meats, pork, ham, bacon, fish canned in oil, prepared lunch meats, organ meats, liver, tripe, sweetbreads, tongue, shrimp, oysters, meat gravies, all other cheeses
Foods Allowed (continued) Amount Foods to Avoid (continued)
Eggs: whites, whole (boiled or poached) Unlimited Mayonnaise, Hollandaise sauce, other concentrated sources of egg yolks and sometimes sugar
Vegetables (fresh or frozen):   all 3+ servings Canned vegetables
Potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes 1+ servings Simple carbohydrates including:   Egg noodles, white pasta, fried potatoes, potato chips, French fries
Fruits (fresh or frozen): all 3 or more servings Canned fruits
Bread and cereal: whole wheat, rye, spelt, rice, barley, millet, oat bran, oatmeal 4 or more servings White bread, sweet rolls, donuts, pancakes, pre-sweetened cereals
Desserts: home made fruit ices and fruit whips On occasion 1-2/ week Instant pudding, commercial sherbets, ice cream, cookies, cakes, custard, peanut butter
Fats: Olive, safflower, sunflower, camelina oil, flax seed, canola oil*, almond butter, nuts and seeds (raw, unsalted)*ensure organic and non-GMO Sparingly Animal fats, deep fried foods, hydrogenated margarine, commercial salad dressings, mayonnaise
Honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses Sparingly Sugar, candy, jams, preserves
Miscellaneous: green and herbal tea, spices (especially garlic), air popped corn As needed Canned soups, commercial mixtures, TV dinners, alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, Fast foods
The following foods are high in soluble fibre: apples, apricots, bananas, kidney or pinto beans (1/3 c), lima beans (1/4 c), broccoli (3/4 c cooked), cauliflower (3/4 c raw), chick peas (1/2 c), corn (1/2 c), eggplant (1 c cooked), figs, oat bran (1/3 c dry), oatmeal (3/4 c cooked), green peas (1/3 c), potato (3/4 medium baked), prunes, zucchini (3/4 c)


One-Week Complete Diet Plan for Lowering Cholesterol

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breakfast ·  Whole grain cereal & alternative milk·  1 banana

·  Whole grain toast

·  Herbal or green tea

·  Fresh fruit salad·  Oatmeal with alternative milk

·  Herbal tea

·  Oat bran muffin·  Flaxseed oil

·  ½ grapefruit

·  Low fat yogurt with nuts, seeds & raisins

·  1 tsp honey

·  1 poached egg·  Whole grain toast

·  Orange juice or herbal tea

·  Shredded wheat with alternative milk·  1 orange

·  Low fat yogurt

·  Light honey

·  Herbal or green tea

·  Oat bran cereal·  Whole grain toast with almond butter

·  Fresh fruit

·  Herbal or green tea

·  ½ grapefruit·  3 whole grain pancakes with almond butter

·  Herbal or green tea

Lunch ·  3 oz turkey breast·  2 slices whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato

·  Fresh carrot juice

·  Fresh raw salad with olive oil dressing·  Whole grain bread

·  Fruit

·  Egg white salad on whole wheat bread· Vegetable soup with carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes

·  Fresh fruit

·  Fresh spring leaf salad with olive oil dressing·  Vegetable soup

·  Fresh fruit

·  2 tofu burgers·  Whole wheat or pita bread with lettuce and tomato ·  Tuna salad plate·  Whole grain muffin

·  Water or carrot juice

·  2 fig bars

·  Refried beans· Chopped tomato

· Chopped olives

· Shredded lettuce

·  2 taco shells

·  Fresh fruit

Snack ·  ½ c raw almonds ·  Whole grain crackers ·  ½ c raw almonds ·  Oat bran muffin·  Flaxseed oil ·  ½ c trail mix (unsalted) ·  2 c air popped popcorn ·  Oat bran muffin
Dinner ·  3 oz fillet of sole steamed with lemon·  ½ c asparagus

·  ½ c cauliflower

·  Baked potato

·  Spring water

·  Lentil casserole·  Brown rice

·  Brussel sprouts

·  Whole grain bun

·  Flaxseed oil

·  3 oz broiled salmon·  Brown rice

·  Broccoli

·  Raw carrots

·  Spring water

·  ½ c fruit sorbet

·  3 oz skinless chicken breast·  Baked potato

·  Green peas

·  Corn

·  Spring water

·  3 oz halibut·  Beans

·  Brown rice

·  Zucchini, mushrooms and onions

·  Baked apple

·  2 c cooked whole grain pasta·  1 c vegetarian spaghetti sauce

·  Green salad & olive oil

·  Oatmeal carrot cake

·  Vegetarian chili·  2 slices garlic bread

·  Green salad & olive oil dressing



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